The Basics of Couplings: What Are The Different Types?

The world is filled with industries that require complex mechanical parts to keep everything running correctly. Most of these parts never get the attention or recognition that they deserve, and yet this lack of exposure in the spotlight makes them no less vital.

Couplings rank high on the list of parts for commercial equipment and other machinery that are often ignored or misunderstood. Couplings fall into two major categories;  mechanical flexing and material flexing.

Anyone familiar with basic engineering understands the undeniable importance of both categories of coupling, and yet you might not be aware of the different types of coupling that fall under each of these two primary categories.

This article takes a look at the different types. Keep reading to discover insight into these vital parts and why they are so indispensable to mechanical engineering

Mechanical Flexing Couplings

This category of coupling is intended to accept misalignments associated with sliding, rocking, or rolling metal surfaces. Each of these requires proper lubrication.

Gear Coupling

This type of coupling has two hubs, each consisting of external gear teeth. Gear couplings are designed to accommodate angular and axial misalignment during rocking or sliding.

Grid Coupling

A grid coupling features two radially slotted hubs that mesh together via a strip of spring steel. This type of coupling transmits torque to accommodate angular, parallel, and axial misalignments during rocking or sliding.

Roller Chain Coupling

A roller chain coupling consists of two radially sprocketed hubs which engage a strand of roller chain. This type of coupling is primarily used to moderate torque.

Chain Coupling

Chain couplings feature a chain around a single hub. This chain requires periodic lubrication that is to be brushed over the chain, and then the chain is covered to hold in the lubrication.

Material Flexing Couplings

Material flexing couplings are designed to accept axial, parallel, and angular misalignment. None of these types of couplings require lubrication.

Sleeve Coupling

This type of coupling transmits low to medium torque between pieces of connected equipment using males splines that are positioned to mate with female hub splines. A sleeve coupling can handle moderate misalignment.

Jaw Coupling

This is a material flexing coupling that’s designed to transmit compression torque between two intermeshing jaws. A jaw coupling can typically handle low torque for general-purpose mechanical applications.

Disk Coupling

The primary purpose of a disk coupling is to transmit tension and compression torque. This type of coupling can typically accommodate angular and axial misalignment.

Tire Coupling

Tire couplings feature a rubber or polyurethane element connecting two hubs and are designed to transmit torque in shear. These couplings have high misalignment capacity as well as a wide range of torque capacity.

Diaphragm Coupling

A diaphragm coupling is designed to transmit torque from the outside to the inside of the flexible plate. This type of coupling allows angular, parallel, and high axial misalignments.

The Basic Coupling Types and Their Uses

As you can see, there are many types of coupling. The more you understand about coupling, the higher the number of applications you can engage in. This article offers a basic overview of the primary shaft coupling types as well as their individual capacities.

Click here to learn about the types of mechanical brakes and how they differ.


Changing Equipment in the Railroad Industry and What You Should Know

The railroad industry currently brings in upwards of $500 million in revenue. And it’s a valuable part of the infrastructure that spans different industries. 

If you work in the railroad industry, get to know the parts and tech that are changing the game. Studying these trends keeps you ahead of the curve and helps you do everything that you can to improve your current setup. 

Read on to learn more about the railroad parts and equipment that are the next evolution of the industry. 

Upgrades in Railroad Equipment

So which aspects of the railroad industry are changing right now? Here are some exciting evolutions you should get to know when it comes to railroad equipment and technology:

1. Fuel Management Systems and Other Analytics

Analytics is here to stay in every field — and the railroad industry is no different. 

By making use of analytics systems, you’ll have up-to-the-moment data related to everything from the way you are burning and managing fuel to optimizing your train’s speed so that it can more effectively hit its routes. 

2. More Sophisticated Couplers

The more information you have about couplers, the easier it’ll be to make your train systems more productive and safe. 

Today’s Type E and Type F couplers, among others, are built with more sophisticated engineering that helps these parts address compression and expansion. By looking into custom-fitted couplers for your train systems, you’ll always be able to design your trains in whichever way is the most effective for your needs. 

3. Railroad Automation Technology

Automated cars are coming, but so too are automated trains. 

Right now, engineers and developers are working on self-driven trains that can be powered at high speeds toward destinations. These trains will be useful both for the logistics of shipping materials and to serve as passenger trains. 

4. Improved Safety Technology

Finally, expect to see all sorts of safety technology put into place that will enhance the way your train runs. 

For instance, investing in brake relining improves power, pressure, and effectiveness of your trains. Engineers are also using advanced geometry systems to test and inspect tracks so that the trains can run on them optimally and with fewer errors. 

By eliminating track defects, your trains will be better able to carry out work without unnecessary wear and tear and the potential for accidents. 

Invest in the Best Railroad Technology

When you are looking to get the most out of your railroad systems, these are new parts and technologies to keep in mind. 

No matter what sort of industry you work in, we all benefit from well-run trains in some form or fashion. If you want to get the most out of the way that your trains run, it’s essential to adopt the technology above. 

We would be happy to assist you with any parts or systems that you are looking for. 

Use our online form to contact us today, or give us a call at (866) 950-9211. 

Why You Need to Know How to Read a Crane Load Chart

The proper and safe operation of cranes mainly falls to the operator. This means that both operators and managers must understand crane load charts.

Foremen, along with other managers, need to not only understand the charts but be able to use them to plan the lift and make sure the loads are positioned in a way where the equipment can lift the load safely and move it where it should go.

One example of this is if you have a truck full of pipe located too far from the crane being used. If this is the case, it may not be safe to lift the pipe from the truck and place it in or next to the trench.

In addition to safety, there are several other reasons you need to know how to read and use the crane load chart.

Understanding the Crane Load Chart is Mandated by OSHA  

According to the OSHA Crane Standard – subpart N mandates that all crane operators be certified. To pass the certification, operators must demonstrate their ability to use modern load charts. This is necessary for each crane type the operator is using.

Load Charts Ensure Proper Use and Safe Operation

Crane load charts are unique from the backhoe and excavator load charts. While the basic concepts are similar, there are some essential differences.

For example, the closer a crane is located to the load, and the higher the boom angle is, the more lifting capacity the crane has. This rule isn’t always applicable to excavators.

Before making a lift safely, the operator needs to know the load’s weight and how far the load is from the boom’s turntable. This is called the load radius. If the load is being lifted from a point that is higher than ground level, knowing this height is also necessary.

The use of a crane load chart makes this easier. With this, an operator can figure out the angle the boom needs to be at to make sure they are positioned directly over the load. Before lifting the load, operators must check the boom angle indicator, which provides the boom angle from horizontal.

Avoid Injuries and Liabilities

Injuries and liabilities are a serious issue on any construction site. This is exacerbated when cranes are used.

Understanding how to safely use a crane load charge reduces the possibility of these issues. If operators are unclear on the purpose of these charts or the purpose they serve, serious problems may arise.

The Importance of Crane Load Charts

A crane load chart is a vital tool that managers and operators need to understand fully. With this knowledge, they can safely operate any crane while ensuring the safety of others on the worksite.

To learn more about crane use and operation, along with crane repairs and maintenance, contact us. We provide an array of information, resources, and parts for all types of heavy equipment and can answer questions related to care and operation.

The Future of Wind Energy: What Types of Wind Turbines Are The Best?

The latest types of wind turbines can produce usable amounts of electricity almost 100% of the time.

You may be wondering how else wind turbines have changed in recent years. Which types of turbines are most effective to meet the ever-growing need for sustainable electricity?

Below are some pros and cons of using wind turbines to power big and small areas.

How Wind Turbines Work

How is electricity made? The power of wind can harness electricity!

Wind turbines produce electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions. They can also generate an unlimited amount of electricity without building a plant or disrupting the soil. Wind speed affects how consistently turbines can power an area.

Wind turbines come with backup batteries to help ensure round-the-clock electricity.

Types of Wind Turbines

The first type of wind power is via horizontal-axis turbines. These are visually similar to windmills. Each turbine has three blades facing into the wind. The turbine pivots at the uppermost part of each tower. You can see this kind of turbine on land or offshore.

Vertical-axis turbines can vary in shape. The Darrieus model, coined after the French inventor, is shaped like an eggbeater. Vertical-axis turbines can catch wind from any direction. You don’t have to adjust them like you might a horizontal-axis turbine.

You can build a single turbine to power your home. Typically, a large cluster of sizable turbines is constructed to work in tandem.

Benefits of Wind Turbines

Wind turbines address many problems we have faced with sustainability in energy. One of the most significant benefits of wind energy? A wind turbine generates less waste during its life cycle than one cow would by grazing in the same area.

Greenhouse gases from fossil fuels contribute to a less stable climate and damaged ozone layer over time.

Some fuels are not readily available anywhere on the planet.

If you can put a wind turbine there, you can channel wind power there. Native energy lessens the need for energy imports and adds to the economy’s wealth. Jobs are created to help manage different forms of renewable energy.

The advantages of wind power ripple out to positively affect all life forms on the planet.

Wind energy leads to cleaner air and water, unlike other forms of energy that emit toxic contaminants or substances into the air. Some contaminants can cause acid rain and disrupt soil, while others can make water hazardous for those who drink it or swim in it.

Drawbacks of Wind Turbines

Wind turbine diagrams show how much (or little) energy turbines can get from the wind with an ideal rotation. Many people are looking for ways to back up renewables.

Energy from wind is diffuse, meaning one turbine cannot generate much electricity in a short time. Wind turbines rely on the weather for power. Backup batteries can only supplement electricity for short periods at a time.

Public opinion can affect where and how many turbines are allowed. Some people feel that vast expanses of land are needed for other purposes, not just for renewable energy sources.

The Future of Renewables

The more effort put into creating effective renewables, the better the future of energy looks. The types of wind turbines available can help society become less reliant on older sources of energy.

In the meantime, stay posted for the latest upgrades available in industrial energy!

9 Effective Safety Tips for the Industrial Workplace

Is your industrial workplace safe?

The industrial workplace can be a dangerous place, as the 2.8 million people who suffer workplace injuries each year would tell you. But it doesn’t have to be! There are many things you can do to help protect yourself and your co-workers while you are on the job.

Read on for our top 9 safety tips to help you stay safe in the workplace.

1. Proper Training

Anyone that uses equipment, including tools, needs to be sure that they know how to use them safely. That means appropriate training and certifications, even if they don’t regularly use the equipment.

Ensure that anyone’s certifications are up-to-date. Machinery and best practices change regularly, so having different workers following different safety practices can be as dangerous as not following them at all.

2. Appropriate Clothing

Employees in an industrial workplace should always wear protective clothing. Even items as inconsequential as non-slip shoes and correctly fitting gloves can prevent significant injuries or mistakes.

The exact requirements will differ between every workplace, but workers should always be protected against their environment and any predictable accidents.

3. Label Hazardous Zones

You should have clear labeling and signage for hazardous areas. For example, where you store dangerous equipment. Also, use tape or paint black and white stripes on the floor to mark these zones.

4. First Aid Training

Wall-mounted first aid stations are a must for dealing with emergencies. Stock them with all the relevant medical supplies that employees might need.

Also, provide first aid and safety training for all employees and repeat regularly. It’s essential to make sure everyone is aware of the work safety tips and emergency information. 

5. Clear Emergency Exits

Never place anything in front of any emergency exits or emergency machine shut-off points. It’s surprising how often you see forklifts, ladders, and other items blocking the way. This could prevent a safe exit from the building in emergencies.

6. Avoid Heavy-Lifting

For heavy- lifting, provide aids like forklifts, cranes, and wheelbarrows. Otherwise, you and your employees are at risk of injuring yourselves. Also, make sure there is appropriate training on the correct lifting techniques.

7. Understand Workplace Risks

It’s vital that all employees know the workplace risks. Carry out a workplace risk assessment and give this to the workforce. Important things to note are fire hazards, emergency protocol, and first aid locations. Also, provide an FAQ of workplace safety awareness tips. 

8. Regular Servicing

Don’t wait for tools and machinery to break before carrying out a full service on them. You should try to prevent malfunctions where possible. Proper maintenance should be regular and thorough and include:

  • Inspections
  • Test Runs
  • Replacements and adjustments
  • Log keeping

This maintenance should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. This ensures it’s done to the best industry standard.

9. Regular Breaks

By providing frequent breaks, you’ll help employees feel more alert and fresh. There should be a cool, comfortable area for them to rest. Regular, shorter breaks can be more effective than a single, long one. It will help employees focus, reduce stress, and help maintain satisfaction.

Safety Tips at Work

In the last four decades, the number of workplace deaths has decreased by almost 2/3rds and continues to trend downwards. By following these nine safety tips, you can do your part to keep these numbers down and help create a safer workplace.

If you want to keep your heavy industry machines running safely and efficiently, contact us today

What are Gantry Crane Wheels?

Are you looking to incorporate a new gantry crane into your construction portfolio? It’s a great idea, but you’ll want to know as much as you can about these vehicles, ahead of time. Specifically, you’ll want to know about gantry crane wheels, from what they do to what they’re made out of, and everything in between.

So join us today as we break down this crucial component in the gantry crane system.

What Are Gantry Crane Wheels?

In a gantry crane, the wheel serves a critical role: to withstand its weight while running on the track as smoothly as possible. This, in turn, allows the gantry crane to operate as it should, lifting loads and carrying them from one end of the beam to the other. Throughout all of this, crane wheels are under a lot of stress and should be made strong and durable.

Gantry or bridge crane wheels are typically either single or double rim. Single rim flanged track wheels are common, mainly used in gantry cranes under 5 tonnes. You’ll also see them on double beam bridge gantry cranes.

A double rim is chiefly found on heavier gantry cranes, double beam bridge gantry cranes, and mechanisms for crane operation. They’re also more than adequate for casting crane operation mechanisms and electric flat cars, as well as many others.

Non-flanged track wheels are also available.

What Are They Made Of?

Because crane wheels are put under so much stress, they must be made out of hardy materials for longevity. The hardness of the steel you use to make your wheel influences its “toughness.”

These wheels are made from raw materials and alloys. These may also include low-or-medium-carbon steel. With medium carbon steel, we find a much wider availability of the material and a subsequent drop in cost. As a result, this is easily the most commonly used raw material in this field.

Why You Need One

“So,” you’re wondering, “It’s a crane that uses wheels to lift and move things. What are the benefits for my construction business?” Well, as luck would have it, there are more than a few great benefits:

  • 100% mobility
  • Rapid assembly
  • Versatility
  • Easy customization

A gantry crane is a versatile option, first and foremost, because it can be used both indoors and outdoors. Use steel or aluminum. Adjust the height, span, or tread.

Quick, modular assembly means a gantry crane can roll up to where it needs to be used and be operating within seconds. Single leg gantries even exist for jobs where space is an issue problem, lifting using wall-mounted I-beams and A-frame leg. 

Time To Get Wheel, With A Gantry Crane

The benefits of a gantry crane boil down to two things: versatility and maneuverability. It’s a powerhouse of lifting capability, designed to be put to use in diverse and demanding situations. And gantry crane wheels have a lot to do with that.

Are you looking for more great content, straight from the construction site? Check out some of our other blogs, today, or get in touch to find out more about our service portfolio.

Ceramic Brakes vs. Regular Brakes: Does it Matter in Industrial Vehicles?

The American industrial and manufacturing industry is thriving. Even in today’s economic climate, the manufacturing industry has directly employed over 12 million workers and is generating consistent revenue for the US economy.

To remain efficient, though, industrial plants must have the most efficient and effective equipment on the market. This means looking into new trends in braking. Ceramic braking is one of the newest and most coveted braking technologies out there, but what exactly are ceramic brakes?

Read on to answer this question and learn the difference between ceramic brakes vs. regular ones.

How Do Regular Brakes Work?

Generally, there are two types of regular industrial brakes: drum brakes and disc brakes. Both of these brakes rotate and use friction to slow down or stop the running machine that they’re attached to. Drum brakes have a hollow area that presses outward and around the wheel when the brakes are turned on, causing the machine to stop.

Today in discussing ‘regular brakes,’ our focus is on disc brakes. Disc brakes have a semi-metallic pad that presses down onto the brake disc, causing the machine to slow and stop. This metallic pad, known as the disc, is in the front of the brake’s wheels. It relies on hydraulic oil to run efficiently, so you’re going to need to change out the oil frequently.

Regular brakes are an incredibly affordable technology, and since they’ve been used for decades, you know what you’re getting.

What Are Ceramic Brakes?

Similar to disc brakes, ceramic brakes stop a machine with a brake pad that presses down onto the brake disc. However, this brake pad is made from ceramic instead of the semi-metallic metal material that disc pads use.

This is a relatively new technology, but it’s been gaining traction (no pun intended) very quickly. They’re made of soft copper combined with ceramic to make the brake work without putting too much pressure on the machine. This means that they’re a lot quieter than regular brakes and create less regular rotor wear and tear.

Ceramic Brakes vs. Regular Brakes

The main difference between ceramic vs. metallic brake pads is the material used to press down on the machinery’s wheels.

If you’re operating in conditions like extreme cold or heat, you need to use semi-metallic brake pads. This is because ceramic ones don’t hold up in these extreme conditions and will begin to melt and stop functioning.

However, if there are no extreme conditions, ceramic brakes may be the way to go since they’re less likely to overburden our machinery with pressure and rotor wear.

It’s interesting to note that ceramic brake pads can also be used in cars. Check it out!

Get Industrial Brakes Today

While selecting the correct industrial brakes for your machinery can be difficult, you’ll be fine as long as you do your research on all your options and choose the best one for your specific needs.

Now that you know the difference between ceramic brakes vs. regular ones, it’s time to begin selecting brake and clutch machinery for your industrial plant. Click here to contact us and discuss your specific needs with a professional. We’ll be more than happy to give you a quote and discuss the pricing for your equipment as well.

Sintered vs. Organic Brake Pads: What’s the Better Option for Your Construction Business?

In just one year, the American manufacturing industry can generate $2.33 trillion in revenue. That’s nearly 12% of the US’s GDP, so there are clear statistics as to how vital this industry is to our economy.

To continue to thrive, manufacturing plants need to continually update the methods they use and the tools they have to maximize output. This means having the correct industrial brakes and clutches for their needs.

Sintered vs. organic brake pads is an important distinction to make when choosing the right brake pads for you, so read on to learn more about both these options!

What Are Sintered Brake Pads?

Sintered brake pads are made of various metallic particles fused together. This is done by applying heat and pressure to the particles and ensuring that they mold together effectively and intricately. This process is, as you may imagine, called ‘sintering,’ and the final product is incredibly resistant to friction.

This resistance is the reason that sintered brake pads are the most widely used type on the market. All the friction generated will go into stopping the machinery rather than being absorbed by the brake pads, meaning that the pads are highly effective. Furthermore, your industrial machinery will stop efficiently without wear and tear, harming the brake pads.

How Do Organic Brake Pads Work?

Unlike sintered brake pads, organic ones are combined with resin. They’re a mix of fibers and fillers, not entirely made of metallic parts. They’re durable but slightly less so than sintered brake pads. Also, they are ideal for smaller machinery as well as machines that aren’t operating in extreme hot or cold conditions.

The main advantage of organic brake pads is they’re a lot smoother than other brake pad types. While sintered brakes stop the machine more abruptly, organic ones are more gradual.

Sintered vs. Organic Brake Pads

Sintered brake pads are louder than organic ones because they create more friction. If you value low noise levels, you may want to try organic brake pads. However, since sintered ones do have more friction, they’ll be able to stop your machinery more quickly than organic ones would be able to.

Organic brake pads are also pretty environmentally friendly. You don’t need to go through the energy-sucking sintering process to create them, and all of the materials they’re made from are recyclable. This is great, but you will sacrifice some durability. Just something to think about!

Also, the sintered vs. organic distinction is also made with motorcycle brake pads. This shows that both of these brake pad types can operate on machines of any size.

Get Cracking!

Running a manufacturing plant can be a challenge. It’s much easier when you have the appropriate equipment to get the job done efficiently.

Now you know the difference between sintered vs. organic brake pads and have an idea of which is the right choice for your industrial plant. It’s time, then, to get the brake pads that will work best for you at an affordable rate. Click here to contact us with any questions you may have on industrial machinery and to get an estimate of how much it will cost you to get the right clutches.

What is a Compactor and How Do I Choose the Right One?

Did you know that the total generation of municipal solid waste in 2017 was 267.8 million tons? Are you looking to cut down on the waste your company produces? 

In this article, you’ll discover what a compactor is. You’ll also learn how to choose the right one. Read on to find out why it’s so crucial to have in your business, and how it’s so beneficial. 

What Is a Compactor?

A commercial, construction, or industrial compactor is a machine that collects waste into a container. Operators first place the waste at ground level from a loading dock into a chute on the machine. The waste builds up inside the container until the operator does a compaction cycle. 

A compaction cycle is where a platen which is attached to a hydraulic ram pushes the waste into the one end of the container. This waste is then crushed and smaller in size. 

You can also choose from road compactors, soil compactors, and earth compactors. Earth compactors are popular in industrial construction zones. 

Soil Compactors

The soil has four components: granular rocks, minerals, air, and water. Soil compactors work by kneading, vibrating, or compressing soil to increase density and remove air pockets. It’s vital that soil compactors are appropriately used because they can cause severe or fatal injuries. Always ensure you’re using proper operating instructions and receive hands-on training for the soil compactors you utilize. 

Make sure you follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedules and inspect equipment before using your compactor. Always use guards on pinch points and moving parts. Have backup alarms, so pedestrians are aware of the compactor moving. 

Without using soil compaction, you can have pipe leakage, breaks, slab cracks, and foundation erosion. If you use a soil compactor for extended use, you’re more likely to have vibration syndrome. This causes damages to nerves and finger circulation. 

Symptoms of this include blanching, pain, and numbness. Read instructions for vibration level ratings and maximum use. Always have a straight back and proper posture while using a soil compactor. 

Road Compactors

A roller-compactor, also known as a road roller, is used to compact asphalt, concrete, gravel, or soil. It’s used in the construction of foundations and roads. 

Pneumatic Rollers

Pneumatic rollers have rubber tires. They’re used for the compaction of coarse-grained soil, such as in sub-grade pavement projects. Rollers use the weight of the vehicle to compress the surface. The flexibility of pneumatic tyes allows the roller to operate on uneven ground.

Vibrating Plate Compactor

It’s used to compress different types of gravel and soil. They use a heavy steel plate at the base and resembles a mower. 

Plate Compactor

A plate compactor is best used for creating a level grade. A jumping jack compactor has a smaller foot. The jumping jack compactor is mainly used to compact backfill in trenches for gas supply pipes or water. 

Determining What a Compactor Is

Are you ready to get started on your next construction project and want to ensure you have all the necessary equipment? Check out our products today for your construction needs. 


How Do Emergency Brakes Work in Construction Vehicles?


If you’re one of the two million farmers in the US or regularly work with heavy farming equipment like tractors for any reason, you’re lucky if you’ve never had to use your emergency brakes. Still, you likely know that they’re there for a reason and feel much more comfortable knowing that you have a failsafe in case of an emergency.

You’ve also likely wondered how emergency brakes work before, and it’s quite an interesting process. There’s an intricate cable system that works to stop the machine, but there’s more to it than that. Here, we’re going to discuss brakes and clutches that farming machinery uses for emergencies, so read on to learn more about the equipment you love.

What Are Emergency Brakes?

On pretty much any piece of equipment, be it industrial or farming-related, hydraulic brakes are installed as the main braking system for the machine. Generally, these brakes work well, but there are some situations in which they may suddenly fail.  That’s where emergency brakes come in!

These caliper disc brakes are attached to the tractor or other equipment in a different location than the main brakes and are used as a failsafe should the hydraulic brakes stop working. Generally, they’re made from one cable that connects to two-wheel brakes that then connect to a mechanism that can pull them to a stop. Pull a manual switch, and the brakes will take action.

How Emergency Brakes Work in Construction Vehicles

In the most basic sense, the emergency brake bypasses the use of the hydraulic brake to lock the machine’s wheels in place and inhibit movement. The cable system discussed above is connected to the emergency brake lever, which allows for the driver of your tractor or other large equipment to pull a lever and trigger this cable to be pulled. Ultimately, this will put enough friction on the wheels to stop the machine.

In machines that have drum brakes rather than rotor ones, the cables will put pressure in another area as well. This area is another lever that holds the shoes on the wheel of your machinery. This system stops the wheels from continuing to move and stops the machine as quickly as possible.

Learn More About Emergency Brakes

While you hope never to need to deploy your emergency brakes, it’s essential to maintain them to the best of your ability. After all, you never know when you might need them as a failsafe so that both you and your equipment can keep going strong.

Now that you know how emergency brakes work on heavy farming equipment, it’s time to look into getting brake and clutch accessories to make your machinery run more smoothly. Click here to shop for accessories that will ensure that this happens at an affordable price.