Brake and Clutch Accessories
Kor-Pak is a One-Stop Source for Industrial Brake and Clutch Accessories and Spare Parts
Preventive maintenance and inventory management are crucial to the consistency and reliability of your equipment. Kor-Pak can equip you with the accessories and spare parts you need to help you maintain operational efficiency.

DC Coils for Magnetic Drum Brakes and DC Control Panels
DC Magnetic Coils
Shunt & series wound, OEM and aftermarket, also able to supply obsolete coils for major product lines.
Electro-Hydraulic Thrusters
- Both Wet and Dry Available (EB and ED), ELDRO and ELHY available to accommodate desired torque range
Electro-hydraulic thrusters
- AC or DC
- Special Options available (i.e. Kevlar Dust Boot, explosion proof, lowering valve, high-temp silicone fluid)
Brake Controllers: Our Lenze and Braketronics Controllers are used in conjunction with our AC Thruster brakes and are operated with a heavy duty foot pedal to create constant torque. These enclosed variable frequency drives can be used with both AC and DC power input and can be programmed with your desired acceleration/deceleration times which creates a smooth set and release which eliminates wear on the brake. These systems are popular choices to replace air over hydraulic systems and we can furnish drop-in replacements for these braking systems in various AISE and non-AISE dimensi0ns (i.e. 14″ and 18″).
Brake Wheels

Centered and Offset Brake Wheels, Bored & Keyed to Various Sizes
Kor-Pak offers a comprehensive range of brake drums. Standard drum / gear coupling arrangements or custom units
completed to individual specifications. Our drums are made from high quality steel. Our drum designs include:
Standard & Offset Brake Drums
– with mounting holes, rough stock bore, or bored and keyed as per customer specifications.
‘Sella’ Brake Drums
– completed to DIN 15431 and AISE Standards.
‘Sella’ Flexible Couplings
– multiple arrangements available
Friction Discs
Kor-Pak offers a comprehensive range of brake discs. Standard disc/hub arrangements or custom units. All discs can be completed with tapered bore, dynamic balancing, or any other custom features required.
Spare Brake Shoes, Disc Pads, and Relining: Kor-Pak can furnish both OEM and Aftermarket for virtually any brake shoe/disc pad using various types of friction linings for specific applications. Our rigid friction (RF) non-asbestos linings have become the industry standard, and our sintered and semi-metallic linings are ideal for high temperature applications and also reduce braking noise. Kor-Pak also designs/manufactures/reverse engineers custom brake pads to suit your needs. We carry several models and sizes, including: Cutler-Hammer (503 and 505), Square D (Type T and F), Wagner, Johnson/Elevanja, Mondel/P&H, Bubenzer, Whiting, GE, Clark, Zenar, and many more.
Friction Discs for Clutches and PTOs
Kor-Pak provides a wide range of Friction Discs for PTO’s and Clutches including Twin Disc, WPT, Wichita, Reuland, and Eaton-Airflex.
Kor-Pak brand aluminum brake shoes are widely used and successfully implemented on shoe brakes across the United States. Aluminum brake shoes are proven to effectively dissipate heat, and also weigh substantially less than their cast iron counterparts. [highlight]Ask About our exclusive Aluminum Shoes. 50% Lighter, Less Down Time, Added Safety During Changeouts
Spare Brake Components: whether it be a spare pin, bushing, spring, lever, high-temperature silicone fluid, friction linings, relief valve, or viton seal, Kor-Pak will provide you with high-quality spare parts to keep your outfit in service.
Many Value-Added services are available: We not only manufacture the brake shoe, but also offer bonding of high-quality non-asbestos linings to the brake shoe to create a finished assembly.
Related Information:
Showing 1–16 of 107 results
Discs, Drums and Couplings (5)
Discs, Drums and Couplings (5)
Power Units & Controls (5)
Power Units & Controls (5)
Kor-Pak possesses the technology and engineering capabilities required to provide you with a control unit that suits your specific application Air Power Units Kor-Pak provides air power units with a variety of receiver sizes and delivery capabilities. They can incorporate a number of different AC or DC electric motor and compressor combinations, depending on your requirements. APU features and options include control valves, filters, regulators, lubricators, quick set valves and auto drain valves. Hydraulic Power Units A range of hydraulic power units are available with various pressure ratings and flow capacities. Reservoir size varies depending on the system, with either horizontal or vertical mounted AC or DC motors. Both integral and modular designs are available. Options include vented, lockable enclosures in painted, galvanized or stainless steel, and a hand pump for manual release. Hoist & Conveyor Controls (i.e. Ball & Sag Mill Controls)
- hydraulic or pneumatic
- simple on/off systems
- quick apply and/or release systems
- digital or ramped torque control
- full proportional control
- back-up and redundant systems
- any combination of the above
- AC/DC voltages
- quick apply and/or release systems
- RC time delay control
- full proportional control
- ramped control on release and/or apply
- fail safe ramp control
- PLC controlled systems
- any combination of the above
Kor-Pak possesses the technology and engineering capabilities required to provide you with a control unit that suits your specific application Air Power Units Kor-Pak provides air power units with a variety of receiver sizes and delivery capabilities. They can incorporate a number of different AC or DC electric motor and compressor combinations, depending on your requirements. APU features and options include control valves, filters, regulators, lubricators, quick set valves and auto drain valves. Hydraulic Power Units A range of hydraulic power units are available with various pressure ratings and flow capacities. Reservoir size varies depending on the system, with either horizontal or vertical mounted AC or DC motors. Both integral and modular designs are available. Options include vented, lockable enclosures in painted, galvanized or stainless steel, and a hand pump for manual release. Hoist & Conveyor Controls (i.e. Ball & Sag Mill Controls)- hydraulic or pneumatic
- simple on/off systems
- quick apply and/or release systems
- digital or ramped torque control
- full proportional control
- back-up and redundant systems
- any combination of the above
- AC/DC voltages
- quick apply and/or release systems
- RC time delay control
- full proportional control
- ramped control on release and/or apply
- fail safe ramp control
- PLC controlled systems
- any combination of the above
Electrohydraulic Thrusters and (18)..
Electrohydraulic Thrusters and Actuators (18)
Kor-Pak offers a wide variety of actuators for industrial braking systems, including electro-hydraulic thrusters (ELHY), AC and DCmagnetic coils, and actuators for air and hydraulic brakes. Related Info EB Thruster User Manual EB Thruster Brochure Ordering Instructions for EMG ELHY Thrusters
Kor-Pak offers a wide variety of actuators for industrial braking systems, including electro-hydraulic thrusters (ELHY), AC and DC magnetic coils, and actuators for air and hydraulic brakes. Related Info EB Thruster User Manual EB Thruster Brochure Ordering Instructions for EMG ELHY Thrusters -
Brake Pads and Shoes (34)
Brake Pads and Shoes (34)
Industrial Brake Parts (21)
Industrial Brake Parts (21)
10″ Johnson/Elevanja SMAA DC ..
10″ Johnson/Elevanja SMAA DC Magnetic Drum Brake
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10″ Mondel MBE Brake Assembly..
10″ Mondel MBE Brake Assembly, 10MBE-AA-SE59A
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13″ GE IC9528 DC Magnet Shoe ..
13″ GE IC9528 DC Magnet Shoe Brake Assembly c/w Shunt Coil (Rebuilt)
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13″ Type GH505 Aluminum Brake..
13″ Type GH505 Aluminum Brake Shoe Assembly
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16″ Class 5010 Type F Aluminu..
16″ Class 5010 Type F Aluminum Brake Shoe Assembly (50906-101-50)
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19″ Cutler Hammer GH505 Brake..
19″ Cutler Hammer GH505 Brake Assembly (Rebuilt)
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19″ GE IC9528 DC Magnet Brake..
19″ GE IC9528 DC Magnet Brake Assembly c/w Shunt Coil (Rebuilt)
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19″ Type GH505 Aluminum Brake..
19″ Type GH505 Aluminum Brake Shoe Assembly
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23″ Brake Wheel (rough stock ..
23″ Brake Wheel (rough stock bore)
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23″ Square D WB Type “T..
23″ Square D WB Type “T” DC Magnet Shoe Brake Assembly
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23″ Type GH505 Aluminum Brake..
23″ Type GH505 Aluminum Brake Shoe Assembly
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30″ Brake Wheel (rough stock ..
30″ Brake Wheel (rough stock bore)
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30″ Class 5010 Type “F&..
30″ Class 5010 Type “F” Aluminum Brake Shoe Assembly (C50909-004-50)
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305A4800P2 GE Lining and Support Pl..
305A4800P2 GE Lining and Support Plate Assembly
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