Why Our Hydraulic Clamps are Perfect for Your Equipment

Are you in need of high-quality hydraulic clamps for your components? You’re in luck.

These devices can help you increase productivity, reduce cycle times, and keep your machines running well for years to come. But in order to maximize your machine efficiency, you need to use the best equipment.

These materials need to be able to balance psi, adjust clamping position, and be durable for tough job demands. Kor-Pak has spent years making relationships with only the finest of manufactures to create product lines that are suitable to all of your needs.

We use different types of hydraulic systems and innovative technology to create unparalleled quality in our designs. Read on to learn why our hydraulic clamps will perfectly suit your components.

All Metal Hydraulic Clamps

Hydraulic clamping provides far better clamping than manual fixtures. The tightening threads between the two connecting sides create an impenetrable seal.

One of the most popular designs is the all-metal fitting. These are designed to help eliminate maintenance and decrease the amount of leakage.

Relying only on metal-to-metal contact, these clamps are much more effective than leaky pipe threads. Our all-metal designs use a form-fitting design that makes the clamps easy to assemble and nearly impossible to penetrate. These reliable fixtures suffer from very little to no leakage.


Our top of the line manufacturers have spent years perfecting their flare-type fittings. These designs are popular industry-wide for their durability and incredibly strong seal.

Our flare-type fittings use compact tubing that still provides enough strength to handle thousands of pounds of pressure. The flare-type hydraulic clamps use the strongest material factors that are able to withstand extreme working conditions. They have the ability to handle a rise or drop of several hundred degrees.

In addition to strength and durability, the flare-type system is also economical. The compact design and form fitting material will reduce your costs.


Our flareless-fitting product line is growing in both popularity and size. It’s becoming a wanted hydraulic clamp because it simplifies the tube preparation process.

Flareless-fitting hydraulic clamps are able to withstand more vibration than other metal fixtures. They can also handle thousands of pounds per square inch.

Their design also helps to create a strong seal. This occurs as a result of the fitting nut compressing the cap, which in turn pushes through the tube circumference.


By now, you’ve surely heard of the O-ring. Niels Christensen’s legendary design has been a go-to tool since patented it in 1937.

Our O-ring fittings place an O-ring between threads and wrench flats. The result? A tight-seal around the connecting port.

Our O-ring hydraulics come in both adjustable and non-adjustable design. The rubber and metal seal creates a tighter, more sturdy seal than some of the metal to metal designs.

This increasingly popular design can help reduce maintenance requirements and ensure your machines don’t experience downtime.

Your Hydraulic Clamps

Selecting the right kind of hydraulic clamp can make all the difference.

Are you interested in learning more about our products? We can help. Contact us to request a quote today.

Posted in Industrial Equipment.