Overhead Crane Parts: Essential Maintenance Checklist

Are you a purchasing agent trying to assess an overhead crane for replacement parts? Maybe you’re an engineer and need to create a custom industrial solution using an overhead crane. You might even be a dock worker in the market for a new crane hoist. All of these positions have one thing in common: overhead […]

What Are the Best Friction Materials for Brake Lining?

No matter the industry, brake lining is essential to assure workers and products are kept safe. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration aims to identify workplace hazards and ensure safety is upheld. It’s not difficult to see why maintaining your industrial brakes is essential. You want your brakes to do what they need to do: apply friction […]

5 Tips on Industrial Maintenance

Did you know that putting off routine equipment maintenance is actually costing you money? It is, in the form of downtime. In fact, we’re talking about six figures. If you’re one of the 30.2 million small businesses in the U.S., this can be catastrophic. The good news is, you can prevent costly downtime. Even better news? We’re going […]

Why Regular Maintenance Is Essential to Forklift Safety

Every company wants to run at full efficiency. One minute of unexpected downtime costs big money. In fact, 81% of companies surveyed said 60 minutes of unplanned downtime costs them more than $300,000. However, it’s more than a loss of productivity and money. When your equipment fails, the safety of your employees is at risk. […]

DC vs. AC Motor: What’s the Difference?

You need an industrial motor, but what kind should you get: AC or DC? That depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with the motor. There’s no clear winner in the DC vs. AC motor debate, but learning more about how each motor works can help you decide. First, let’s answer the question, “What is […]

Crane Repair vs Crane Replacement: Which Do You Need?

Cranes can last decades if you buy them from a reputable brand and maintain them properly. But, no matter how much preventative maintenance you undertake, all machinery gives up eventually. The key is to know whether you can replace some parts or if you have to buy a new one altogether. Read this to find […]

What Are Drum Brakes and How They Work?

Every industry aims for maximum efficiency and safety. One minute of unplanned downtime costs companies thousands of dollars. In fact, 98% of industrial organizations say one hour of downtime costs them at least $100,000. Regular equipment maintenance reduces potential downtime, thus reducing the chance of losing money. But having the right equipment and knowing how […]

How It Works: Friction Material

When you’re in your car and hit the brakes, you probably don’t think about how they work… Unless they don’t. Finding out how frictional material works can help in more than just your car, though. It can also assist in an industrial setting where friction material is used. Keep reading to find out what you […]