How to Build an Electrical Maintenance Program

Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call telling you a machine at your firm just failed?

Electrical asset failures can really dampen your company’s production. It can also put your workers’ safety at risk.

When regular maintenance doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, it may be time to invest in electrical maintenance programs. 

But what is an electrical maintenance program? How can you build one for your company?

That’s what we’ll be taking a look at today. In this article, we’re discussing the benefits of electrical maintenance programs and how you can build one for your own firm. 

What is an Electrical Maintenance Program?

An electrical maintenance program is a schedule of routine electrical maintenance tests. These programs test and collect data for your assets to detect any potential issues.

Most companies do an annual or bi-annual maintenance check, but this doesn’t cover all the bases. With electrical maintenance programs, you can identify parts of your system showing signs of slowing down. 

This means you and your team can take steps to fix those issues. They can also replace certain parts, preventing unexpected shutdowns and downtime.  

Benefits of an Electrical Maintenance Program

Having an electrical maintenance program means you can pinpoint certain assets that might be breaking down. This allows your team to be more proactive and perform preventative maintenance. 

This gives your company plenty of operational benefits, such as more reliable operations and fewer shutdowns. Since you’ll be experiencing fewer breakdowns, you can better manage your operating costs as well. 

How to Build an Electrical Maintenance Program

Now that we know what an electrical maintenance program is and why they’re beneficial let’s look at how you can build one for your own company. Here are some of the necessary steps:


Evaluate Your Situation

If you’ve already been experiencing asset failures and downtimes, you’ll already have a good idea of what your situation might be. 

When it’s clear that your situation needs improvement, start looking at your current maintenance approach. How efficient do you want your program to be? 

If this is out of your element, you can always contact a company that provides electrical maintenance services. 

Engage Your Electrical Work Group

Once you’ve fleshed out several maintenance strategies, talk to your electrical workgroup or management teams. They’ll probably know your plant or firm better than anyone else. 

Communicate your goals, and they can help develop your electrical maintenance program. Use their insights to craft a comprehensive plan. 

Understand Electrical Assets and Train

Next, gather all the information you can on your electrical assets and their history of failures. This helps you prioritize which asset failures should be addressed first. 

Once you’ve crafted a comprehensive electrical maintenance plan, create a schedule and begin training your employees. 

Leverage Electrical Maintenance Programs Today

If you work with heavy industrial equipment or in a plant, maintaining your electrical assets is key for efficient production. Use this article to build electrical maintenance programs so you’ll never have to work through constant delays. 

Are you looking to achieve peak efficiency for your heavy industry machines? Contact us, and we can get started on the right solution today!

Posted in Industrial Equipment.