5 Things to Do Before for Your Next OSHA Crane Inspection

There were over 5,000 fatal work-related injuries in 2017 in the United States.

That’s a startling statistic.

OSHA performs inspections to ensure that equipment and businesses are following safety regulations to prevent injuries.

Having a crane inspection can be a stressful experience. You want to be sure that you’re adequately prepared so that you can pass with flying colors. Check out these five things you must do before your next OSHA crane inspection.

1. Be Prepared  

You should always be prepared for an unexpected OSHA inspection. OSHA inspections can happen virtually anytime. It’s rare that you get a heads up before they show up.

When you’re already prepared and know what to expect, it will help your odds of passing and relieve stress. You should be educated on OSHA crane inspection requirements so that you know what will be looked at during the visit.

2. Mind Your Manners

You should always be polite and treat the OSHA inspector with respect when they arrive for a crane test. Professionally conduct yourself and avoid oversharing. Treat them with kindness so that they can return the gesture.

If, however, the visit becomes tense or the inspector becomes confrontational, keep your cool. You will also want to call the OSHA office and let them know of the situation.

3. Give Responsibilities

Prior to the OSHA visit, you should already know who within the company will meet with the investigator. This responsibility should already be set in place. This person should be aware of all proper procedures and know where all important documentation is located.

4. Keep Documentation and Records

Speaking of documentation, you need to be sure that you keep good records so that you’re prepared for inspections. You should have documentation and records of all the training performed by all employees. All these documents should be in a safe place along with safety policies, insurance documents, performed maintenance, and third-party audits.

Along with keeping proper documentation of paperwork, you may also want to keep records of the inspection itself. While you’re with the inspector during the visit, consider writing down the things that he or she observes.

5. Understand Your Rights

It’s important to know that you and your employees have rights when it comes to an OSHA inspection. Employees are under no obligation to speak to the inspector. If an employee chooses to talk to an OSHA inspector, the conversation should not be recorded, and the employee is not required to sign a witness statement.

Pass Your OSHA Crane Inspection

When an inspector shows up for an OSHA crane inspection, don’t panic. Follow these tips and understand the OSHA overhead crane regulations so that you’re prepared to pass the inspection with flying colors.

Do you have questions regarding overhead crane inspections and crane load tests? Contact us today, and we will provide you with the answers you’re looking for.

Posted in Crane.