Crane Conductor Bars and Systems

Overhead crane conductor bars are crucial structures that enable consistent power flow to internal and auxiliary crane functions. Conductor bars are precisely engineered to maximize safety and rates of power delivery.

The diverse operational applications of cranes mean power systems need to be versatile. A capacity for broad adaptation ensures the equipment can account for many different project variables. Therefore, conducting system options are designed with durability, mounting variability, heat dissipation, insulation, and ease of installation held at high priority.

Crane Conductor Bars

Crane conductor bars are constituted by a multi-part system working in unison.

A summary of conductor bar elements:

  • Conductor Bar
  • Collector
  • Hangers
  • Brackets
  • Anchor Clamp
  • End Cover
  • Power Feed

The primary conductor bar supplies and guides power along the crane bridge. A collector unit processes the delivered current and feeds it into the various crane machines. Hangers connect a series of supportive brackets along the runway to the conductor bar itself. An anchor clamp may be implemented to modulate conductor movement during thermal expansions or contractions. The end of the conductor bar is capped by an end cover to provide safety and a cut-off to the flow of electrical current.

Conductors are built for efficiency, ease of installation, and longevity. In addition, they’re compatible with a large variety of subparts (such as brackets and hangers) – enabling simple, efficient maintenance.

A primary advantage to conductor bars is their viability in multi-bridge runway systems. In addition, conductor bars may be adjusted to suit indoor and outdoor cranes and perfectly accommodate low ceiling environments with limited dropdown power cable spacing.

Because of their versatility, conductor bars are ideal for regularly upgraded systems or in retrofitting legacy operations. Power continuity between existing and new interlocking elements can be trivialized by introducing an appropriate conductor unit. In addition, the straightforward installation allows runways to be extended without excessive logistical challenges related to power supplies – cutting project lead times.

Related Overhead Crane Systems & Components

Industrial overhead cranes can be equipped with a wide variety of accessories and modifications. Implements include:

  • Bare and insulated conductor bars. Bare options provide significant cost reductions in large-scale applications, whereas insulation increases operative efficiency and safety.
  • Spring and motorized cables/hose reels. Cable reels are intended to deliver power to the various industrial elements on a crane. Spring designs enable high power extension and retraction of the reel.
  • Festoon systems. Mobile supports for power cables that allow smooth, dynamic movement with trolleys or hoists.
  • Slip ring assemblies. Facilitates sensor interactivity and transfer of electric current from stationary to rotating / mobile elements.

Additionally, highly tuned optical positioning systems (OPS) may be employed to provide real-time feedback on machinery spacing, movement, and relative component locations. Positional awareness is a valuable tool for autonomous material management and programmed crane operation. OPS elements can be custom configured to new and existing overhead crane operations.

Kor-Pak Overhead Crane Services

Kor-Pak is home to a large team of equipment specialists that can provide the right solutions for your crane operation. Reach out to inquire about service options and consultation.



Signs Your Crane Wheels Need Replacing

Overhead cranes allow materials to be moved through the air. It frees the ground area for workers as they stay productive. Overhead cranes also move heavy loads onto specific conveyances, such as rail cars, and to production processes.

An important part of the overhead crane is the crane wheels. Crane wheels are part of the traveling system to move materials to different locations in facilities. Without them, the crane cannot function to move the materials. Due to the daily work that these parts go through, in time they need to be replaced. There are several signs to look for that may tell you when to replace your crane wheels.


The overhead crane may become misaligned on the tracks. Even with only a slight misalignment, this problem leads to the crane placing unnecessary heavy load stresses on certain parts of the system that are not used to carrying such stress. The misalignment may be due to broken wheel flanges or cracked wheel flanges. Wheel bearings or rails that have worn down prematurely may also indicate a misalignment.

In certain circumstances, the wheels will disengage from the rail and rise up before crashing back down. Even when getting the overhead crane realigned, you may have to replace the wheels after experiencing such hard crashes that could have caused damage to the bearings or wheels themselves.


Workers want to get loads moved as quickly and safely as possible. However, they should only have the overhead crane move materials that fall within the capacity and service range of the machine. Placing on heavier loads leads to extra stress on the wheels and the truck when it moves along the rail This stress causes the wheels to fail due to excessive wear.

Excessive Damage

A sign that may indicate the wheels need to be replaced is excessive wearing on the wheels. While normal wearing is expected, there are times when the wheels, bearings, and flanges may wear down prematurely. The problem may occur due to overcapacity. Another issue causing wear impacts custom overhead cranes where the wheels are made from softer materials than required for the application.

Understanding the types of materials that will be moved will allow you to pick a material for the wheels that can withstand large stresses. Just keep in mind that the hardness of the wheel’s material should match that of the rails. If the rails are made from softer materials, they may experience damage from the harder wheels.

Loud Scraping

Running the crane for long periods of time may cause the wheels to begin to wear out. If the crane exhibits loud scraping noises when in operation while moving along the rail, it could indicate that there is a broken or a cracked wheel. All noises that are not part of the overhead crane’s normally operating system should be investigated and replaced immediately.

Keeping the overhead crane running efficiently means inspecting the wheels, wheel bearings, and wheel flanges for excessive wear, breakage, or cracks. If you are in need of specialty crane parts, turn to Kor-Pak. Contact us today to learn more.

A Guide to Industrial Brakes

Are you designing new equipment and need custom industrial brakes? Industrial brakes are often subjected to extreme heat and pressure. How do you know which brake is going to give a safe stopping force for your equipment?

Read our guide on types of industrial brakes and custom solutions for industrial applications.  

Industrial Caliper Disc Brakes

Disk brakes offer stopping force with less risk of overheating. The caliper on this braking system acts as a clamp that applies force to brake pads and slows rotation down. As a result, brake pad material creates friction against the rotating motion of the machine.

Industrial caliper disc brakes come in different types. They offer customization opportunities for smooth stopping on many industrial applications.

A pneumatic or air-applied spring system will work well for applications for large amounts of torque requirements. In addition, they offer reliable performance for emergency stopping and holding. 

Hydraulic systems can handle a higher torque range and are valid as safety brakes on many industrial applications. They will work well for your heaviest machinery. 

For applications in which frequent stops will occur, it is best to consult a specialist. Get help with calculating torque and choosing the correct disk brake application. Overuse with the wrong caliper can result in unreliable stopping and premature pad wear. 

Drum Brakes

Drum brakes have a shoe in the wheel hub that pushes outward on a drum when you apply the brake. Unfortunately, the shoe pushes into the surface, and friction slows down the rotation.

Drum brake systems are classified as fail-safe, spring-set, and electro-hydraulic thruster or magnetically released systems. 

One of the most significant benefits of drum brakes in industrial applications is their compact design. Where space is limited, drum brakes offer a safe and cost-effective solution. In addition, they work well in applications that do not generate lots of heat. 

Eddy-Current Brakes

The two previous brake systems reviewed apply force with contact. — pressing friction material against a disc or drum surface creates slow or stop.

Eddy-current brakes do not apply contact as the force to create stopping. Electromagnetic currents use a magnetic force against the rotating disc and prevent rotation. Eddy-current brakes are frictionless. 

A conductor must be moving for this force to work. So, Eddy-current brakes are not suited for stop holds. However, they are ideal for applications with high-speed movements for an immediate stop.

Get Quality Service for Replacement or Custom Made Industrial Brakes

Kor-Pak Corporation is an industrial brake and clutch specialist. Kor-Pak has been providing industry-leading brake solutions worldwide for over two decades. 

We offer a wide selection of trusted brakes and clutches in various sizes, torque, styles, and applications. Kor-Pak also designs custom brakes and clutches. In addition, we design and work with your engineering team to assist you in finding the best aftermarket parts. 

Contact our professional team today to begin finding smart solutions for industrial brakes that fit your needs and offer optimal performance.  

4 Uses for Hydraulic Clamps

There is a vital part of production in the heavy machine industry that is often overlooked.


Positioning, supporting, and clamping are critical steps in workholding. However, when it comes to clamping, hydraulic clamps are the superior choice.

Hydraulic clamps have many advantages. They produce accurate and repeatable processes while using less space. As a result, they save time and money.

Does your industry use hydraulic clamps? Read on to learn four essential uses of hydraulic clamps in a variety of industries.

1. Industrial Mobile Hydraulics

Industrial uses of hydraulics extend beyond plant processing machinery and automated production lines.

In industrial mobile hydraulics, an operator manually controls the hydraulic system. Building and construction equipment often contain hydraulics. Example vehicles include tractors, backhoes, excavators, and cranes.

Excavators are an excellent opportunity to see hydraulic clamps in action.

Wheeler and crawler excavators use hydraulic clamps. Heavy machinery operators use the clamps to remove unwanted debris or place materials.

Clamps keep the material secure for loading and handling.

2. Hydraulic Drilling Rigs

Hydraulic fracturing is one of the most advanced mining technologies today.

Drilling uses hydraulics to extract unused gas and oil from the Earth’s surface. It pushes a high-pressure mixture of water, sand, and chemical additives through cracks in the earth. This forces the resources out.

These applications, and many others, benefit from hydraulic pipe clamps. A hydraulic pipe clamp is a convenient way of fastening a tube, pipe, and hose to a fixed point.

These hydraulic clamps reduce system noise, vibration, and damage caused by flex fatigue. Thus, they are vital for long-term safety and performance.

3. Maritime Technology

Hydraulic clamps play an essential role in marine applications. They are essential to maintain control and stability of leisure and commercial vessels.

Many ship parts use hydraulic systems.

Steering gears, bow and stern thrusters, and engine rooms contain hydraulic parts. In addition, maintenance systems such as pumps, jacks, and deck machines also use hydraulic systems.

One interesting use of hydraulic clamps is boat leveling systems.

Boat levelers correct listing in certain sea conditions. These systems use hydraulics for smooth trimming actions. Hydraulic hose clamps are vital to the proper function of leveling systems.

4. Aerospace Industry

Aerospace applications such as planes, rockets, and spaceships also use hydraulic systems.

Hydraulics, including clamps, are active in steering and braking. They are also used to adjust wing retraction or landing gear and open or close doors.

The aerospace industry faces unique conditions. Therefore, when choosing materials, you must consider many variables. These include extreme temperatures, high-frequency vibrations, and harsh chemical usage.

Hydraulic hose clamps are critical in these conditions. They maintain stability, safety, and proper function.

Choose the Right Hydraulic Clamps For Your Needs

Hydraulic systems have many uses across several heavy machine industries. So it’s easy to see that hydraulic clamps are vital tools.

To achieve safe and consistent workholding, hydraulic clamps are a great option. They can help you save time, money, and space while producing reliable results. 

Need help choosing the right hydraulic clamp for your needs?

Kor-Pak is here to help. Please browse our products or contact us today.

7 Signs Your Industrial Gearbox Needs Servicing

Gearboxes are the unsung heroes of power transmission. They take the motor output and change speed, torque, and direction to what’s needed to drive essential equipment. Conveyor systems, pumps, mixers, and a host of other machinery rely on gearboxes for their operation.

When a gearbox fails, the equipment or process being driven stops. That unplanned downtime translates to lost production, late deliveries, and increased costs.

An excellent way to avoid problems like these is by carrying out regular inspections. They don’t need to take long; you just need to know what to look for. Here are seven signs that your gearbox needs attention.

1. Oil Leaking from Shaft Seals

Gearbox oil lubricates and cools. If it’s leaking, the level will be low, which leads to other problems. (See below.) Oil leaks usually appear as dark streaks or tearstains in the paint directly below where shafts exit the gearbox housing.

2. Running Abnormally Hot

Heat causes expansion — that takes up clearances and leads to more wear. A simple check is to place a hand on the housing. To get more sophisticated, use a handheld IR thermometer or even a thermal camera. If you see smoke or the paint is becoming discolored, you’ve got a severe overheating problem.

3. Unusual Noise and/or Vibration

These go hand-in-hand, but in noisy environments, it’s hard to pick up abnormal sounds. Vibration, however, will tell you if something is going wrong. So, again, a hand check is good, but the instrumentation is better. You might even want to install vibration monitoring equipment on critical pieces of the plant.

4. Low Oil Level

If the manufacturer put a sight glass on the housing, it’s there for a reason. Make sure you can see oil at the correct level. If not, plan on topping it up as soon as possible.

5. Low Oil Pressure

Hard to tell without a pressure gauge, but low oil pressure suggests the pump is failing. If the gauge is reading low, plan on making repairs soon.

6. Damaged Gear Teeth

Take a cover off and check the condition of the teeth. If necessary, get hold of an endoscope for a close-up examination. Spalling or other signs of wear suggest alignment, bearing, or temperature problems. If one or more teeth are missing, it might be that the gearbox is being overloaded. Schedule repair or replacement as soon as possible.

7. Blocked Breathers

Breathers let air move in and out of the gearbox housing. If they get blocked, this airflow stops. It could lead to raised temperatures, and it may also mean the gearbox has ingested particulates from the air. Clean the breather and change the oil!

A common challenge with monitoring gearboxes is, can you be sure something has changed? It’s good practice to take pictures and make notes on every inspection. You might even video it running. This way, if you suspect a problem, you can check whether you see something new or just normal operation.

What To Do If You See Problems?

We’re specialists in industrial gearboxes and power transmission products. Contact Us for all your spares, servicing, and replacement equipment needs.

Knowing Your Agricultural Equipment

The range of applications offered by modern farm equipment comes with a similarly broad library of parts and maintenance options. Sustaining a base of current knowledge around your agricultural tools is beneficial whether you’re running a newer, small-time operation or scaling up efficiency as a veteran in the farming industry. 

Keeping up with the ins and outs of your agricultural equipment while successfully managing a budget is easier said than done. Balancing parts selection with the cost of maintenance – around an increasingly complex supply chain environment – means every investment in machinery needs to be thoroughly understood and optimized. 

Kor-Pak supplies a comprehensive range of agricultural equipment and tooling components. Here, we’ll be taking a look at five agricultural machinery considerations to best support your farming operation.


When we think about the efficiency of a machine, we often look at the bigger pieces of the puzzle: the wheels, engines, rotors, bands, and processing systems (blades, fans, etc.). However, the effectiveness of these larger structures is owed to a long list of slightly more invisible properties. Among such internal qualities, friction is a front-runner. 

The friction coefficient of any material you implement in your agricultural equipment can impact the overall productivity of your operation. If your machines are not equipped with the proper friction materials for the soil, agricultural category, or climate, they will be susceptible to increased wear and tear. 

PTO (Power Take-Off) Facings

Power take-off systems channel energy from an engine to another component in the machine system. For example, kinetic/rotating power can be converted into hydraulic power for a pump – negating the need for a standalone hydraulic engine. 

In choosing a PTO and its associated facings, operators should know their applications’ specific horsepower and torque requirements. Speed, sizing, and frictional elements can contribute to problems of excessive heating and component slipping. 

Phenolic Bushings

Bushings are single-element bearings intended to modulate the efficiency of moving parts (like shafts and fans). Phenolic materials have taken precedence among high-load applications for their unique self-lubricating properties and resistance to heat-conduction into other parts of the system. Further, they contribute to structural stability in the equipment and can be engineered for extreme resilience under high heat conditions and exposure to acid. 

Phenolic bushings provide a highly efficient, low-maintenance option that is well-suited for agricultural equipment.

Brake Bands

The relationship between friction and function and its importance to optimal machine operation is established – and your brake systems are no different. During use, brake bands will accumulate tremendous amounts of heat. As a result, improperly specced or unmaintained material may experience a condition referred to as “fading.” Fading is the rapid deterioration of a material’s friction coefficient resulting from excess heat build-up. 

Cost and Maintenance

Agricultural equipment maintenance is a significant component of the overall operational costs inherent to any farming operation. Making well-informed decisions on your materials can contribute to saving as much as $50 an acre.

Kor-Pak is here to help. Contact our team for guidance and consultation on selecting the best agricultural materials for your equipment, and we’ll get you on your way.

Torque Limiter: What Is It and Why Is It Important for Mechanical Equipment?

Applications around the world and in many industries use mechanisms to operate machinery. From harvesting crops and processing food to mining precious ores from the earth, these machines use rotating systems to operate, such as tracks on an excavator or a tractor equipped with a brush hog attachment used to clear a field.

Depending on the machine, the amount of generated torque can be vast depending on the equipment and the task. Therefore, these mechanisms are designed to handle a specific amount of generated torque consistently. However, some unforeseen circumstances may cause the mechanisms to experience higher torque loads that exceed design specifications. In these instances, a torque limiter is used to prevent the machine from overloading.

What is a Torque Limiter?

A torque limiter is a device that limits the amount of torque that mechanisms will experience. It is a device placed somewhere between the drive and the system that is driven. The torque limiter engages when the machine experiences a high torque load that the system cannot handle. 

The torque limiter disconnects (slips) the drive from the driven system. Due to this decoupling, the torque force begins to dissipate as the machine falls back into normal torque load thresholds or completely shuts down. For some torque limiter designs, the device still allows the equipment to function at lower speeds as engineers diagnose the issue to get the equipment running back at total capacity. For other instances, the torque limiter must be manually reset to reengage the drive system. 

There are many types of torque limiter designs. Some standard devices include the following:

  • Shear pin
  • Friction torque limiters
  • Ball detent torque limiters
  • Magnetic torque limiters
  • Hydraulic torque limiters

Why Are Torque Limiters Important?

Torque limiters act as a safety mechanism for equipment. It prevents equipment from experiencing a catastrophic failure that could result in tool breakage or even injuries to workers. The torque limiter is designed to work within milliseconds of detecting high torque loads. As a result, they can prevent damage from gearboxes, shafts, couplings chains, and other mechanisms. 

The location of the torque limiter varies based on which type of equipment it should protect. Multiple torque limiters may be placed between different points along the drive system. You may have a torque limiter between the gearbox and the motor to protect the motor, or the gearbox and the driven system to protect both the motor and the gearbox.

Best practices when deciding on the size and type of torque limiter and its placement will depend on the generated torque load. Typically, the torque load may be placed between mechanisms that are the most expensive to maintain, repair, or replace in the event of a catastrophic failure. In addition, the torque limiter should always be set at a place that generally has a low amount of torque to prevent the device from accidentally tripping on its own. 

When it comes to torque limiters, these devices protect your equipment through their entire lifecycle. As a result, they may prevent unnecessary downtimes, complete equipment failure, and workplace accidents. For more information about torque limiters, contact Kor-Pak.

3 Reasons Why You Need an Overhead Crane Inspection

Does your line of work use an overhead crane? Overhead cranes tend to be a great benefit for industrial warehouses, and there’s a good chance that if you own a warehouse, your crane is nothing short of a necessity for your business.

That said, you want to make sure your overhead crane stays in top condition for a long time to come. As durable as these machines are made, it’s always a smart idea to commit to a regular overhead crane inspection to keep it running at its best.

Read on to learn the benefits of maintaining your overhead crane.

1. Overhead Crane Maintenance Helps Avoid Mechanical Failure

Perhaps the most important and apparent reason to conduct maintenance on your overhead crane is to avoid mechanical failure. Mechanical failure can result in many problems, from your crane not working (and your business losing money) to serious injury to your employees.

Ongoing maintenance helps you to avoid this and makes sure your business keeps running.

2. Invest in the Latest Products

Even the most advanced overhead cranes are bound to fall behind on the times. New parts are constantly being created that make the crane easier, safer, and better. However, without proper maintenance, you’ll eventually work with outdated parts that could cause your crane to falter or malfunction.

Ensure to conduct your inspection so you can continue to use the latest products and have your business running at maximum efficiency.

3. Stay Compliant With Industry Standards

It’s wise to remain in good standing with the latest standards. These standards are put in place to ensure your business and your employees are safe and potential damage is kept to a minimum.

Staying up to date with the industry standards is as easy as getting a routine inspection. The inspectors will check your overhead crane and make sure everything is in top condition and follows the official guidelines.

Overhead Crane Inspection

There are many reasons to have a regular overhead crane inspection since it’s crucial to your success. The next step is figuring out where to go to get your inspection.

Kor-Pak Corporation offers overhead crane inspection and industrial products to ensure your business has everything it needs to grow and thrive.

Take a look around our site to learn more about what we have to offer, or reach out to us for your next inspection. Let’s help your business to succeed!

What’s Involved In a Crane Service

Crane service is essential to keeping your equipment in good condition. It’s also critical in ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

297 crane-related deaths were reported from 2011 to 2017, with over half resulting from the worker being struck by equipment. Without regular crane maintenance, owners risk the safety of their workers, heavy fines, and their ability to operate their business at full capacity.

In this article, we discuss what to expect when it comes to crane servicing. Continue reading to learn how to service your crane to ensure everything is in order with your crane. 

Crane Inspections

Customers often ask, ‘how often should you service your crane?’ However, OSHA regulations dictate that crane inspections are necessary to identify any need for repairs at least once every 12 months. For this reason, it’s recommended that you time your inspections with crane maintenance.

Crane servicing begins with a visual inspection of all components of the crane. Next, the condition and functionality of essential parts and safety features are reviewed. 

After the inspection part of servicing your crane, you receive a detailed report highlighting any needed repairs. It’s also common to receive a quote for the repairs that include the cost of parts and labor. To reduce the number of repairs required, consider having your crane inspected on a more frequent basis if it’s used regularly. 

Routine Maintenance and Repairs

Part of knowing how to service your crane is understanding the importance of routine maintenance. Crane servicing involves necessary routine maintenance to ensure it’s running as it should. For example, you can keep the mechanical components in good condition by making necessary adjustments and applying lubrication.

While servicing your crane, you can also complete the necessary repairs and upgrades. In addition, you can extend the life of your crane by upgrading some of your mechanical components.

Improved parts such as updated gears and bearings can make your equipment run smoother. These updates can also help ensure compliance with safety standards. 

Ensure Functionality

Once repairs and maintenance are complete, it’s important to take the time to reassemble all parts carefully. Also, ensure everything is working as it should. This part of the crane service helps avoid common hazards relating to malfunctioning equipment and provides control measures

Again, take the time to make sure everything is working as it should after crane maintenance. However, the entire process should be as quick and efficient as possible. This helps cut any production delays and financial strain.  

Ensure Compliance

The goal with crane service is to keep you compliant. This is why part of servicing your crane is focused on ensuring operation within safety guidelines. 

A fully functional crane and the necessary upgrades offer you peace of mind. You can operate with confidence, knowing that your crane is fully compliant and legal. 

Stay Compliant with Annual Crane Service

Now that you know what to expect of crane service and how to service your crane, you can focus on pursuing the process. Servicing your crane regularly keeps you compliant, keeps your workers safe, and helps avoid costly breakdowns. Plus, it’s easier to perform routine crane maintenance than costly repairs. 

Get your service on the schedule by contacting us today. 


Industrial Clutch Repairs: Everything You Need to Know

Analysts estimate that the US’s industrial brakes and clutches market is worth $311.3 million in 2021. Your industrial clutch is a critical part of your operations. A faulty clutch can lead to costly downtime and put you at a competitive disadvantage.

As the economy continues its rebound, you want your business to be in the best possible position. So you need to know how to tell if your clutch needs repairing.

Here are some common signs that you need industrial clutch repairs. You can fix your faulty clutch before it turns into a bigger problem.

High-Pitched Squealing or Chirping Sounds

If you push down the clutch and you hear squealing or chirping, it could be time to replace your industrial clutch. Worn-out pilot bearings are often the cause of these noises.

A lack of lubricant can cause them also. You hear the bearings scraping against each other.

Continuing to use the clutch in either of these circumstances could lead to significant damage.

Loud Grinding Noises

A loud grinding noise when you push down the clutch could be the gears grinding against each other. Problems with the pressure plate or throw-out bearing can cause this sound. You’ll need to replace the entire clutch assembly before the damage spreads.

Frozen Clutch

If the clutch won’t engage or disengage, you may have a problem with clutch slipping. If you have a hydraulic clutch, air could be interfering with its operation. Clutch plates that are soaked in water can also freeze the clutch.

A faulty clutch mechanism can prevent it from working. A mechanic can help you diagnose which part of the clutch is causing the problem.

High Engine Revs but Slow Acceleration

High engine revs when you depress and fully engage the clutch are a sign of a slipping clutch. A damaged or rusted pressure plate is often the cause. The clutch linkage may also be the problem.

A worn friction plate gives less friction on the flywheel and pressure plate. As a result, the clutch has to work harder to transfer energy. That’s why you get higher engine revs but slower acceleration.

Loss of Power

Problems with the torque converter can cause a loss of power. This is because the torque converter converts horsepower to torque. So if the engine is running and you’re pumping the pedal, but you’re not getting anything out of it, you may need a new torque converter.

Clutch slippage can also cause a loss of power. In this case, it’s the master clutch assembly that isn’t transferring power to the torque converter. A clutch adjustment can often fix problems with the master clutch assembly.


Too much or too little lubrication can cause your clutch to overheat. Overheating can also be a problem with the torque converter. In that case, low converter fluid pressure or air in the system could be the reason.

If you have a power take-off clutch (PTO), it will run hot when first installed. However, high-temperature measurements after 20 hours of use can indicate a problem.

Simplify Your Industrial Clutch Repairs

When you have a faulty clutch, you can make the repair process easier if you follow a few basic steps. First, keep the original product instructions and packaging. This ensures you’ll know what unit you have.

Second, if your application has changed from when you installed the original clutch, be sure you get a replacement with the right size and torque for the new job.

Finally, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully if you’re doing the clutch replacement yourself. Clutches have close tolerances. You’ll have more problems later if the installation isn’t exactly right.

Finding the Best Industrial Clutch

You’ll get your industrial clutch repairs off to a good start using a suitable unit from a quality manufacturer. Kor-Pak is your industrial brake and clutch specialist. We offer a wide range of sizes, torque, styles, and applications.

We’ll help you find what you need at a competitive price. Contact us today to ensure your equipment stays running at optimal efficiency.