How to Choose the Best Provider for Crane Services

If your business involves heavy lifting, having a crane provider you can trust is a big deal. On average, one crane “upset” happens every 10,000 machine hours of equipment usage.

While your crane falling over may not be the most common thing, conducting preventative maintenance should be. Only a qualified crane provider and maintenance specialist can service your crane the way it deserves.

This guide will give you all the tools you need to find the best crane provider for your crane services. Keep reading to learn more.


There are many aspects of preventative maintenance for cranes. It all starts with a proper inspection. Getting an overhead crane inspection is an important part of keeping your crane safe and in good working order.

An inspection allows you to find problems before they become major issues. Cranes are complicated pieces of machinery with multiple moving parts. Every component has its maintenance regimes.

Preventative Maintenance 

Every part of your crane should be serviced and inspected regularly. This includes crane controls such as variable frequency drivelines. It also encompasses mechanical transmission components such as gearboxes.

Like your automobile, cranes need preventative maintenance to keep them from breaking down at inopportune times. Preventive maintenance also increases a crane’s equipment lifespan.

Rather than fix things retroactively, use preventative maintenance to stay ahead of the curve.

You can find the proper preventative maintenance regimes for your crane by contacting the manufacturer. Do not neglect regular preventive maintenance. Your crane’s safety and operational capacity will be affected as a result.

More than 5,000 fatal occupational injuries occurred at worksites in 2019 alone. To help avoid your employees becoming another statistic, you must conduct proper preventative maintenance. 

Find a Specialist for Crane Services

When selecting a specialist in crane services, you want to find a name you can trust. Pick a company that is known as a leader in the industry. Make sure that they have the full package of services that your organization needs.

This means that they can conduct inspections, provide crane services, conduct preventative maintenance. It also means they can carry out repairs and operate in all the sectors your company does business in.

Find a company that can do everything in-house. That way, you are not dealing with a patchwork of different crane services. Using a single company for your crane services needs increases accountability.

Additionally, you want to make sure the company you select has a specialization in dealing with your specific machinery types. 

There are many different makes and models of cranes. The worst thing that can happen is to hire a crane services specialist with little or no familiarity with your type of equipment.

Keep Your Cranes Serviced

A well-serviced crane is a safe and functional crane. Finding an organization that specializes in crane services can keep your workers safe and your equipment operational.

In the dangerous world of industrial machinery, this is what matters most. Contact us today to schedule a service estimate for your equipment. That way, you can have peace of mind knowing your cranes are in good hands.

Key Benefits of Predictive Maintenance Software

Predictive maintenance software helps businesses learn about flaws before they occur. The idea is that if the problem is predicted, then failure can be avoided. 

Due to a heavy focus on corrective and preventive maintenance, this type of software is oftentimes undervalued by businesses. But by neglecting this software, however, they could be doing themselves a disservice. 

Predictive maintenance software is helpful for several reasons, and we’ve taken the time to outline why. Read on to learn more about the key benefits of the maintenance software. 

The Purpose of Predictive Maintenance Software 

Before we dig deeper into the benefits, it’s important to understand how it works.

Predictive maintenance software is a comprehensive management system that evaluates equipment. The software uses collected data to monitor equipment and make predictions based on functions. 

It evaluates several aspects of machines. Using real-time performance monitoring, work order analysis, and inventory usage, it’s able to develop a prognosis of the equipment. 

It can be used to monitor the following: vibration analysis, oil analysis, and equipment observation. 

Reduced Downtimes 

Now that we’re clear on what the software is, we can explore its key benefits.

One of the main benefits of using predictive maintenance software is the reduced downtimes. Downtimes can lead to a long list of your business problems that can be difficult to recover from. That’s why having a system to help control this issue is important to a company’s success. 

The regular maintenance that the predictive software provides will lead to less of a need for repairs. It’s been reported that through the software, people saw a sixty percent decrease in downtimes. 

Saves Money

Less downtime is significant for business. Not only does it increase productivity, but it also increases profit. Maintenance software allows you to save the money that would otherwise be allocated to repairs and focus more on producing. 

Over time, you’ll be able to increase profits and spend less on the operational side. This will help your business continue to grow in the right direction. 

Increased Lifespan

As a result of the system, you can also expect your company equipment to last longer.

Predictive maintenance software is a condition-based program. And it focuses on pointing out potential threats and stopping them before they affect the machines. Its sole purpose is to monitor equipment and prevent machine failure.

By implementing the maintenance software, you’re investing in your operation for the long haul. 

Predict to Prevent 

Predictive maintenance software provides many benefits for companies that can help reduce machine failure and maintenance costs. The biggest key is reducing downtimes, which acts as the catalyst for the rest of the benefits. 

Regular monitoring and analysis are essential to your business’s success, and predictive maintenance software should be apart of that routine. 

Are you in need of more supplies and equipment? Then contact us today for more information on how we can help you with your business needs. 

What is Predictive Maintenance for Cranes and Why Does It Matter?

Maintaining the integrity of your business equipment is something that cannot be overlooked. Not only does faulty equipment result in less efficient work, but it could also cause safety hazards for your employees and customers.

For this reason, predictive maintenance is a practice that business owners frequently implement. This is especially true with more complex equipment, such as cranes.

Let’s explore everything that you need to know.

So, What Exactly Is It?

As the name suggests, predictive maintenance is a proactive measure that involves estimating when certain equipment parts are likely to fail. Research and data are used to determine the average length of time before a failure will occur.

An automotive manufacturer might conclude that a particular vehicle part is likely to fail after 36 months. To prevent this scenario, the part is either replaced or repaired before this time.

Why Does It Matter?

As previously mentioned, predictive maintenance is essential to both productivity and overall safety. If a failure does occur, your business could easily experience a large handful of adverse consequences.

Faulty construction equipment, for example, could cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage. Or, it could result in a significant amount of injury to a large number of people.

In the latter scenario, it’s not uncommon for victims to file a lawsuit against the company responsible for handling the equipment.

Predictive maintenance will go a long way in protecting your company’s reputation. It will also allow you to prevent multiple issues that would otherwise arise.

How Can I Get Started?

Before you can implement predictive maintenance, you need to understand when your equipment is likely to require repair. This is accomplished through consistent research and analysis on the behavior and performance of the equipment.

For example, you could use an electronic sensor on a crane that details the stress that equipment experiences while under load. When this crosses a certain threshold, the equipment would be at risk of failure.

You could use this data to make the necessary repairs or replacements before this value is reached.

Without this type of monitoring, your only alternative would be to service the equipment at specific intervals. For instance, you might choose to repair parts of your equipment every six months to prevent mechanical failure.

The issue here is that problems are likely to arise early on in the process since you won’t know precisely when you should maintain your equipment. So, keep this in mind when developing a method to do so.

Predictive Maintenance Might Seem Complicated to Implement

But the above information will make the process far smoother. From here, you’ll be able to Predictive maintenance to ensure that your equipment operates exactly how it’s supposed to. 

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to reach out to us today and see how we can help.

How the Cost of Downtime is Shaping the Competitive Crane Market

It is estimated that factories lose between 5% and 20% of productivity due to downtime. This can translate into millions of dollars worth of revenue loss.

Would you like to learn how to reduce downtime and increase productivity in the competitive crane market?

Keep reading to learn more about how downtime could be affecting your business and ways to improve crane efficiency.

What is Downtime?

Downtime causes inefficiency and monetary value loss for your business. This is because both the costs of labor and equipment costs are being paid without the equal output being created.

Often, companies don’t account for the different types of downtime. Unplanned downtime includes failures such as operator errors, hardware errors, or poor performance. This is compared to planned downtime such as upgrades or regular maintenance, which can be easily controlled.

Calculating the Cost of Downtime

One of the reasons why it is so difficult to negate the negative impacts of manufacturing industry downtime is because 80% of companies cannot accurately determine their downtime. Naturally, you can’t fix something that you aren’t aware of. Therefore, it is important first to calculate the dollar value loss of downtime to reduce it.

When calculating, include occurrences such as:

  • Low staff productivity
  • Rescheduling
  • Unexpected repairs
  • Customer relations

Reducing the Downtime of Machinery

Unplanned downtime can be reduced in part by ensuring the predictive maintenance of machinery. This will lower the number of unexpected breakdowns. In turn, unplanned downtime and lost production time will reduce.

Predictive maintenance may include booking regular crane inspections. We at Kor-Pak offer crane inspections as well as crane modernizations and upgrades.

It is also important to know that if you invest in cheaper machines initially, it may require more maintenance down the line. This can further increase downtime. Therefore, it may be worth investing more to increase long-run productivity.

Further, you can use tools such as risk audits to check the quality of your machinery.

Having explicit knowledge and budgeting for potential downtime will also help you avoid any unexpected production errors. It will also help you justify to stakeholders the importance of predictive maintenance and initial investment.

Reducing the Downtime of Labor

A large portion of downtime is a result of unproductive workers. For example, one of the leading causes of downtime is operator errors. 

If you can change workers’ mindsets, you can empower your employees to become incredibly effective and productive. Ultimately, these good operators will be able to diagnose and fix their own machinery. They will also be on top of maintenance schedules and documentation, allowing them to prevent future potential losses.

You can empower workers through company incentives or skills training. Another way is to include workers in the innovative process, making them feel like they are working toward a bigger vision.

How Kor-Pak Can Help

We at Kor-Pak have a range of maintenance, repair, and modernization services. These types of predictive maintenance can help you reduce millions of dollars worth of monetary losses due to the high cost of downtime. 

You might also be unsure about what service is right for your business. If this is the case, you can also contact us directly for more information.

The Lifespan and Efficiency Gains of Accurate Crane Alignment

In the third quarter of 2020, there were 257 cranes in active use across North American cities. Every time construction workers use one of these machines; they must complete a routine crane maintenance check. Sometimes, though, they’ll find problems that they cannot fix without the help of an inspection and repair service—like crane alignment issues. 

Even though this is one of the most common crane problems, it is dangerous, which is why you should be able to identify when it is happening to your machine. To learn about the symptoms of an unaligned crane and why you should get it inspected frequently, keep on reading. 

Crane Alignment Benefits

Cranes and their parts already cost a lot to produce, rent, and buy. By performing routine crane maintenance checks, your company is going to save a lot of money.

An unaligned crane could result in a derailment or an accident. The amount of downtime it could take to repair the crane alone isn’t cost-efficient, either.  

Fortunately, in 2017, crane-related injuries were at the lowest they had been in seven years. To contribute to this downward trend, you should be on the lookout for these issues, as you’ll want to have your crane serviced as soon as possible to ensure you and your worker’s safety. 

Lifespan Gains

The most prominent sign that you have an alignment issue has to do with the wheels on your crane. Listen for screeching or crashing noises when they move. These sounds indicate that the wheels are floating or slipping off the rails. 

Additionally, the wheel flanges can break if the crane is misaligned, even though they should keep it on track when the rails bend or the machine moves too fast. Wheels are expensive, and for this reason, you should invest in ones made of steel. They’re durable and can be reconditioned for further use to save you money in the long-run. 

Efficiency Gains

You should also pay attention to how much energy it takes to operate the crane. A standard electric tower crane usually uses about 800 amps. Knowing this baseline will make it easier to identify when something is wrong and saves you from paying a higher electricity bill. 

Another way you can create more efficiency gains for your company is to upgrade to an automated crane. These machines need less time to finish a project, allowing your company to complete more tasks than usual and reducing the amount of energy you need to run it. 

Get a Crane Inspection

If you’re having crane alignment issues and need an overhead inspection, look no further than Kor-Pak Corporations. We’ll look at all its components and devices to find the root of the problem. We’ll also give you a quote for the repairs. 

Contact us today to schedule an inspection date. We’ll get it back up and running on those rails in no time. 

Your Industrial Lubricant Guide: Keeping Routine Maintenance Smooth

It’s not an easy task finding the right industrial lubricant for your machines. After all, lubricants come in countless varieties and formulations. On top of that, most industries have their own regulations and standards regarding which lubricants can be used.

And when it comes to increasing your industrial equipment’s life span, safety, and efficiency, choosing the right lubricant is critical. Before choosing a lubricant for your machine, we advise you to talk with a supplier who has the knowledge to point you in the right direction.

However, if you’re looking for a basic understanding of industrial lubrication for your routine maintenance service, then this guide is a good place to start. Keep on reading to find out how to keep your regular maintenance smooth. 

Oil Lubricants

If your piece of equipment is the type that requires being lubricated regularly, then a general-purpose oil (petroleum) is typically used. Generally speaking, an oil lubricant contains 95% base oil and 5% additives. 

Grease lubricants contain base oils—usually mineral oils—and a mixture of soap to form a solid consistency. On the other hand, pastes consist of base oils, additives, and particles of solid lubricant.

Waxes are also an industrial lubricant and comprise of synthetic hydrocarbons, water, and emulsifying agents. These become fluid when a specific temperature is reached. 

Synthetic Oil Lubricants

Synthetic oil lubricants are made from artificial compounds. These artificial compounds have different properties than petroleum. Synthetic lubricants have higher purity and uniformity than petroleum-based lubricants.

For example, petroleum oils’ viscosity index rarely exceeds 100, while synthetics can rate higher than 180. Oxidation, stability, and color of synthetic oils also differ. 

Choosing a synthetic oil for your machinery usually means you need a lubricant with properties superior to traditional petroleum oils. When equipment is “lubricated for life,” then synthetic oils are often used. Here are some benefits that industrial synthetic oils provide:

  • better viscosity performance
  • less evaporation 
  • less friction
  • less wear
  • better efficiency
  • more chemically stable
  • less oil sludge issues
  • longer life 

High-quality synthetic lubricants can last up to five times longer than petroleum-based lubricants. For this reason, they tend to cost more. The higher cost of synthetic oil is often worth the extended performance life. 

How to Choose the Right Industrial Lubricant

Let’s say your need to find an industrial crane lubricant. What are some factors that will influence your selection of lubricant? 

The main requirement for choosing the right lubricant for your crane is the base oil viscosity. So how do you know the appropriate viscosity? You’ll need to answer a few questions first:

  1. What is the operating speed (variable or fixed)?
  2. What type of friction (example: sliding or rolling)?
  3. What are the load and the conditions of the working environment? 
  4. What industry standards apply?

Giving this information to your supplier will help them determine which lubricant is best suited for your equipment. For example, they may suggest a PAG oil for sliding mechanisms or a PAO oil for mechanisms where rolling friction occurs. 

Resupply Machine Parts

After reading this article about choosing the right industrial lubricant, you may realize you need new parts for your equipment. If you need a resupply of machine parts or custom solutions for your industrial equipment, then give us a call. You can request a quote from us today!

3 Rising Crane Industry Trends to Watch in 2021

The future of the construction industry can, at times, hinge on the future of the crane industry. Advancements in crane tech can determine the efficiencies of this year’s work sites. And evolutions in the crane market can determine the tools available for construction projects across the world.

It goes without saying, then, that we must understand what’s next for the cranes in 2021. So, let’s jump in and take a look at what we predict will shape the crane industry this upcoming year, from battery-powered cranes to construction backlogs due to COVID-19 and beyond.

Major Factor #1 — Battery-Powered Equipment

In 2020, we saw the birth of the world’s first battery-powered crawler crane. And it packs a punch. It’s quieter than typical cranes, fast-charging, and as strong as a standard crane. 

Plus, batteries provide a cleaner energy source than typical fossil-fuel-based products. As a result, battery-powered cranes are more energy-efficient, better for the environment, and release fewer harmful emissions. 

Why does any of this matter for 2021? Well, in years past, battery-powered cranes were the goal. But now they’re the reality. And with on-the-job benefits like reduced noise, great charge time, and real-world toughness — as well as their climate-friendly features — they’re sure to be the way of the future, paving the way for an electric future.

Major Factor #2 — Technological Advancements

Along with the engineering advancements listed above, 2021 also promises to be an exciting year of ever-evolving technological innovations.

In 2020, the construction industry saw an increase in new tech, making life easier on the job site. From all-new sensors making data collection easier to the artificial intelligence systems making sense of the data — the everyday worksite has taken a big leap into a more connected and digital future.

As a result, we see an increased push and emphasis on streamlined business processes and increased day-to-day efficiencies.

Why does this matter for 2021? Because with increased digital connectivity, there will also come a whole host of new products and tools optimized for improved speed, quality, and precision — cranes included

Major Factor #3 — COVID-19 Backlogs

Last but not least, let’s address the elephant in the room.

2020 hit the economy in a problematic way. And the construction industry was no exception. As a result, heading into 2021, there’s been a recognizable decline in the backlog for many companies and firms worldwide.

It’s no surprise, then, that this issue of the backlog will be a major factor in 2021 crane usage and play a key role in shaping overarching 2021 crane industry trends.

For instance, it’s been reported that many construction firms are chasing jobs well below their average financial ranges. And, what’s more, with so much sickness having spread via COVID-19, many individuals and companies haven’t been as eager to return to the job site. 

Why does this matter for 2021? Unfortunately, many firms aren’t as eager to purchase new equipment if they cannot anticipate or project steady incoming business and cash flow. As a result, this impacts the production, sales, and distribution of cranes across the globe.

Things to Know About the Crane Industry in 2021

While many serious factors affect the crane industry globally, there are still many major trends to be excited about. From technological advancements to the birth of a battery revolution, 2021 promises to be an inspiring new year for cranes — albeit challenging at times, we’re sure.

Now more than ever, it’s important to stay up-to-date on this year’s crane news and forecasts. So, be sure to visit our site and look for the latest! And for any of your construction, production, or crane industry needs — you know who to call. 

Contact us any time, any day. We’re here for you!

How to Choose the Right Crane For Your Project

As someone who works in construction, you know that several different types of cranes are available to you for each job.

There are so many different crane types because other jobs call for various equipment; if only one type of crane were needed for all jobs, then only one type of crane would exist. 

Therefore, for optimum efficiency and your workers’ safety, you must choose the correct type of crane for each specific situation. 

If you aren’t sure how to determine which crane is right for your job’s lift plan, read on. The following factors should all come into play when you make your decision. 

1. Load Weight

The most obvious and most important factor to consider when choosing the type of crane for a job is the load weight you need to lift. A smaller crane will do the job for a smaller load, but if you plan to lift something heavy, you’ll need a more robust crane. 

You might be tempted to use a large crane for any size job, but this will waste time, energy, and money. Cutting corners with a less powerful crane can lead to damage to your materials or, worse yet, injuries or fatal accidents. 

Take time to think about the loads you plan to lift and their weight ratings, and use that information to choose the correct crane for the situation.

2. Lift Height

Of course, another crucial factor to consider when choosing a crane is how high you need to lift the load. The higher you plan to lift your materials, the longer the boom on the crane will need to be. 

This is another area in which the wrong decision on your part can quickly lead to a dangerous situation. Don’t try to lift an object higher than your chosen crane can handle, or you may drop the load or flip the crane. This is not only extremely dangerous, but it will be a costly mistake as well.

3. Terrain

To lift a heavy weight, you need a stable base. When it comes to lifting things with a crane, you need to make sure the crane base is stabilized firmly on the ground. 

If the ground around your project is uneven, you’ll need to choose a crane with a broad support width. However, if the base surface is flat and firm like concrete, a truck-mounted crane should do the trick.

Regardless of the terrain, you should also consider the weather when choosing a crane. Excessive wind or water from rain or snow can cause a crane to become unsteady. Be sure to choose the safest option for your project with these factors in mind.

The Best Type of Crane Depends on Your Job

Remember, the best type of crane for each specific job may differ from past jobs you have completed. It can seem overwhelming to choose the correct crane, but the job, your materials, and the safety of you and your workers depend on it. Make sure you take the time to choose carefully so you can experience the best results without delays, loss, or tragedy.

If you experience difficulty when choosing a crane, please contact us. We’d love to help you make this important decision for any job so you can be both safe and efficient when working on your projects.


A Closer Look at the New AC 450-7 All Terrain Crane By Demag

Expanding your business with an all terrain crane is challenging. Taking an in-depth look at cranes’ features helps to understand which one is safe and right for your business. 

If you haven’t heard about the Demag AC 450-7, it comes fully loaded. Its engineers say they kept a focus on setting new standards in this seven axle beauty. To learn more about it, continue reading below. 

All Terrain Cranes by Demag

When your business needs smart lifting technologies, Demag goes above and beyond. Construction professionals like your business know that finding a seven axle crane that delivers high performance in a compact design is challenging. 

When you choose a crane from Demag, you are getting the experience of the company’s experience that has a tradition of working to make the job of lifting efficient, safe, and straightforward since 1827. 

The crane market has been growing steadily in many areas. Many say that by 2025 global shipments will exceed 35 thousand annually

Introducing the Demag AC 450-7

When the engineers at Tadano Demag began work on the AC 450-7, the idea was to keep it compact while making it a powerful alternative to their six-axle models. Most say they’ve been successful in developing a crane that is the size of other six-axle models. Besides, its lifting capabilities have exceeded most expectations. 

Still, you may wonder why a seven axle crane? According to Michael Klein, the Product Manager at Demag, for the crane to Demag’s goals of more extensive lifting capacities and a more extended boom necessitated seven axles. Some of the Demag AC 450-7’s features include:

  • 80-meter main boom and can lift up to 195.5 tons
  •  It uses two system dimensions to make it easier to transport the luffing jib
  • Safe, quick, and simple set up due to the patented luffing jib rigging system 

What’s more, the new superlift design is providing a more powerful performance. Besides, it allows for better handling and functionality. 

Demag All Terrain Crane

If you are new to Demag all terrain cranes, you may be surprised with their superior design, engineering, and technology. Experts rely on these machines to go anywhere and help them handle the most challenging jobs almost effortlessly. They come in many sizes, and the cab design is ergonomic and intelligent. 

The Demag AC 450-7 is ready to support your next project. The 27.7 ft. outrigger base is at the same level as a six-axle crane. What’s more, the AC 450-7 comes with five different outrigger widths. Besides, this means the Demag crane has more site flexibility, specifically when in confined areas of construction sites.

All Terrain Cranes 

You know, finding all terrain cranes that can lift the capacity needed and fit in tight spaces for your next job can be a challenge. We have experts ready to answer any question you may have regarding Demag and the AC 450-7. Just contact us today

How It Works: All Terrain Cranes

It doesn’t matter if the weather is wild or you need a crane that drives effortlessly on uneven construction sites and landscapes; all terrain cranes have got your back no matter the construction project you are working on. You could say an all terrain crane is the crane for any terrain! 

There are many advantages to using all terrain cranes because it is essentially a combination of a mobile truck crane and a rough terrain crane. This makes it easy for the all terrain cane to navigate both public roads and the versatile landscapes of a construction site. 

You may be thinking about upgrading or modernizing your crane — before you do, read on to see the power and optimization an all terrain crane can offer you and learn how it works. 


The all terrain crane uses all-wheel drive and can be powered by one or two engines. This crane can reach average driving speeds on public roads and gives you optimum mobility for on and off-road construction projects. 


An all terrain crane can independently move 40 to 1000 tons of material through sand, gravel, or paved surfaces at up to 55mph. The crane can even reach up to heights of 500 feet! 

Crane Design 

The all terrain crane’s design is compact because it is the aforementioned combination of truck and rough terrain crane. This crane is built for handling the conditions of a potentially harsh worksite, helping the operator carry out their job with less strain. 


Using a hydraulically powered telescopic boom allows the all terrain crane to power its primary lifting mechanism. Because of this feature, an all terrain crane has many uses on a construction site. 


You’re on a time crunch, and your team is tired. You need a crane that optimizes efficiency, so you have increased productivity in a shorter amount of time. An all terrain crane includes attached booms attached to the crane, allowing them to travel with the crane. 


On any job site, safety should always be a priority. In 2019, there were over 195,600 workplace injuries connected to construction work. The all terrain crane’s ability to reduce the operator’s fatigue reduces the risk of injury due to exhaustion. 

To optimize safety, pick the right crane for the job. Since the all terrain crane can transport itself to a job site, it’s a good option for navigating all sorts of terrain. 

All Terrain Cranes for You

All terrain cranes effortlessly navigate bumpy roads and awful weather while simultaneously being a powerful, efficient, and safe crane with all-wheel drive and two engines. 

It’s highly adaptable and a great crane for transportability. 

If you decide to become the proud owner of an all terrain crane, just know that we have your back when it comes to replacing, maintaining, and modernizing its parts. Contact us for a quote!