3 Maintenance Techniques for Oil Pumps

In 2022, the market size of the oil industry was $5 trillion. That means it is one of the largest industries in the world and continually growing. Anyone who is a manufacturer, engineer, or works with oil systems knows the importance of keeping everything functioning correctly. Many machine parts are vital to the petroleum industry. […]

How to Choose the Right Railcar Parts for Your Needs

When moving shipments to different locations by railcar, you need the best railcar parts you can find. Time and efficiency are always necessary when shipping cargo to a destination, and delays can be costly. Do you want to lose valuable time and money for your business by not having high-quality railcar parts at your disposal? […]

3 Tips for Effective Port Crane Handling

Port cranes rated to lift 40-80 metric tons move millions of containers each day. Maritime work is hazardous, and it’s estimated that the risk of fatal accidents is around 1 in 1000 for port crane operators. Outside the cranes at ports, other workers are moving around the docks, ships, and trucks doing their jobs while […]

3 Reasons to Upgrade Your Farming Equipment

The costs of farming equipment vary widely, depending on the size of your operations, the types of crops or livestock you raise, and your chosen methods. However, one thing that doesn’t vary is that the cost of your agricultural equipment represents a major investment and a deep cut in your farm’s profits. The average farm […]

3 Important Considerations When Replacing Drum Brakes

Drum brakes are typically replaced every six months. This makes them a low-maintenance, long-lasting product. When they begin to suffer wear and tear, they become smaller, and new ones are required. But replacing drum brakes should be made easier when needed. Here, we’ll look at three questions to consider when replacing the brakes so that […]

How to Effectively Communicate During the Custom Manufacturing Process

There are different categories of products in the manufacturing industry. One is stock-made products, and the other is custom-manufacturing products. Yet to complete a manufacturing project, there is one thing of critical importance. It’s more than just understanding a company’s project specifications and needs. You must effectively communicate during the manufacturing process. Proper communication ensures […]

4 Benefits of a Custom-Built Crane Transmission

Two of the most common reasons for crane-related workplace accidents are boom or cable failure and the worker getting struck by the crane load. Such accidents are often catastrophic.  A custom crane transmission can help you prevent such accidents from happening. It can also benefit your company in other ways. Read on to learn more.  […]

The Importance of Regular Crane Inspections

You rely on your cranes daily to get your jobs done and generate revenue. Research shows that unplanned equipment downtime costs an average of $260,000 an hour. Inspecting your crane can help you spot problems early on. Here’s a rundown of why regular care inspections are so necessary. Longer Equipment Life A regular crane inspection […]