How A Preventative Maintenance Schedule Saves You Big Money

If you’ve ever been guilty of not properly maintaining your equipment, you’re not alone. Many field experience industry-wide cultures that prevent regular preventative maintenance from taking place.

Unfortunately, this can lead to many problems with your machines and equipment.

Keep reading to learn why a preventative maintenance schedule is an absolute must for all of your company’s gear.

Extending the Life of Your Machinery

Setting up and following a preventative maintenance schedule can help to extend the life of your machinery.

Most types of heavy machinery require oiling and fine tuning to stay running.

Failing to perform regular maintenance could cause your machinery to stop operating correctly. It could slow down your equipment, or even cause it to stop working entirely.

But with regular maintenance, you can extend the life of your machines by keeping them running the way that they should for longer.

Preventing Costly Repairs

Without regular maintenance, your machines’ moving parts will eventually degrade. When this occurs, it is likely that your cranes and other machinery will need costly repairs or parts replacements to get back to running order.

Regular maintenance helps to reduce the need for these types of repairs. You will spend money on regular maintenance. But you are saving money compared to replacing parts or rebuilding broken machinery.

Knowing When an Issue Arises

Even with regular maintenance, normal wear and tear will occur on all heavy machinery.

But when you follow a preventative maintenance schedule, you’ll be more likely to know when these types of repairs will be needed.

An experienced repairman will be able to judge how quickly parts are wearing. With an estimate of when more extensive repairs or parts replacements will be needed, you can better plan ahead.

This could mean planning to get temporary equipment. Or otherwise preparing for the disruption to your normal workday. It also means having the ability to somewhat plan for the cost of repairs.

For small businesses, unexpected repair costs can put a serious dent in the flow of operations. The ability to plan and save money for those repairs can be a lifesaver.

Finding replacement parts can also slow operations. Being able to plan ahead can allow you to source difficult to find parts and to help reduce how much downtime your equipment has while it is undergoing repairs.

Meeting the Demands of a Warranty

If your equipment or machinery has a warranty, it usually requires that the machine or equipment undergoes regular maintenance.

Failing to do so could cause you to violate the warranty. When the time comes that you want to put the warranty to use, you might be denied your claim if you can’t prove that the equipment was maintained properly.

Setting a Preventative Maintenance Schedule

Setting up a schedule for regular preventative care can save you loads.

If you’ve recently bought a new piece of equipment and aren’t sure what kind of maintenance is needed, or if you need a replacement part to keep your gear running, contact us today.

OSHA Further Delays Overhead Crane Training Rule: What You Need To Know

Confused by the chaos of OSHA’s crane regulations? You’re not alone.

OSHA has moved the date for these regulations twice now, along with other changes. It’s a confusing time for employers left wondering what’s required of them.

We’ve put together this brief digest so you’ll know everything you need to know about OSHA’s overhead crane training requirements.

What Happened?

OSHA devised certification requirements for crane operators in 2010, as part of their Cranes and Derricks in Construction Standard. These requirements were aimed at ensuring crane operators were properly qualified to handle lifting equipment.

Originally, these requirements were set to go into effect in 2014. But there were a few kinks to work out, and OSHA moved the date to November 2017 instead.

Now OSHA has moved the date again, a day before the revised deadline. As of Nov 9, 2017, a final rule moved the date to Nov 10, 2018.

This new delay gives OSHA more time to revise the rules of the regulation. OSHA has also identified that a large number of employers still don’t meet requirements yet, so this gives them more to seek accreditation for their staff.

The move has attracted some criticism, particularly from employers who have already invested in staff accreditation. Critics note the health and safety implications of delaying the standards by another year.

What Does it Mean for Me?

For employers, it means some confusion.

OSHA’s requirements mean employers have to provide overhead crane training to any operators under their employ – or ensure they’re otherwise qualified, such as through military training.

Nov 10, 2017, was the original deadline for employers to meet these requirements. Plenty of employers have already taken steps to meet the standards. If you’re one of these, you won’t need to worry.

If you’re not, you can breathe easy knowing you have another year to meet them. And that’s if OSHA doesn’t delay the regulations further.

What’s Next?

Now it’s a waiting game. OSHA could announce another delay anytime before Nov 10, 2018. Or they could go ahead with the revised standards. There’s no real way to tell at present.

Either way, employers should take steps to meet the standards. Employers have a few main routes to employee certification, as follows:

  • Training through an accredited third party
  • An internal audited program
  • Government-issued license meeting OSHA standards, such as a military qualification

OSHA will issue further updates as any changes to the deadline become apparent. In the meantime, you can read the exact text of the final note here.

Stay Current on Overhead Crane Training

The best move for businesses right now is to stay up-to-date on overhead crane training news. Keep an eye on the headlines for an idea of what you’ll need to do, and when. In the meantime, consider taking steps to meet the requirements in advance, so you’re not caught out when the regulations finally come into force.

Want to stay on top of industry news? Be sure to follow our blog.

The Ultimate Guide To Spotting And Preventing Machine Failure

The productivity of your business depends on the well-being of your equipment. Any downtime due to machine failure can be devastating. Business operations become out of whack disrupting service, staff comfort, and customer relations. Not to mention that the safety and health of your workers are put at risk.

Equipment breakdown is very costly. You only have two options: repair or replace, and both can be expensive. When the motor needs replacement, you’ll have to pay labor costs for removal, costs for installment, and freight costs.

Recognizing problems with the important parts, such as the brake pads and rotors, is key to preventing machine failure. What are the things to look out for? Read on to find out.

Rattling and Squeaking, Clanking and Squealing

When you’re driving your car, you love the purring sound the engine makes. But when you hear an unusual sound, you know that it’s time to open the hood and see if anything’s wrong.

Your employees are also familiar with the normal sounds of the machine they’re working on. When they hear an abnormal sound, that is usually one of the signs of imminent failure.

Just like your car, an unfamiliar noise warrants an immediate inspection.

Worn out Brake Pads and Rotors

Machine failure is usually caused by parts showing their age. Using our eyes to look for signs of wear is part of preventative maintenance.

Examine the belt, bolts, and other important parts of your machine. Does your belt have cracks, abrasions, or fraying? Are the brake pads and rotors starting to warp or showing gouges? Are the bolts out of shape or loose?

Replacing aging parts is cheaper than replacing the equipment itself. Before machine failure happens, change the worn parts with new ones.

Slumps in the Efficiency

A decrease in production speed affects your bottom line. But more importantly, it signals that the machine is starting to break down. And when it eventually fails because you neglected the warning signs, you’re going to lose a great deal more.

A slowdown in production usually indicates resistance in the machine. This could be due to lubricant leakage or due to damaged parts causing friction.

Speaking of friction, another byproduct of inefficiency is unexplained heat. Of course, heat is normally created as the machine works. However, when heat is produced in areas that should be cool, that is a problem.

Another hint of impending machine doom is when the temperature shoots up higher than normal. You should also suspect electrical failures for unexplained heat.

Address these issues immediately, or the heat could lead to a fire.

Dirty Machine

A clean machine runs smoothly. Dust and debris clog up the important parts and can cause the machine to seize.

Filters keep the dirt off of your equipment but must be routinely changed. Seals, when damaged, can’t perform their protective duties. When seals are compromised, you’ll spot leaks and wetness in areas where you don’t find them under normal conditions.

You should schedule a regular inspection of the important parts. Repair or replace them when necessary.

An Ounce of Prevention

Your production equipment is critical to your business. Once you recognize these warning signs, preventing further problems from happening will save you money in the long run.

Request a quote for our equipment repair services right now.


These Servicing Tips Could Help You Avoid A Brake Replacement

The most important safety function of any piece of industrial machinery is the ability to stop. Brakes are an essential part of any crane, wind turbine or any industrial machine.

It is essential to have every component of the brake system in top working order to avoid costly replacements and repairs.

How costly is a brake replacement? Count time out of service, the time of your engineer, mechanic and other labor. Had enough?

Read ahead for servicing tips to avoid unscheduled brake replacement.

Proper Maintenance = Long Life

Even the highest quality systems need regular maintenance for longest effective life.

Some brake systems have a predefined interval of time for how often you should schedule maintenance and replacement. We recommend keeping the manufacturer’s suggestion as the maximum amount of time between servicing.

Every site has unique operating conditions. Only you can determine how frequently you use your equipment, under what load, and in what weather.

Stay vigilant to changes in performance, even gradual ones. Changes in noise or movement also indicate something is wearing.

Check Your Friction Lining

Every set of brakes has a certain safe residual lining surface. Brake pads and linings should be serviced before they become unsafe, as damage to rotors and other parts will result.

A regular check of the air gap between the plate and the brake coil is necessary for most brakes. As the friction lining starts to wear down, the air gap increases. Adjust the brakes as necessary to prevent damage.

Metal hitting metal means an expensive repair.

Contamination = Brake Replacement

Grease, oil, and debris have no place inside your brake system. Not only will they burn in the heat generated by braking, they irreparably damage the surfaces.

Contamination kills stopping power.

When your brakes are contaminated with grease or moisture, the safety of your equipment is at risk. Brakes can’t do their job of stopping motion if they can’t grab.

Contaminated brakes must be replaced. Cleaning and rebuilding is possible, but cannot be undertaken as a less than a major repair.

Inspect and Change

Any excessive vibration, hesitation, uneven load or dangerous condition is a threat to life and safety. Keep track of time, condition and use of brake systems. A basic visual inspection at every use and regular maintenance service prevents costly repairs.

Brake pads, linings, rotors and all components should be checked at manufacturer recommended intervals or sooner. Replace as necessary. Brake fluid should also be checked and changed as necessary.

Keep contaminants out of the brakes. Water, oil, grease or brake fluid can cause downtime and replacement. Never let metal hit metal.

Need to Know More?

Keep reading this blog for more information about the best equipment for your needs or contact your Kor-Pak representative today!

5 Tips For Picking The Right Custom Fabrication Company

Everything you look at only fills half your needs. You’ve got a tight budget and tighter timetable. Nothing quite fits.

Does this sound like you? While a stock piece is standardized and available almost immediately, a custom fabrication can meet 100% of your needs.

Custom fabrications have increased useful life since they can be customized to the environment and particular wear pattern. Backward compatible for machinery no longer in production, non-standard processes? No problem.

Are you sure that custom fabrication is what your business needs? Then you need to choose the right company to make what you need. Here’s the breakdown of what to look for in the right custom machine shop.

What’s Their Experience?

You want someone who can execute your ideas or reverse-engineer a worn piece. For that, you need someone with practical experience in your field, whether it is an oil-rig or hospital. There isn’t a field manual for pieces that don’t exist in catalogs.

Experienced metal fabricators know their materials and techniques. They can recommend solutions and handle customization with efficiency. More experience means fewer errors.

Check Their Work

Get to know the quality of a company’s work by checking out their portfolio. Talk to past customers and view past projects. You want to know about the durability and quality of their custom fabrication.

What is their safety record and how do they handle remanufacturing critical parts? It will also give you an idea of how they handle the specs of individual designs and their capacity for large or small size jobs.

Capacity for Work

Can your fabricator build in the material you need? What kind of machinery do they use? For high-quality steel welds that lives depend on, no one wants to see a 90 amp Home Depot special! The right tools and technique can mean lives.

Location is relevant. Consider fuel costs and control over your fabrication. Will you be able to communicate with your machine shop? How quickly can your shop turnaround? Will time and distance affect your costs?

Get to Know the People

You want a long-term relationship with your company. Each project is unique and your business is like no other. You want a metal fabricator who recognizes that!

Compare Quotes For Custom Fabrication

Of course, you have to follow procedures and get quotes from many shops. For the best possible outcome, you want a custom fabrication shop that can give you what you need, at a reasonable price, and on your timeline.

Take the time to get to know your vendor and their capabilities before deciding on price alone.

For more interesting and informative articles, keep reading our blog. If you want to know more about the most qualified and experienced metal machining and fabrication shop, contact your Kor-Pak representative today.

Top 5 Advantages Of Our Servo Motors And Drives

People realize that the common hydraulic motors today aren’t cutting it anymore. They can be expensive, cause oil problems, and occasionally leak.

But luckily there’s a better option out there.

Electric servo motors and drives have been evolving for some time now. And they seem to be great for all different industries. That’s why we’ve gathered the top 5 advantages of servo systems to show you exactly how great they really are.

Speed of Servo Motors and Drives

Many people debate the speed and acceleration of servo motors and drives compared to those of hydraulics. The truth of the matter is that hydraulics aren’t the fastest because of its compressions of oil and flexibility of its hoses and lines that expand.

If hydraulic systems were designed better, then the speed may be better and closer to that of a servo system. But for the time being servo motors and drives are more impressive in the category.


The next advantage of these systems is the versatility servo technology. They can be used for so much, and there are different kinds as well.


Servo motors are in a wide range of machines.

Inside of a servo system is a motor that toys also often come with. This motor is called a small direct current motor, and it runs on electricity from a battery.

They are also in cameras. Specifically, in it’s Auto Focus to help the camera’s lens sharpen images. Automatic door openers also use the motor to help signal it to open.

Another use of this system is the robotic arm that helps move along assembly lines. The servo motor helps make the joints of the robotic arms move.


The servo motors in the servo system come in many different forms.

  • Positional- this is the most common and can rotate in certain directions.
  • Continuous- this one is similar to positional but can rotate in all directions.
  • Linear- this one has the features of the previous ones but has additional gears.

Something that varies in the different types is how they are used as well and their availability. The positional servo motor can be found in smaller applications, while the continuous and linear motors are geared towards larger projects.

Exerts Less Heat

Hydraulic machines let out a large amount of heat. This is mainly through its work with oil and overall design of the machine.

Servo motors and drives release such a small amount of heat. So small in fact, that operators usually need to employ another system that keeps the oil at temperature.

Service of Pumps

Another large difference between hydraulic machines and servo motors and drives is maintenance.

While hydraulic machines are generally cheaper to buy the servo systems will give you your money’s worth in how much it saves, as well as cut down costs on maintenance.

Hydraulic machines will need to be serviced often as their pumps will need to be changed. And their pumps are also more expensive than those of a servo system.


Servo motors and drives are also extremely simple machines. This makes work and maintenance a lot easier to carry out.

An all-electric motor will have fewer parts than those that are hydraulic-based. As a result, an electrician will be able to work on it without needing hydraulic knowledge.

These servo systems also use technology that will make repairs easier. They use feedback devices that help catch errors and correct them to help better performance.

More Motor Tips

It’s important to choose the best parts for any project that you’re doing. Especially when it comes to motors as they can be a big part of the system you’re working with.

For more information on motors, check out this blog post.

5 Myths You Probably Believe About Brake Rotors

Brake rotors are among the most important parts of industrial machinery. Having the right rotors can mean the difference between life and death. The same can apply to anything mechanical that may require a brake rotor or a braking system.

Unfortunately, there are some common myths circulating about the use of brakes, and chances are you might believe they are true.

In this article, we will try to dispel some of the common myths related to brakes that you probably believe in, so listen up.

Wet or Damp Rotors Affect Performance

It has often been said that once a brake rotor gets wet that it will impact its performance. However, this is not necessarily the case as modern braking systems don’t suffer any loss of performance like the old-fashioned drum brakes did.

The design of modern rotors allows for constant braking performance in most conditions. Due to their effectiveness, it is something we often take for granted..

The same can also be said in the industrial market, as rotor braking systems have many uses across different industries. Wind turbines, cranes and general heavy machinery also require brake rotors that need constant braking performance.

Brake Noise is Acceptable

Rotors are designed to make noise once they need replacing, it is often thought that brake squealing is normal, but this isn’t the case. Although it might be a minor fault, the noise will be indicating some form of issue that needs inspecting.

The best advice on brake noise is to get any noise inspected rather than ignoring it.

Brakes Need Time to Warm Up

Over the years it has been suggested that brakes need to be warm to be most effective, but again this is not the case as the materials used today can operate effectively with varying temperatures.

The only exception to this is high-performance racing pads, and these are not used in industrial environments.

Warping Brake Rotors

In the past, it has been suggested that rotors can warp and cause vibration, but this is, in fact, a myth. Brake vibration has many explanations some of which can be explained by the thickness of the brake, as well as brake torque variations. These are more likely to be the cause of vibration rather than warping.

All Rotors are Similar

Not all brake rotors are the same, even if it’s the correct one for a vehicle. The quality and driver needs can affect the behavior and synergy.

Low-cost options may also offer inferior performance, so this is worth considering when making your final choice. Higher cost options are not always suited to everyone as the benefits may not always outweigh the costs.

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

If you are ready to learn more about the true benefits of brake rotors are why they are so incredibly important, feel free to contact us today for a non-obligational talk about your needs.

The Best of SEW Eurodrive Products

There’s a reason SEW Eurodrive products are some of the best in the biz. They’ve been in the game since 1931 and show no signs of slowing down.

They started with a bang, coming up with innovation after innovation.

They were the first to produce a variable speed gear motor. They also were the first to incorporate an energy-efficient copper rotor into their motor.

With a history full of so many firsts, you know their products are top notch. But which one is best for your industry?

We’ve got a list of their top five products that stand out from all the rest. Find the part you need to have in your industry – keep reading!

Helical Gearmotor R Series

The Helical Gearmotor R series comes in different stage sizes to meet anyone’s needs. There are six single-stage sizes and 14 two- and three-stage sizes available.

This produces the ideal ratio between power and area available. Because of this, SEW Eurodrive’s range of torque and reduction ratios are among the most varied in the industry.

Helical-Worm Servo Gearmotors

Need something quiet that saves space? This is the gear unit for you.

There’s a longitudinal application of force on the input shaft which helps to keep the torque impulses quiet. No matter what kind of force you throw at this, it remains silent.

How quiet is it? It’s so soft, you can use it for a stage elevator!

M Series Industrial Gears

Here’s a high-performing gear that can take anything you throw at it. Plus, it’s available in both vertical and horizontal designs, making it extremely versatile.

Because of its high torque transfer capacity, it delivers power like no other. With its high thermal ratings, it can keep going longer and under harder conditions, too.

The best part about it? It can handle a torque range of 53,000 to 1,600,000 lb-in.

Screw Conveyor

This SEW Eurodrive product has a wide range of applications across many industries. That’s why it’s one of our top five essentials.

What makes SEW’s better than the competition? SEW ships the conveyor drive as a gear unit with a c-face motor adapter or in a gearmotor configuration.

Right out of the box, you’re saving on maintenance costs and keeping your company efficient.

DRS and DRN Motors

Here’s a modular motor and brake motor that is so efficient, it can replace a servo in some cases. It runs quietly, too, making it another perfect option for theater use.

With its high stability and high cycling capacity, you’ll want to use them everywhere.

Add SEW Eurodrive To Your Business Today

Whether you’re looking to keep a good supply of machine parts on hand or need custom options for a project, SEW has something for everyone. There are many reasons to trust them to deliver high quality and high performance.

If you’re ready to optimize your operation, we’re here to help you find the best SEW Eurodrive products to keep your business on track.

Have a rush order or a hard-to-find part? No problem! We can handle that too. Contact us today to kick your company into high gear with high-quality, high-performance parts!


Scan-Pac Friction Products: What You Should Know

With a variety of friction product manufacturers on the market, it can be tough to find out how to get the best materials at the best cost.

The quality of friction material in your equipment has a huge impact on safety, stability, and longevity.

Below is a quick overview of what you should know about Scan-Pac, an excellent friction products manufacturer.

1. History

The company was founded in 1973 in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Scan Pac was the original fabricator of Johns Manville calendared friction materials.

During its 44 years in business, the company has gone through multiple expansions in its facilities and product line.

2. Expansive American Manufacturing

Scan-Pac’s three manufacturing facilities, located in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin and Magnolia, Texas, make up a combined 100,000 square feet of manufacturing space.

The company uses the following equipment in its manufacturing labs:

  • CMM
  • Chase Machine
  • Universal Testing Machine
  • Impact Tester
  • Gogan Hardness Tester
  • Rockwell Hardness Tester
  • Soxhlet Apparatus
  • Furnace
  • Specific Gravity Analyzer
  • Particle Size Analyzer
  • Moisture Analyzer
  • Melting Point Analyzer
  • Viscometer
  • Cure Time & Gel Time Tester

Each manufacturing plant specializes in the production of certain materials, ensuring the efficient production time and expertise among staff.

3. Serving Various Industries

Scan-Pac provides a large number of industries with friction materials.

These markets include:

  • Agricultural
  • Oilfield
  • PT Equipment
  • Cranes
  • Material Handling
  • Paper Production
  • Railroad and Rail Parts
  • Wind Power
  • Construction
  • Winches
  • Metal and Aluminium

Each of these markets has unique needs, and with a certification of quality management excellence, the company has a great reputation with satisfied customers around the globe.

4. Diverse Product Line

On the products page of Scan Pac’s website, there is an expansive list of materials produced by the company.

From Gatke materials to flexible products and Gemini woven, molded, or extruded materials, the materials produced will fit the needs of many projects.

There are even dedicated pages set aside for oilfield related materials, truck blocks, and sintered products.

5. Worldwide Distribution

Wherever you’re located, these products will likely be available.

The company has over 20 distributors worldwide, with 19 in North America alone!

6. Scan-Pac Helps You Pick The Right Materials

One of the most popular features on the company’s website is the material recommendations tool.

By browsing to this tool, you can select from a variety of categories such as caliper brakes, wear products, band brakes, and more.

From there, Scan Pac allows you to select from a list of uses from elevator brakes to oilfield products and windmills.

When you choose the equipment you need parts for; you’ll then be presented with a recommendation of one or more materials complete with part number, the coefficient of friction, and wear rate.

This tool is extremely helpful as it allows you to quickly find the exact part you’ll need and to contact a distributor with all necessary information!

Some of the Best Organic Friction Products!

As you can now see, Scan-Pac is a company that has a history of excellence offering a robust product line.

If you need assistance sourcing friction products, we can help!

Check out the industries we serve and let us know more about your specific needs.

Demag Cranes: Why The Investment is Worth It

When it comes to buying a new crane, you understandably want top quality.

The loads these systems are expected to bear can be significant, and investing in an inferior piece of equipment could mean slower — and riskier — operations.

To that end, Demag cranes are heralded worldwide for their craftsmanship, dependability, and durability. Whether you’re looking for a universal or specialized crane solution, you can’t go wrong by selecting this brand.

Today, we’re breaking down a few reason why this brand is tops, and why the industry agrees.

Ready to learn more? Let’s go!

1. There’s a Demag Crane to Fit Every Need

Their impressive product portfolio isn’t just limited to a handful of crane designs. Rather, you’ll have your pick from single-grinder overhead traveling cranes, double-grinders, suspension cranes, wall-mounted options and much more.

After browsing the wares, if you still aren’t seeing the exact tool you need, the company’s more than willing to help you customize a crane to fit your requirements and processes.

This means you’re not stuck improvising with an ill-fitted tool. Instead, you’re sure to get a valuable piece of equipment that can transform the way your company works.

2. You’re Investing in More Than Equipment

Sure, you can go out and buy a crane and use it within your facility. There’s no guarantee it will work in your environment or facilitate your workflow. Moreover, there’s also a major safety risk to installing or using it without proper support or training.

When you buy a Demag crane, you’re also receiving top-of-the-line end-to-end professional support. You will have access to a team of specialized experts who can walk you through every step to make sure you and your employees understand the total solution.

From initial design and preplanning to installation and maintenance, the staff takes the guesswork and the risk out of any DIY endeavor you’re considering. There’s also a spare parts inventory and on-call, around-the-clock customer service. That way, if your crane breaks down in the middle of the night, you could be back up and running before the sun comes up.

3. It’s a Forward-Facing Brand

Are you working with a worn and outdated crane? Simply replacing it with another one might not be in your budget at the moment. If this is the case, Demag offers refurbishment and modernization services that can help you update and outfit your existing crane to handle current and future load requirements.

In addition, the brand is consistently delivering new and innovative product launches that take its product line to a different level. If you’re looking for a crane solution that’s capable of supporting you well into the future, you can’t beat this brand.

We’ll Help You Invest in a New Crane Today

As an authorized Demag dealer, we know the brand inside and outside. We’re qualified to consult you on the best crane for your business needs and can help you narrow your selection down based on price point, usage requirement, size standards, and more.

Contact us. We’ll help you take this important first step toward securing the crane of your dreams.