3 Signs of Worn Brake Calipers

Mechanical failure of machines accounts for approximately 20% of industrial accidents, but they usually result in injuries of a severe or fatal nature. Therefore, keeping these machines in proper working order is essential to ensure the safety of operators and those around them. One of the most critical components of industrial machinery is the brake system. 

In this article, we’ll cover three telltale signs of worn brake calipers and why promptly addressing them is essential. By staying vigilant and addressing these issues early, you can help keep your machinery in proper working order, reduce the risk of accidents, and ensure the safety of those around you.

1) Brake Fade

Brake fade is a common sign of worn brake calipers. It happens when the brakes stop working effectively, even when the brake pedal is pushed down with force. This can be a dangerous situation, primarily when operating heavy machinery.

Brake fade occurs because worn brake calipers can’t hold the brake pads in place properly. As a result, the pads move away from the rotor, reducing the friction between the pads and the rotor — causing the brakes to become less effective.

2) Uneven Pad Wear

When brake calipers are working correctly, both brake pads should wear evenly. If you notice that one pad is wearing faster than the other, it may be a sign that the calipers are malfunctioning.

Worn brake calipers can cause uneven pad wear because they don’t apply equal pressure to both pads. This leads to one pad wearing down faster than the other, causing the brake system to become unbalanced. An unbalanced brake system can cause uneven stopping, reduced braking power, and even damage to other brake parts.

3) Brake Drag

Another sign of worn brake calipers is brake drag. This occurs when the brakes remain partially engaged, even when the brake pedal is released. This can cause the brakes to overheat, reduce fuel efficiency, and cause damage to the brake system over time.

Worn brake calipers can cause brake drag because they can’t release the brake pads from the rotor properly. As a result, the brakes remain partially engaged, even when the brake pedal is released. This leads to excessive wear on the brake pads and can also cause the brakes to overheat.

Learn More About Brake Calipers!

Industrial brakes play a critical role in the safety and efficiency of industrial machinery. Awareness of the signs of worn brake calipers is crucial in keeping your machinery in proper working order and reducing the risk of accidents. In addition, you can ensure your machinery’s brakes function correctly by checking for brake fade, uneven pad wear, and brake drag.

As a distributor for the leading caliper manufacturers, we aim to help keep your industrial machinery running smoothly and safely. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your brake system or accessories. Our team of experts is always here to provide you with the best materials, knowledge, and advice possible.


Posted in Industrial Brakes and Clutches.