6 Tips For Industrial Crane Service

The powerful industry crane is the workhouse foundation for a large variety of industrial sites. With it, your productivity can be enormous, but you must use it in the right ways.

Keeping up with your crane service requires an organized schedule, a sharp eye for details, and proper diligence. Without this, you can waste a lot of money and productive time

Here are the most critical pieces of appropriate crane service to keep in mind. Follow these, and you’ll have a long service from your cranes.

1. Organize Regular Maintenance

From production to maintenance, keeping a refined schedule is the best way to ensure that nothing slips under your radar. The last thing you need is something to fall apart because you weren’t monitoring your equipment.

Putting together weekly, monthly, and yearly checks will depend on how often and intense you use your cranes. More often is always the safer option. 

2. Checking The Small Things

When doing your maintenance checks, it can be easy to check the major functions and parts. These are important, but even the smallest of details can be problematic.

Lubrication, loose bolts and rivets, and signs of rust are all pieces you need to keep an eye out for. Any of these things can cause significant problems if ignored.

3. Keep Your Records Straight

To get a proper picture of the wear and tear on your cranes, you need all the information you can get. Every piece can paint a more accurate picture.

This will include the number of times used per day, the weight of loads, the speed that you operate it, and more tiny details. These can help you plot out maintenance schedules as well as show which aspects get worked the most. 

4. Test Your Loads 

No matter what your cranes are carrying, you need to do frequent tests of their load capacity to ensure you aren’t pushing it. When you have consistent loads, then a change can throw you off.

It’s good to know the top end and low end of your crane’s capacity. This can also help you test for potential strain. When your production shifts, you know how far you can push it. 


5. Structure Frequent Safety Checks

In all industrial environments, safety is paramount. As you test the equipment, so too should you test your employee’s ability to operate it. 

A crane service can be pointless if your employees aren’t following the standards you are testing by. As well, your cranes and employees can be in danger if safety standards aren’t followed.

6. Note Wear Before Disaster

Strain can build up over time, and all mechanical objects suffer wear and tear. It is inevitable, so it is best to prepare yourself for when it happens. 

Check the points of strain, such as cabling, joints, and clutches. Grinding of metal, damage to the metal or even rust can spell bad news for your crane’s parts.

Be ready to repair and replace when your crane shows too much damage so that you don’t waste time waiting for parts

Perfecting Crane Service

With these tips for better crane service, you know you can keep your powerful industrial machines in the best of shape. Your investment matters and is the lifeblood to your work, so best to keep it that way.

When you need quality cranes to go with your quality crane service, there is no better provider than Kor-Pak. Contact us today to get your quality crane parts.

Posted in Crane.