What are Gantry Crane Wheels?

Are you looking to incorporate a new gantry crane into your construction portfolio? It’s a great idea, but you’ll want to know as much as you can about these vehicles, ahead of time. Specifically, you’ll want to know about gantry crane wheels, from what they do to what they’re made out of, and everything in between.

So join us today as we break down this crucial component in the gantry crane system.

What Are Gantry Crane Wheels?

In a gantry crane, the wheel serves a critical role: to withstand its weight while running on the track as smoothly as possible. This, in turn, allows the gantry crane to operate as it should, lifting loads and carrying them from one end of the beam to the other. Throughout all of this, crane wheels are under a lot of stress and should be made strong and durable.

Gantry or bridge crane wheels are typically either single or double rim. Single rim flanged track wheels are common, mainly used in gantry cranes under 5 tonnes. You’ll also see them on double beam bridge gantry cranes.

A double rim is chiefly found on heavier gantry cranes, double beam bridge gantry cranes, and mechanisms for crane operation. They’re also more than adequate for casting crane operation mechanisms and electric flat cars, as well as many others.

Non-flanged track wheels are also available.

What Are They Made Of?

Because crane wheels are put under so much stress, they must be made out of hardy materials for longevity. The hardness of the steel you use to make your wheel influences its “toughness.”

These wheels are made from raw materials and alloys. These may also include low-or-medium-carbon steel. With medium carbon steel, we find a much wider availability of the material and a subsequent drop in cost. As a result, this is easily the most commonly used raw material in this field.

Why You Need One

“So,” you’re wondering, “It’s a crane that uses wheels to lift and move things. What are the benefits for my construction business?” Well, as luck would have it, there are more than a few great benefits:

  • 100% mobility
  • Rapid assembly
  • Versatility
  • Easy customization

A gantry crane is a versatile option, first and foremost, because it can be used both indoors and outdoors. Use steel or aluminum. Adjust the height, span, or tread.

Quick, modular assembly means a gantry crane can roll up to where it needs to be used and be operating within seconds. Single leg gantries even exist for jobs where space is an issue problem, lifting using wall-mounted I-beams and A-frame leg. 

Time To Get Wheel, With A Gantry Crane

The benefits of a gantry crane boil down to two things: versatility and maneuverability. It’s a powerhouse of lifting capability, designed to be put to use in diverse and demanding situations. And gantry crane wheels have a lot to do with that.

Are you looking for more great content, straight from the construction site? Check out some of our other blogs, today, or get in touch to find out more about our service portfolio.

What Are Overhead Crane Training Requirements? Things to Know to Pass

Do you want to be an overhead crane operator? If so, you should know what to expect from the role. Overhead crane operators lift and move materials, products, and machines. This requires knowledge of rigging, proper operation, maintenance, and signaling.

To gain the knowledge you need for the role, every overhead crane operator must undergo training. The typical training is only a few days long and includes practical lessons and classroom theory.

Most employers provide this training. You may also take different tests through the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO).

What can you expect from overhead crane training? Here are the overhead crane training requirements you need to pass.

Physical Ability

Overhead crane operation is a physically demanding job. Most operators are often on their feet. When you are sitting, you’re using your arms and legs to control machines, tools, and equipment. Most of the work is done at great heights, and you’ll work with potentially dangerous machinery.

The working conditions can get pretty extreme, including exposure to loud noises.

To ensure you can handle the conditions, you must prove you can physically handle the job. All students require a medical examination and obtain a certificate from their doctor that shows they fit all the standards needed by the Department of Transportation.

Safety Training

The OSHA requires overhead crane safety training. When you pass the training, you receive certification. This certificate lasts three years, and re-certification is required.

Most of the safety training includes pre-operation inspections and signaling. Some of the inspections you’ll learn include load hook and safety latch inspection, control pendant inspection, walkway and site inspections, and load-bearing rope checks.

Most pre-operation checks start with checking controls, operating the crane in every direction, slowly raising the load block, checking the emergency stop button, and ensuring the wire rope is spooling correctly. This ensures you don’t endure machine failure and other problems.

For operation safety, you’ll learn how to lift each item slowly to maximize safety. You’ll know how to identify obstacles and move objects without abrupt movements.

You’ll also learn basic safety information, such as keeping hands away from pinch points.

In addition to these necessary training tools and inspections, you’ll learn what to do in case there’s an emergency.

Job Performance

Overhead crane operators are required to know the proper operation, signaling, rigging, and maintenance of the overhead crane they’re using. Here are some of the complex tasks you’ll learn:

  • Modes of operation
  • Pre-operation inspection
  • Wire rope construction design, uses, and inspection
  • Reeving
  • Gross and net capacity
  • Crane work areas
  • Capacity reduction
  • Operator and rigger responsibilities
  • Knowing hand signals
  • Lift problems
  • Site conditions and inspections

You’ll learn these topics through a combination of classroom and hands-on training.

Know the Overhead Crane Training Requirements and Earn Your Certification

If you want to be an overhead crane operator, you must complete the mandatory training courses and achieve your certificate. These overhead crane training requirements will help you prepare for the training.

Do you have an end of life crane or another piece of equipment that requires a professional inspection? Take a look at our overhead crane inspection services.

More Than Just Large Cranes: 5 Types of Hoisting Equipment in the Construction Industry

The construction equipment market will grow to $89.3 billion next year.

It’s easy to see why. A job is only as good as the tools used to construct it. But with so many different tools out there, it’s essential to get the right ones for the job.

Read on to learn how to tell your large cranes from your moveable pulleys.

1. Movable Pulley

A pulley consists of a wheel on a shaft (or axle) that supports movement. It also supports a change of direction or a belt (or cable) along the wheel’s circumference.

They’re used in many ways to transfer power, apply force and lift things. A pulley is also called a drum or a sheave. Sometimes it has a groove between the two edges of its circumference for the belt to sit. Belts consist of cable, rubber, rope, or chain.

2. Rope and Pulley

The rope and pulley have been in use since antiquity and is most suited to lifting heavy loads and loads with rough surfaces. Usually, the ropes are chain or wire. For hoisting operations, an alloy chain works best.

The weakest part is the load hook – the hook securing the chain to the load item. This can straighten out and fail. When you notice straightening on the hook, you should replace it to avoid accidents.

3. Chain Hoist

This system consists of chains made into two sets. These are the load chain and the hand chain. Hand chains are useful for remote, isolated locations where electricity isn’t available. The force applied from the hand chains transfers over to the load chain.

Chain hoists use a load cook to secure the load as well as a support hook. This supports the mechanism. You shouldn’t interchange these hooks, though. The support hook is stronger than the load hook, so if changed, the load hook won’t be up to the job of supporting.

4. Tower Crane

These cranes are of the swing jib type and usually mounted on steel towers. The towers can be up to 30m tall. Tower cranes are best utilized on tall buildings that are being built in built-up areas. This is because they need a minimum ground area.

Tower cranes combine the best parts of a log boom from a derrick crane and mobility from mobile cranes. The rotating part is an outer framework.

The boom is then added to the front end of this. A counterweight balances out the back end. Two motors at diagonal points on the base are what gives the middle shaft movement.

5. Derrick Crane

There are two types of derrick crane — guy derricks and stiff leg derricks. There is a vertical mast on a guy derrick, and the number of guy wires supports it.

It has a 360° movement. Usually, they’re powered by electric or diesel motors. Guy derricks can have a 200-tonne lifting capacity. Stiff leg derricks replace the guy wires with a trussed structure. The carrying capacity of stiff leg derricks is between 10 to 50 tonnes.

From Large Cranes to Moveable Pulleys — Know the Difference

Each piece of hoisting equipment is suitable for different jobs. Hand chain hoists are great for off-the-grid locations. While guy derricks are capable of handling huge loads for big projects.

If you’re looking for the perfect piece of hoisting equipment, contact us today to see how we at Kor-pak.com can help.

5 Crane Lift Safety Tips Every Crane Operator Should Follow

When you’re trying to get the best from your industrial and construction work, it pays to get to know the equipment that you’re using. Not only should you use this equipment effectively, but you also need to learn how to use it as safely as possible. 

This will prevent workplace injuries and liabilities to your company as a whole. Consider these crane lift safety tips to help your business.

1. Keep a Safe Distance From the Load You Are Carrying

If you want to be safe when using a crane lift, you must manage your distance. By standing too close to the load and lift when using it, you are more likely to sustain an injury or damage your load. 

Actively maintain this distance with each use and post the proper range with signage throughout the workplace. 

2. Only Use Seasoned and Professional Crane Lift Operators

It’s also crucial that you hire nothing but high-quality crane lift operators to assist you. When you have a professional that understands the equipment and uses the right technique, you’ll avoid setbacks with each construction job. 

Be sure that you are also getting regular crane lift repairs and changing out parts when necessary. The help of experts is the best investment you can make. 

3. Wear the Best Safety Equipment

It’s vital to use the right equipment when operating a crane lift. 

This means wearing a hard hat, gloves, thick-soled work boots, and other equipment to keep safe. Wearing this equipment at all times should be mandatory for anyone on the work floor.

4. Be Mindful of Weight and Safe Working Load 

Always be mindful of your crane’s Safe Working Load (SWL) when operating it. 

When you are aware of the different loading capacities of the crane that you operate, you will be able to avoid weighing it down too much. Weighing your crane down with more than it can handle is an easy way to cause accidents that can be damaging and even fatal. 

Keep the SWL posted at all times so that your workers are fully aware. 

5. Follow the Best Load Safety Practices 

In addition to understanding the load weight limits, follow the practices that’ll be the most useful. Always be as careful as possible and work in teams. 

Take the time to carefully hoist and attach every part of the load that you’re managing to avoid having anything fall and break. Above all, be sure there are onsite managers to supervise. 

Manage Your Crane Safety Daily

Safety is of the utmost importance when operating a crane lift. Utilize the tips above to maintain crane safety. 

Be sure to contact us when you need crane inspections, equipment repair, and more. 

6 Tips For Industrial Crane Service

The powerful industry crane is the workhouse foundation for a large variety of industrial sites. With it, your productivity can be enormous, but you must use it in the right ways.

Keeping up with your crane service requires an organized schedule, a sharp eye for details, and proper diligence. Without this, you can waste a lot of money and productive time

Here are the most critical pieces of appropriate crane service to keep in mind. Follow these, and you’ll have a long service from your cranes.

1. Organize Regular Maintenance

From production to maintenance, keeping a refined schedule is the best way to ensure that nothing slips under your radar. The last thing you need is something to fall apart because you weren’t monitoring your equipment.

Putting together weekly, monthly, and yearly checks will depend on how often and intense you use your cranes. More often is always the safer option. 

2. Checking The Small Things

When doing your maintenance checks, it can be easy to check the major functions and parts. These are important, but even the smallest of details can be problematic.

Lubrication, loose bolts and rivets, and signs of rust are all pieces you need to keep an eye out for. Any of these things can cause significant problems if ignored.

3. Keep Your Records Straight

To get a proper picture of the wear and tear on your cranes, you need all the information you can get. Every piece can paint a more accurate picture.

This will include the number of times used per day, the weight of loads, the speed that you operate it, and more tiny details. These can help you plot out maintenance schedules as well as show which aspects get worked the most. 

4. Test Your Loads 

No matter what your cranes are carrying, you need to do frequent tests of their load capacity to ensure you aren’t pushing it. When you have consistent loads, then a change can throw you off.

It’s good to know the top end and low end of your crane’s capacity. This can also help you test for potential strain. When your production shifts, you know how far you can push it. 


5. Structure Frequent Safety Checks

In all industrial environments, safety is paramount. As you test the equipment, so too should you test your employee’s ability to operate it. 

A crane service can be pointless if your employees aren’t following the standards you are testing by. As well, your cranes and employees can be in danger if safety standards aren’t followed.

6. Note Wear Before Disaster

Strain can build up over time, and all mechanical objects suffer wear and tear. It is inevitable, so it is best to prepare yourself for when it happens. 

Check the points of strain, such as cabling, joints, and clutches. Grinding of metal, damage to the metal or even rust can spell bad news for your crane’s parts.

Be ready to repair and replace when your crane shows too much damage so that you don’t waste time waiting for parts

Perfecting Crane Service

With these tips for better crane service, you know you can keep your powerful industrial machines in the best of shape. Your investment matters and is the lifeblood to your work, so best to keep it that way.

When you need quality cranes to go with your quality crane service, there is no better provider than Kor-Pak. Contact us today to get your quality crane parts.

What Happens to the Various Crane Components During Modernizations?

Like other equipment and machinery, cranes age. And with age comes wear and tear and the inability to keep up with newer equipment. Of course, investing in a modern crane doesn’t always fit into your budget.

The fast pace of innovation makes keeping up with the latest and greatest in equipment difficult for many companies. But you’ve got another solution, crane modernization. 

Read on for a brief breakdown of the various crane components and what happens during modernization. 

Crane Components and Crane Modernization

During modernizations, cranes often undergo control upgrades, lifting upgrades, and mechanical upgrades. Let’s break each of these down further. Along the way, we’ll discuss the components involved, too.

The modern workplace makes worker safety paramount. As a result, control upgrades are often in order when it comes to bringing a crane up to today’s standards.

Control Upgrades

What’s the problem with outdated control systems? They tend to be load-dependent and must regularly get tuned or adjusted. What’s more, getting parts for older systems can prove difficult and time-consuming.

Fortunately, control system upgrades are affordable. And they’ll improve the safety of your workplace. They include installing a radio control system and a load display system, so you always know how much you hoist. 

Load display systems and load limiting systems both impact employee safety. These systems prevent dangerous situations created by overloads. 

Another important system is the collision avoidance system. As the name suggests, it prevents a variety of different accidents in the workplace between cranes. 

Lifting Upgrades

Besides safety considerations, antiquated cranes don’t have the same lift capacity as newer ones. Working with this type of equipment results in inefficiencies and loss of time and money.

But lighter weight materials and structural reinforcements can increase lift capacity. So can higher strength wire ropes and modern components. 

Best of all, these component upgrades work with the existing structure. Changes worth considering include replacing cast iron:

  • Frames
  • Drums
  • Bull gears
  • Gear cases

By reducing the weight of the crane with lighter weight components, you’ll increase lift capacity

Mechanical Upgrades

Mechanical components, such as overhead crane components, also make a big difference. 

Mechanical improvements include new braking systems and bridge crane component upgrades. It’s also worth upgrading wheel cube and end-truck installations. 

And don’t forget about gear reducer upgrades and hoist replacements.

Why these particular systems and components? For one, many older cranes come with hoists equipped with mechanical load brakes.

These are constant wear components, which mean plenty of replacements. What’s more, substitutes prove time-consuming and costly.

Some parts prove so old they’re no longer manufactured. You know what that means? Custom-manufactured parts, for which you might have to pay top dollar. 

An overhaul of your overhead crane system comes with many advantages when it comes to modernizing your equipment. 

Retrofitting Your Crane

If you’re tired of workplace safety hazards and inefficiencies, then upgrade your crane. Not only will it mean you get more work done, but it’ll help you comply with OSHA.

Fortunately, there are many ways to modernize this workplace staple without costing you an arm and a leg. Ready to learn more? Contact us to discuss your current equipment and workload needs.

Hoists & Cranes: 5 Can’t-Miss Important Maintenance & Repair Tips

Some of the world’s biggest crane crashes have caused devastation in cities and on worksites. Not only are crane accidents costly, but they can also be fatal. But there is good news — they’re often avoidable with proper maintenance for cranes and hoists. 

If you work with cranes and hoists, you’re probably aware of the danger of not doing regular maintenance and repairs. Still, with so many moving parts, it’s easy to miss something important.

We’re here to help brush up your knowledge of maintenance for hoists and cranes, so you and everyone nearby will stay safe. Read on for some essential maintenance and repair tips to keep in mind on your next inspection!

Check Alignment and Skew

A misaligned crane that skews to one side or the other may not be an obvious hazard. But the lack of alignment can cause excess stress on the whole system, resulting in damage that you might not be able to see right away.

Over time, this can increase the chances of a collapse. Make sure to always get your crane checked for alignment. 

Look for Wear on Chains and Connections of Hoists

Hoist chains and end connections can sustain a lot of wear over time. Make sure to also check them regularly visually for wear and tear. Check that nothing is stretched beyond the manufacturer’s recommendations, as well. 

Inspect Hooks for Damage

The hook is an essential part of the crane since it holds the load in place. Hooks only stay strong when they can hold the load the way they were designed to. Wear and tear or damage compromises the hook, creating a risky situation. 

A hook that’s bent or otherwise damaged loses its internal integrity. It might stretch or crack, and if this goes too far, the load might even slip off the hook. 

Before each shift, you should check your hooks to make sure they don’t show visual signs of damage. 

Make Sure Air and Hydraulic Systems Aren’t Leaking or Damaged

Valves, pumps, tanks, lines, and other parts of a crane’s air and hydraulic systems need to get inspected for damage, too. 

You should check these components every day. One small issue can result in significant problems for the operation of the crane. 

Replace End Truck Wheels as Needed

The end truck allows the bridge and hoists to move along the crane’s runway. As you can imagine, these wheels can sustain a lot of damage with regular use and need to be replaced often.

If you notice uneven or premature wear, this can also be a helpful sign that the crane is skewing. 

The Importance of Well-Maintained Hoists and Cranes

Maintaining hoists and cranes can help prevent deadly accidents. But even barring a worst-case scenario, it can also help save money and time by reducing downtime for crane repairs. 

In addition to doing your own inspections, it’s also valuable to get regular third-party inspections to keep your cranes and hoists up to par. Looking for an inspection service? Learn more about ours here!

5 Things to Remember About OSHA Inspections For Industrial Cranes

It’s every business’s worst nightmare. You’re caught unaware by an inspection, and despite careful maintenance, you don’t pass.

Your overhead cranes will be inspected annually. Fail to pass these OSHA inspections, and your whole business could face substantial financial penalties.

Many factors go into passing, and it’s hard to keep them all in mind. Luckily, you don’t have to. That’s where we come in. 

Would you like to be completely prepared for a crane inspection? Want to have that peace of mind that comes with knowing everything is running smoothly? Then keep reading, and we’ll tell you exactly what you need to know.

OSHA Inspections Can Take Place Anytime Within 12 Months of the Last Inspection

While crane inspections technically take place every 12 months, that doesn’t mean it will be exactly a year to the day since your last one. OSHA can legally visit you at any time. The only rule for crane inspections is that OSHA must inspect your crane on or before the anniversary of your last crane inspection.

Every Modification Must Be In Line with OSHA Standards

Modifying your crane, or making it more powerful is perfectly legal. It’s not a simple case of just modifying your crane and calling it a day, however.

Every modification needs to be checked over by either a qualified engineer or the original manufacturer. 

If you’re looking to have your crane modified or modernized, such as adding a remote control feature, you need to ensure the engineers complete it according to regulations.

Other Regular Crane Inspections Are Required

OSHA inspections may only be annual, but they’re not the only ones you should carry out. 

Regular crane inspections must be carried out following federal and state laws.

Every day, the following should be checked:

  • The functional operating system for maladjustment
  • The condition of lines, tanks, and all other components of the pneumatic or hydraulic systems
  • The hook for cracks or deformation
  • Hoist chains for any issues that will affect proper function
  • For excessive wear

Every month, you’ll need to ensure that a signed crane inspection record is created for:

  • The condition of the hook
  • The condition of hoist chains
  • The condition of your running rope

Mobile Apps Can Help With Inspections

Crane inspection software is available to help you comply with regulations. These apps offer a wide range of features to simplify inspections, such as allowing workers to upload photos of faults. 

Other apps are available that break OSHA regulations down into a list. Your workers can then move through this list quickly and efficiently. 

While some apps do require internet access, others allow for offline use. Which one you choose will depend on your facility’s unique requirements.

Checklists Can Help Ensure Compliance

OSHA guidelines can be hard to understand at times, particularly if you’re not fluent in legal language. By breaking the rules down into English, and posing them as a question, you can ensure they will be understood.

For example, where regulations state motors must be checked for performance issues, ask: “Are there any problems with the motor’s performance?”

How We Can Help

OSHA inspections can be stressful, but they’re carried out to protect the safety of you and your workforce. If you need the stress taken out of inspections, contact us.

7 Smart Safety Tips For Offshore Rigs

The oil and gas extraction industry saw 1,189 deaths between 2003 and 2013. 

During this decade, the fatality rate dropped by a third even as the industry doubled in size. Partnerships between the industry and government likely created safer work environments.

With the right safety precautions, even more of these workplace accidents can be prevented. Keep reading to learn safety tips for those working on offshore rigs.

1. Do Regular Inspections & Routine Maintenance

Regular inspections will prevent unwanted downtime for machinery repairs. Plus, workers will be safer.

Through regular inspections, spot minor issues can before they turn into expensive problems. Catching malfunctions early will save money on rig equipment and prevent lost revenue. 

2. Use Crane Cameras on Offshore Rigs

Special crane cameras can increase rig safety. The crane operator can prevent accidents by watching live footage of the crane’s movement.

Plus, the cameras provide surveillance in case an accident leads to an investigation.

3. Dress for Safety

All heavy equipment work sites have safety rules about clothing. Offshore oil rigs are no different. Safety-toe footwear is required. It’s also important to confine long hair and avoid wearing loose clothing.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is usually required on oil rigs. This includes items like hard hats, eye protection, gloves, and jumpsuits.

4. Use Fall Protection at Heights Above 10 Feet

Oil rigs are extremely tall and intricate structures. In fact, some oil rigs stand over 800 feet tall. These immense structures require regular maintenance, which puts workers at risk for dangerous falls. 

Workers should use a railing or a net if they are more than 10 feet away from a rig surface. These precautions can prevent injuries or deaths from falling accidents.

5. Report Dangerous Conditions to Supervisors 

If workers suspect a safety issue, they must report it to their supervisor. Unstable structures, chemical leaks, or improperly secured loads can be dangerous. Workers can even sustain life-threatening injuries.

If you notice these problems, fix them before the crew continues their work. Prevention is the best way to protect workers and the operation from disaster. 

6. Crane Operators Must Be Trained and Qualified

Anyone operating a crane on an oil rig has to be certified. Certification requires training on operation, safety protocols, and correct load sizes.

Workers without this certification shouldn’t be allowed to operate crane machinery. It poses a serious safety risk to all people on the rig. 

7. Always Obey No Smoking Signs

On a rig, there are many substances like petroleum and other chemicals that can lead to fires. The flick of a cigarette lighter can quickly lead to disaster.

That’s why it’s essential to obey no smoking signs. Smoking is allowed on most oil rigs, but only in designated areas. Remember that no-smoking signs are there for your own safety. 

Improve the Safety of Your Offshore Oil Rig

Offshore rigs can be extremely dangerous without the right safety protocols. It’s also essential to do regular inspections and replace worn-out parts. 

To get custom fabricated or engineered parts, contact us today. At Kor-Pak, we are experienced in the petroleum industry and can offer expert guidance. 

Best In the Biz: The Top Equipment & Parts Crane Manufacturers

Purchasing your next big piece of equipment is no small task. From shipyard to construction sites, when the heavy lifting is necessary, you need quality to do it. 

There are a great many crane manufacturers out there, each of them with a promise to bring good quality equipment to you. At Kor-Pak, we have dealt with quality, and we know how to rate a good manufacturer.

Here we have our top list of quality equipment and crane manufacturers. 

Top Equipment and Crane Manufacturers

Whether you’re starting out in the industry, expanding an existing group of machines, or looking for repair parts to fix up what you have, you need to end with a cohesive whole of a crane. 

Some manufacturers specialize in specific parts, while some have a more cohesive whole product and service that they sell. In either case, it is the complement of quality pieces that end up making a strong whole.  

When you’re looking for quality equipment and crane manufacturers, consider these companies. 

1. Demag

The Demag brand is a well-known provider of quality cranes around the world. Producing a massive range of cranes, drives, and handling technology, Demag has everything you need in one place.

Demag also offers servicing of all its equipment to keep everything running at top-notch. They also optimize equipment for any system and setting, allowing anyone from a small workshop to big shipping sites.

Whether you need the full crane equipment or a few parts to improve and repair, Demag has the quality and the drive to back it up. 

2. Stromag

The tiniest of details can make the most significant difference. Every little piece in your big equipment, from brakes to couplings, is a quality piece when it comes to Stromag.

Stromag is one of the leaders in industrial equipment parts across the globe. They provide brakes, clutches, limit switches, couplings, yaw brakes, and current brakes.

Since 1932, Stromag has been an innovator in efficiency and quality materials. They aim never to overlook the smallest ideas and pieces, leaving you with confidence in your large scale equipment. 

3. SEW Eurodrive

While there are many pieces to a crane, some of the most important are the motors and controls. For the best gear motors in the entire industry, SEW Eurodrive has everything that you need.

SEW Eurodrive was the original creator of the first variable speed gear motor. The company has been crafting potent motors and systems since 1931. They have been on the cutting edge of innovation in all things motorized. 

 Quality Products, Quality Service

When looking for the best amongst the equipment and crane manufacturers, you need to know that every piece is quality. 

When you are ready to make your next big purchase, Kor-Pak is here to distribute the equipment you need at a price you can be confident with. Contact us today for more information.