What To Know About Floating Cranes for Marine Construction

The crane has been essential to construction since the Greeks developed it (around 700-650 B.C). It has helped lift and carry loads during large construction projects. But, what if your project is on the water?

We have created this guide to understanding floating cranes. Read on to learn more about floating cranes and when you might need one for your construction job.

What is a Floating Crane?

Floating cranes are needed when doing marine construction. They are useful when building ports and bridges over water. They move heavy equipment from one place to another.

They take the place of a land crane when using one is not possible for your project. They allow you to complete the tasks of a regular crane but on the water.


You can use a floating crane barge to drive interlocking metal sheets into canal and river banks. The piling protects the bank and allows for better land retention. However, piling often must be installed from the water,  making a floating crane crucial.

Moving Materials

Crane barges take large amounts of materials to and from worksites. They can carry away materials from demolition sites as well. They will also carry heavy machinery, to the sites such as diggers and trucks.


Floating cranes are ideal for dredging waterways. They can clear the sediment and debris from the bottom of the water. Crane barges can then carry away the debris to a deposit site.

Types of Cranes

The type of crane you will need depends on your marine construction project. There are several types to choose from.

Stiff Boom

A stiff boom crane moves general cargo. It is good for moving fragile items because there is little to no drift when lifting. Instead, it lifts straight up and straight down.

It is the best type of crane if your project needs items lifted over a wall. This is because the hoses and cylinders of this type of crane are inside and protected from the elements.

Telescopic Boom

A telescopic boom crane can extend and retract. This feature allows you to place your items precisely. These cranes can also lift cargo with little to no drift.

Knuckle Boom

Knuckle boom cranes are easier to maintain because they have fewer joints. These cranes are not able to lift heavy loads for an extended time. They are meant to load and unload materials.

Their most common use is on vessels with a large deck or fixed platform.

Foldable Telescopic Boom

As its name suggests, foldable telescopic boom cranes can fold into a compact size. It has two booms attached to knuckles so they can move in and out. Think of it as a large human finger!

Floating Cranes and Marine Construction

Floating cranes are essential to the undertaking of a marine construction job. There needs to be a way to move and lift heavy materials when working on the water. The type of floating crane you choose will depend on the type of marine construction you do.

For replacement parts and services, contact us today!

Posted in Crane.