Iron and Steel Market Industry Trends to Know

There’s one thing that’s clear about the market game — every day is pretty unpredictable. There are constant ups and downs in every industry, including the iron and steel market. That being said, sometimes one is able to find out what’s going to happen to these markets by looking ahead – and the future of iron and steel seems pretty bright.

Judging by the factors given by experts, it seems that the current steel market, as well as the iron industry, is going to see some serious growth.

Keep reading to find out what you need to know so you can take advantage of this vast opportunity.

What You Need to Know About the Iron and Steel Market

Iron and steel have been part of the backbone of America since the days of the Industrial revolution. They have overall been able to keep a pretty steady repertoire because of this. However, the recent recession stole the glory from the industries and plunged them into darker times.

Some experts believe that now is the time for iron and steel’s tremendous comeback. Currently, the global market is set at 1,539,580 million US dollars, but it’s expected to reach 1,883,880 million by the end of 2026, growing at a considerable rate of 2.9 percent.

This, of course, is merely looking at things from a global perspective; in the United States, the changes are expected to be even more drastic. Steel company stocks are expected to have a robust full-year increase, with the averages being around 20 to 50 percent.

Such substantial percentages show that iron and steel are making a powerful comeback despite the heavy hit that all industries took in the first part of 2020.

We’re Ready When You Are

Now that you know what to expect from the iron industry and the steel market, you’re likely going to want to find out how you can get involved with the markets and get your own share of the growth.

At Kor-Pak Corporation, we make it our duty to help our clients reach their full potential no matter the industry. Our products include industrial brakes and clutches, crane wheels, oil rig equipment, industrial couplings, torque limiters, and more. Our industrial reach covers the iron and steel industries, the agriculture and farm industries, the oil and petroleum industries, and others.

Reach out to us whenever you’re ready to order your products. We look forward to the chance to help your business succeed!


Using a Modern Crane: Why Crane Modernization Is Worth It

You’ve been using the same crane for many years now, and you’re proud to call it your Old Faithful. The question is, how long will it continue to be faithful?

Yes, your aging crane may be handling your material movement jobs fairly effectively today. But the truth is, it could do better. And that’s where crane modernization can help.

With a more modern crane, you can increase production and operate much more quickly. Also, you can experience the benefits of automation and better controls.

Here’s a rundown on why crane modernization and upgrades are worth it.

Let’s get started!

Why Modernize Your Crane? Improve Your Safety

One of the biggest reasons to modernize your crane is to make it safer for your workers.

Safety-boosting technology is developing rapidly these days. Thus, it’s likely that safety regulations have changed since your current crane was built.

With modernization, you can comply with today’s safety standards and thus decrease the risk of injuries at your job site. Likewise, modernization can decrease the risk of damage to your products, facilities, and materials. It can also lower your chances of experiencing downtime.


Modernization can also help you to achieve higher throughput and even support a new process. That’s because crane modernization can help you to accomplish the following:

  • Eliminate your need for an AC-DC rectifier panel
  • Reduce your chances of experiencing leaks due to an older hydraulic braking system
  • Help your brake linings to last longer
  • Improve your brake’s performance

The right provider of modernization services can tailor your modernization plan to your operation’s unique needs.

Life Extension

The useful life of crane parts, like bearings, wheels, and gears, is generally 20-plus years. However, these parts may begin to cause you problems at year 10 or 15.

If you replace these worn parts with modern ones, you can extend your crane’s life.

Modernizing your gears especially offers benefits. That’s because today’s precision gearing results in less vibration, which means you’ll see less wear on your gears.

As a result, your gears will need less maintenance over time. Plus, you’ll have a crane that operates more quickly.

Also, when you replace certain parts, you can save the older parts and then use them as spare parts if you’re ever in a pinch. 

How We Can Help You to Experience the Improved Performance of a Modern Crane

We offer top-of-the-line services for companies interested in modernizing, upgrading, enhancing their cranes.

We can work with you no matter what type of crane you are trying to upgrade, ranging from rail mounted gantry to ship to shore cranes, for example. With our help, you can elevate your crane’s performance and thus more effectively handle material at your site.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can give you a modern crane, and how this can benefit your bottom line in the months and years ahead. 

Everything You Need to Know About the Inside of a Wind Turbine

You might have seen them while you’re out driving through rural land: giant 3-bladed wind turbines in clusters that make up massive wind farms. Perhaps you’ve seen their blades spinning and harvesting wind energy. But do you know how the inside of a wind turbine works?

Depending on its size and capacity, a wind turbine can power anywhere from 1,500 to over 3,000 houses per year. To do that, it requires a series of moving parts, all working in synchronicity.

Read on to learn more about the inside of a wind turbine and how it works.

What is a Turbine?

A turbine is a large machine that spins and harvests the surrounding energy. In wind turbines, wind energy provides kinetic energy, which is then gathered by the turbine and used to power the grid. This dramatically reduces carbon emissions and water usage when compared to traditional power plants.

What Does the Inside of a Wind Turbine Look Like?

You might have seen the vast, aerodynamic curved blades of a wind turbine, but what does the inside of a wind turbine look like? To better understand this concept, let’s take a look at the critical parts on the inside of a wind turbine.


The blades of a wind turbine are constructed of fiberglass and are aerodynamic. This makes them ideal for harvesting wind energy.


The wind turbine blades attach to the hub. This is what allows rotation to occur. The complete assembly of the blades and hub together is known as the rotor.


The rotor is attached to the nacelle, which houses the mechanical and electric equipment on the inside of a wind turbine. This includes the gearbox, the main shaft, and the generator.

Main Shaft/Gearbox

The gearbox of a wind turbine converts the slower rotation of the turbine’s blades into motion with greater speed. It is connected to the rotor and the generator or gearbox.


The generator is connected to the main shaft. It takes wind energy and will typically use it to power the grid.

Pitch Control Systems

The pitch control systems adjust the shape of the wind turbine’s blades as needed to adjust the speed of rotation. These systems on the inside of a wind turbine will turn the blades either in or out to speed up (or slow down) rotation.

Yaw System

The yaw system is what connects the nacelle to the tower of the wind turbine. This system turns the nacelle with the blades to capture the most wind energy.

How the Inside of a Wind Turbine Works

When the wind blows the blades of a wind turbine, this creates kinetic energy or energy created from movement. The rotors then spin the main shaft, which is connected to the rotor blades.

Next, the gearbox converts the main shaft rotation into a higher speed to power the generator. Then, the generator takes that kinetic energy and converts it to electrical energy.

Learn More About Wind Energy

Wind energy is a much greener and more efficient way of powering the grid. Now that you know what the inside of a wind turbine looks like, you can learn more about the benefits of wind energy.

Contact us now for more information on the power of wind energy.

What Are the Common Engagement Modes for Industrial Clutches and Brakes?

The massive inner workings of your industrial equipment have a long list of essential details. One misalignment or misunderstanding, and it can send the entire line of machinery to a damaging halt.

To ensure that your machines run with perfect smoothness, you need to understand the proper use of your industrial clutches and brakes. This means delving into the standard modes of engagement.

Let’s dig a bit deeper and see what these common modes are and what they can mean. 

The Common Modes for Engagement for Clutches and Brakes

There are four major modes of engagement for any clutch or brake system. Each of these provides a different mechanism shifting or stopping your machinery and various forms of maintenance and compatibility.

The four major modes of engagement are mechanical, electrical, fluidic, and self-actuation.

1. Mechanical

Mechanical modes of engagement often work with a level or other simple mechanism to trigger engagement and disengagement. This mechanism will squeeze friction discs to provide torque transmission. 

A lock mechanism is often common for this mode, often in a simple mechanical lock to the level itself. Engaging or disengaging the lock can restart the engagement mode. 

Mechanical modes often carry the most wear and tear due to heavy physical connection points. 

2. Electrical

Electrical modes of engagement often center around an electromagnet. This provides the needed power around an armature to either move it from a friction disc or to provide a similar squeezing motion to the mechanical mode.

Electrical modes of engagement often last for a long while and can even have built-in adjustment mechanisms to keep the mode accurate. 

3. Fluidic

Fluidic modes of engagement use transmission fluid as a boundary layer. This fluid acts as a protective barrier between the friction discs and drive plates as they come together. This fluid can then transmit torque between the discs and the plates.

For rapid shifts in applications, such as going from start to stop or switching from full speed to reverse, fluidic modes of engagement are some of the most efficient available. 

Oil-shear technology is one of the most common of fluidic applications. While it can produce a large amount of heat even when in neutral, heat dissipates as the fluid circulates back into the housing.  

4. Self-Actuation

The self-actuation brake mode is an entire system of connections and balances that help provide a smooth and automatic braking system for any significant machinery. 

The system works with a band that centers around a brake drum. This band then ties its free ends to the braking mechanisms themselves, often a pair of levers set on either side on a particular axis. As one lever shifts to engage the discs and plates of the machinery, the other takes on the tension to provide a balance. 

This back and forth shift can provide a stable and reversible brake flow without the strain of a basic mechanical brake function. 

Mastering the Modes of Engagement and Beyond

Getting the most out of your clutches and brakes starts with a better understanding of what each clutch and brake can do. From there, it is all about the right parts and pieces to keep your industry running.

For those parts and pieces, there are few more trusted in the industry than us here at Kor-Pak. Contact us today for more information!

The Most Common Industrial Clutch and Brake Questions

Recent research suggests heavy equipment accidents have caused over 400 deaths per year. One device that could have prevented a number of deaths is a reliable brake system. So, how can you choose the best brakes and clutches for your industrial equipment?   

Don’t worry; with this guide, you can find out! From discovering the differences between the clutch and the brake to choosing the best products for you, you find out the answers to your most asked questions.

Now, are you ready to get started? Here’s an in-depth look at a few industrial clutch and brake questions: 

What Is the Difference Between a Clutch and Brake? 

While a brake and a clutch might seem interchangeable; however, they have two different jobs. A clutch is a control and transmission mechanism that allows energy to transfer from the driver to the driving shaft. However, a brake, on the other hand, is a control mechanism that manages the movement and holds a heavy object in a stopped position by altering kinetic energy into heat. 

How Should I Choose a Brake or a Clutch? 

Choosing between different brakes and clutches can be challenging; however, you want to pay close attention to how much heat each mechanism absorbs as well as how much it transfers. It can provide you with speedy braking and other optimal services.  

Another consideration you should closely look into is what kind of maintenance it will need. Some devices are cheap upfront but have maintenance costs that make it expensive down the line. Thus, make sure you’re purchasing a product made of quality materials and won’t cost you hundreds in maintenance costs in the future.  

Other elements to consider are: 

  • Service Availability 
  • Speed 
  • Type of Action Required 
  • Torque 
  • Environmental Circumstances

What Is the Best Brake or Clutch for My Application? 

Generally, there are four methods of application, including mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic. Over the years, electric brakes have become a popular choice since they provide precise braking power and overall great safety methods. In fact, electric brakes have been estimated to be one of the largest categories for industrial brakes supplying over 30% in 2017. 

However, you will next have to decide whether you would like a power-off or power-on brake or clutch. Each is different, but they both have their drawbacks and advantages; it just depends on what you’re looking for in a brake and a clutch. First off, a power-off unit is generally applied by a spring force. Whereas in a power-on system, when you administer the air or electricity, the brake or clutch engages. 

Furthermore, there are numerous types of brakes as well as clutches you can choose from. For instance, you can choose between a drum, disc, or even a caliper brake and clutch. 

Purchase a Clutch or Brake Today 

Selecting a brake and even a clutch can be a difficult choice. However, if you keep in mind the difference between the two and consider precisely what you want, you’ll find what you’re looking for in no time. 

Just don’t forget to look at the different types before deciding. You might find one that is better suited for the application you want. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the clutch and brake, contact us today. We look forward to helping you. 

How Tough Are Your Crane Wheels? Inspecting the Wheel Flanges, Tread, and More

Are you having trouble inspecting your wheel flanges? Perhaps you know nothing about material hardness and heat treatment. 

Flanges that undergo poor heat treatment can break when undergoing excessive weight. Therefore, inspect them routinely to avoid costly repairs and serious injuries.

This article will provide an in-depth look into wheel flanges and the right inspection methods. Let’s explore. 

Hardness and Treads

Above all, purchase crane wheels from a company that heat treats the treads properly. Improper heat treatment methods can cause deformities and a lack of hardness.

With that, a quality flange must strike a balance between hardness and flexibility. The wheel itself must be flexible.

The flange shouldn’t be too hard, as it needs bendability to prevent breaking. The bending ability allows the flanges to withstand intense pressures. 

On the other hand, the treads must undergo extensive hardening to withstand spalling. Spalling occurs when the surface begins to chip away. 

Overall, inspect the wheeler flange’s thickness level to assess the level of wear. 

The Role of Carbon Steel

Carbon steel is the primary agent that hardens crane wheel treads. Due to heat treatment advances, manufacturers incorporate carbon steel in crane wheels more than ever before. Carbon steel enhances durability and prolongs the wheel’s lifespan. 

Hardness Testing

The best way to test flanges is through non-destructive testing (NDT). NDT will help you assess the following issues in crane wheels:

  • Hardness 
  • Thickness
  • Wear

Measuring the hardness of the wheel tread is a simple task. However, measuring the hardness depth is a difficult task, but some NDT instruments are tailor-made for depth testing.

NDT allows maintenance crews to address deformities early before the wheel breaks down.  

You can even apply NDT measures while the crane is in operation. Destructive testing (DT) requires the breaking down of materials to commence a viable inspection. Conversely, NDT equipment requires minimal contact with the flanges to pinpoint flaws.

Within the NDT field, the two most vital inspection methods for flanged track wheels include:

  • Ultrasonic testing (UT): UT implements sound waves to root out cracks and other forms of wear. 
  • Eddy current testing (ECT): ECT uses electromagnetic fields to find flaws and thickness variations. 

ECT is appropriate for the detection of surface and near-surface deviations. UT is more suitable for sub-surface inspections at a deeper level. 

  • Example: UT would be more appropriate on double flanged rail wheels, which are thicker than the single variety. 

When dealing with depth hardness, ECT offers the best equipment. Specific forms of ECT instrumentation allow you to inspect the flanges without contacting the surface. Moreover, the ECT field offers automated hardness testing on a mass scale.  

Enhanced Inspection of Wheel Flanges

NDT methods can assess the hardness of wheel flanges. Additionally, NDT can also help you determine if manufacturers heat treated the wheel effectively. 

Flanged wheels contain carbon steel for added durability. However, the wheel’s flexibility is a critical factor in quality weight support. 

Interested in knowing more about the crane market? Click here to learn more. 

Automation and Braking Systems: Predictions for the Global Industrial Brakes Market

If you take a good look at the business world around you, you’ll see that the demand for automation is climbing in many sectors. And the global industrial brakes market is one of them.

The truth is, because of automation, the global industrial brakes market is expected to grow. The question is, how exactly will this growth look, and what does it mean for you?

Here’s a rundown on all of the future predictions for braking systems in 2020 and beyond.

Let’s jump in!

The Future of Global Industrial Braking Systems

The global market for industrial braking systems should witness steady growth due to the increased adoption of automation and, as a result, industrial robotics.

This growth will primarily be visible in Asia-Pacific, which is the biggest market for industrial brakes. However, North America and Europe will also witness significant growth in this market due to growing first-rate technology systems.

When it comes to the type of brake that will be most popular, the electrically applied brake will likely be the brake market’s biggest category. Likewise, the holding brake will probably be most in demand based on application.

Additional Considerations

With technology evolving today, braking systems can easily be integrated with IoT or the Internet of Things. 

With IoT, you can automatically apply your brakes during emergencies. Also, you can fit industrial brakes with high-quality proximity sensors, then place them in each industrial work station.

These braking systems will be in demand in various industrial areas, including the following:

  • Shipping
  • Mining
  • Energy
  • Material handling
  • Escalators 
  • Lifts

The end-user industries of power generation, coal handling, steel, and oil and gas are also expected to create significant growth opportunities in this market.

Furthermore, the increased adoption of innovative and new products is augmenting the market. These products include, for example, advanced material rotors and brake shoes. They also include backstopping clutches. 

The benefit of these well-designed automatic brakes is that they can keep your equipment users safe.

How We Can Help

Amid the rise of automation, we offer top-tier industrial brakes and clutches for today’s heavy equipment users.

Our clutches and brakes come in a wide variety of styles, torques, and sizes, and they are made for various applications. However, we can additionally design custom clutches ad brakes.

We are also proud to offer application and design engineering services. Also, we have a large aftermarket and service segment that can help you with reconditioning your equipment and sourcing competitively priced aftermarket parts.

No matter your need, we can meet it thanks to our high-quality products combined with our hands-on and customer-focused approach. You can rest assured that you will continuously receive the attention and support you need from us for your braking systems.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can keep your valuable equipment operating at its optimum in the months and years ahead.

Different Crane Control and Component Upgrades You Should Consider

Do you have a crane that you’re considering upgrading? Upgrading the crane control and other components offers many benefits to the useability of your crane. 

By upgrading the crane control, you can improve your overall performance of your crane. Other upgrades allow you to lower necessary crane maintenance and create more cost-effective operational costs.

Read on to learn more about component upgrades you can do on your crane.

Crane Controls

A control system upgrade can take your crane to a new level.

 An upgrade can bring outdated and slow-moving controls to ones that have more precision and accuracy. The new system can offer smoother acceleration and deceleration. It will prevent the crane from having abrupt starts and stops. 

Adding radio controls allows for diagnostics and monitoring (off-site or on-site). Crane operators now have a wide plethora of technology at their fingertips to enable them to communicate from the cab and to other members of the team. Operators can use tablets, computers found in the workstation, mobile devices, or an operator’s “belly-box” which offers real-time diagnostic data.

When you modernize the controls, you also gain in diagnostics and monitoring. These can be done both on or off-site, adding to the functionality.

Wheel Upgrades

Consider upgrading the wheels on your crane to something harder. Make sure the tires you select are appropriate for the heavy loads you need to lift. 

Consider upgrading the bearings to an anti-friction design to reduce wear while increasing productivity demands.

Crane Cab Chair

Your crane operator has an important job where both safety and visibility are critical to the success of the job. Consider upgrading your crane’s cab with an ergonomic crane cab chair. Whether you have an enclosed cab or an open-air cab, the new ergonomic crane cab chair offers premium visibility for the driver. They will also appreciate the comfort that comes from it too.

Bridge Drives

Want to help your crane support new wheel loads? Consider adding extra reinforcement to your crane’s bridge. You can add a cap channel for additional reinforcement. Also, consider upgrading with heavy-duty foot mounted gearboxes.

To eliminate cross shaft maintenance and alignment issues, consider adding a shaft-mounted motor reducer.

Bridge Brakes and Bumpers

Adding to the crane’s bridge is another way to improve the workability of your crane’s operation.

Consider adding new brakes to the bridge. Brake options include:

  • Electric shoe
  • Electric/hydraulic shoe
  • DC spring set
  • Electric release disc bake (OSHA, ASME or CMAA)

Bridge bumpers help to protect the crane while it works and the building it’s working on. Install spring, hydraulic, or rubber bridge bumper that meets OSHA, ASME, and CMAA requirements on your crane’s bumpers.

Upgrade Your Crane Controls 

There are many ways you can upgrade your crane, including adding crane controls that will add to your crane’s function and useability. Consider adding one or more of these options to your crane. 

Contact us today to discuss options to improve your crane.

Wet Braking: What Is It? How Does It Work?

Did you know that heavy equipment crashes have caused over 404 deaths per year? One thing that could have prevented so many deaths is reliable brakes. So what are the best types of brakes? Is it a dry or wet braking system? 

Don’t worry, with this guide; you can find out! From understanding how wet brakes work to how they’re efficient, you can learn the ins and outs of the wet braking system. 

Now, are you ready to dive in? Here’s an in-depth look into the wet braking system:  

What Are Wet Brakes? 

Wet brakes are used less than dry brakes. After all, dry brakes are inexpensive and are much easier to replace. 

Dry brakes are typically used on personal trucks, trailers, and even cars. Since dry brakes are a popular choice for personal vehicles, most people don’t know about the wet braking system and its many advantages. 

Another name for a wet brake is oil-cooled discs since oil is put on to the system to maintain it’s low temperature. Unlike other brakes, it’s arranged internally right into the differential gears. That way, water will not affect the brake’s abilities. 

In fact, you don’t have to worry during extreme weather conditions; this brake is reliable and trustworthy. 

How Do They Work?  

A wet brake has numerous discs that allow it to have strong stopping power. Thus, wet brakes are optimal for machines that carry heavy loads such as cranes and other industrial equipment. 

In fact, since wet brakes are lubricated continuously, they wear more slowly and even use the fluid to prevent brakes from overheating. Whereas dry brakes use a one drum system, meaning the brakes have to heat up when it’s put under pressure. However, by doing so, it causes unnecessary strain on the entire braking system making it susceptible to overheating and perhaps even brake failure.  

Therefore, wet brakes are the optimal choice for industrial equipment. After all, if a company loss $50,000 from employee injuries or machine damage due to dry brakes, the company still needs to make a 3% profit of $1,667,000 in additional services. Overall, the wet braking system has more accurate braking power, which allows it to be a safer alternative. 

Dry Brakes Vs. A Wet Braking System 

It’s true; dry brakes are more cost-efficient. They can also be fixed relatively easily; in fact, some people can adjust the brakes on their own. However, dry brakes require a lot of maintenance and thus can cost more money over time. 

Although, with a wet braking system, it’s easy to maintain; however, it’s more costly to purchase upfront. But with a wet braking system, it can withstand many harsh weather conditions and carry a large load.

For instance, you can stop your vehicle on a wet road, and it will work at optimal speed. Thus, wet brakes are a reliable and safe braking option that provides long-lasting results.  

Purchase a Wet Braking System Today 

Choosing the type of brakes you want can be a difficult choice. However, while wet brakes will typically be more costly, you won’t experience maintenance costs down the line. Not to mention, since it has multiple discs, it works more effectively to break when carrying a heavier load. 

You can even drive through harsh weather conditions, and it will work effortlessly. Thus, making it one of the safest and most reliable brakes on the market. 

If you want to learn more about a wet braking system, contact us today. We look forward to helping you. 


The Most Common Causes of Crane Accidents (And How to Avoid Them)

In the construction, gas, and oil fields, you wouldn’t be able to complete all of the work you do daily without cranes. These devices provide the necessary stability and support during a wide range of projects. But what happens if they’re not appropriately operated?

The truth is, crane accidents can quickly happen due to negligent or reckless behavior. The good news? Accidents involving these massive machines can easily be prevented as well.

Here’s a rundown on what everyone at the job site could do to improve workplace safety when operating cranes.

Crane Accidents Can Result from the Tipping of Cranes

Crane incidents involving tipping can be hazardous for both crane operators and nearby workers. 

Tipping accidents can happen if outriggers are misused due to poor ground conditions. For instance, the ground that you’re operating a crane on may feature uneven grading, excavations, voids, and depressions.

In light of the above, make sure that your outrigger pad is on a surface that is stable, level, and dry. Otherwise, you may not be able to control the position of your crane.

You can easily make sure that your ground conditions are suitable by performing an inspection of the area before beginning work there. 

Collapsing Boom

This is yet another possible crane accident that can happen if you don’t follow a crane’s weight limits. Even a little extra weight can lead to critical failure.

So, when you prepare a load, be sure that what you plan to lift will be within the weight limits. Also, make sure that you incorporate the rigging’s weight as well. This includes the weight of the hooks and chains used to secure your load.

Furthermore, be sure to have your boom regularly inspected. Ensuring crane safety in this way is essential because a warped or damaged boom may decrease your crane’s weight limits. 

The Dropping of a Load

Finally, you may drop a load when operating a crane if your rigging is subpar.

To avoid this potentially dangerous disaster, be sure to always rig your loads according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure that you use the appropriate equipment; don’t cut corners.

Also, scrutinize your hooks and chain links. Practicing crane operational safety can help to protect both human lives and property at the job site. 

How We Can Help

In addition to providing tips for preventing crane accidents, we offer top-of-the-line crane upgrade and repair services.

For instance, we can modernize your crane to make it more capable of meeting your material handling demands. Also, we can repair and reline your crane brakes as needed.

We can also complete overhead crane inspections to make sure that all of a crane’s components are functioning at their optimal levels.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can keep your cranes running in tip-top condition from one job to the next.