Industrial Safety: 4 Tips for Ensuring Safety on an Oil Rig

Do you love working on an oil rig? If so, you’ve probably gone through a fair amount of industrial safety training.

Yet, working on an oil rig can be a dangerous job. For example, the Minerals Management Service handles offshore drilling and reported 39 fires or explosions in the first five months of 2009 alone.

Clearly, you can never be too safe. To ensure that you’re protected from the hazards of an oil rig,  take a look at our tips below.

Keep reading to learn about the top four tips for keeping you safe on an oil rig. Let’s get right into it!

Keep the machines working properly

While it may seem that the first thing you do should revolve around keeping people protected, it is actually incredibly important to keep the machines running smoothly.

These machines can make or break the safety of workers on the oil rig. As such, it is essential to keep the machines working properly.

You need to treat the machinery well and keep it running smoothly or else you may endanger your life and the lives of those around you.

Be sure that everyone around you is properly trained in handling the machinery. Don’t forget to take part in regular maintenance and checkups of the equipment.

Keep repair and safety tool boxes nearby

You can never have too many safety tool boxes around. Be sure that repair equipment and tool boxes are stashed in all corners of the oil rig.

You also want to make sure you have enough first aid kits located in easy to reach places. You never know when someone might get injured and need first aid immediately.

Industrial safety precautions require repair tool boxes and first aid kits to be available on all industrial sites. However, this is especially vital for oil rigs located in the sea.

Request to have more supplies than you think is needed just in case you end up in short supply. You will likely need welding gear, power tools, plumbing equipment, electrical tools, and more.

Be sure you have all the repair and safety tool boxes you need at every corner of the oil rig.

Be on the alert at all times

You never know when an accident may occur so it is really important to stay alert. Often, an accident can happen rapidly and without warning.

Keep your eyes out for any falling equipment and keep focused on your machinery. Remain a safe distance away from any moving equipment as well.

Keep an eye out for your co-workers and avoid bumping into anyone. Remain alert at all times when you’re working on an oil rig.

Need another industrial safety tip? Wear your protective gear!

To avoid getting hurt, be sure to wear high-quality protective gear.

The protective accessories may vary from job to job. you may wear one thing when welding and something completely different when operating heavy machinery.

You may need to wear goggles, gloves, face protection accessories, and more. Whatever the protective gear may be, be sure to keep it on at all times.

To keep yourself and your coworkers safe, consider getting one of our crane inspections. If you need products or services for your industrial works, get in touch with us.

The Difference Between DC and AC Motors

Looking for a new motor?

It’s important to know the difference between DC and AC motors before you make your purchase.

While DC and AC motors perform the same function, there are some critical distinctions to keep in mind.

Read on to learn more.

Power source

AC motors rely on an alternating current (A.C.) for their power. This involves an electric current that changes back and forth over time.

On the other hand, DC motors use a direct current power source (D.C.) in order to operate. Direct current power sources include batteries, solar cells, and DC power converters.

AC motors require external assistance in beginning their operation. DC motors can start on their own.


There are two different types of AC motors: Induction and synchronous motors.

Induction AC motors rely on an induced current while synchronous AC motors rotate at supply frequency.

AC motors can be single or three phase.

There are also two types of DC motors: a DC motor with brushes, and one without brushes.

All DC motors are single phase.

Construction and Maintenance

An AC motor incorporates a stator and rotor and several other components.

Because AC motors do not require brushes, they don’t necessitate a lot of maintenance.

DC motors are commutated mechanically. This means that they require more maintenance than AC motors.

Life Expectancy and Cost

AC motors are, in general, built to last. They are tough, industrial motors that can withstand rugged conditions.

These motors are also designed to provide power over longer stretches of time.

DC motors require more maintenance and generally have shorter life spans than their AC counterpart.

DC motor parts can be expensive to replace once damaged or worn down.

As a result, DC motors tend to not be as cost-effective as an AC. AC motors are generally inexpensive and outlast DC motors in performance and durability.

Speed Control

DC motors have the advantage of external speed control. This is especially useful in situations where the motor speed needs to be monitored externally.

An AC motor’s speed is controlled by changing its frequency.

Application and Use

DC motors are still really useful for a variety of industrial purposes. This includes paper and steel mill machines.

AC motors are ideal for any industrial application that requires high and extended power performance.

An AC motor can operate in multiple situations and does not depend upon the quality of the power current or its flow.

These motors are used for more general purposes than DC motors. They are starting to take over the motor market as a more durable and long-lasting motor.

The Takeaway on the Difference Between DC and AC Motors

The basic difference between AC and DC motors is in their source of power. These motors are also built differently and have very distinct life expectancy.

If you are deciding between a DC or AC motor, it’s important to keep in mind what you intend to use your motor for, and what type of performance you are seeking.

AC motors tend to be more durable and cost-effective, in comparison to DC motors.

Still undecided? We can help you find one that suits your industrial needs.

5 Tips for Industrial Coupling Maintenance

Maintenance on your equipment is key to ensuring safety. And just like human beings, equipment needs a routine checkup in order to run efficiently.

Industrial coupling is no different. In order to save time and money on repairs, you’ll need to know the best ways to maintain your equipment.

Read on to learn the five tips for industrial coupling maintenance.

1. Disassemble the industrial coupling

When you’re inspecting the coupling, you’ll need to look into every crack and crevice. To do this, you’ll need to completely or partially disassemble the entire coupling.

This gives you a better view of the inside components. You’ll need to check for wear and tear, and also ensure that there are no alignment issues. Look for lubricants that have hardened, as this can also cause damage to the couplings themselves.

2. Ensure there’s enough lubrication

If the industrial coupling requires lubrication, you’ll need to make sure there is enough for optimal performance. Some of the types of couplings that require lubrication include:

  • Fluid
  • Geared
  • Chain
  • Grid joints

If your couplings are not properly lubricated, things will get complicated. The couplings need appropriate lube in order to move properly. If not, there may be issues with functionality that could ruin the couplings.

Additional lubrication may be necessary when you’re doing maintenance checks. Leaking can occur throughout time, so you’ll need to check to ensure there’s enough fluid within the couplings.

Make sure that you’re using the appropriate lubrication per the manufacturer’s requirements. Lubrication can differ depending on the type and manufacturer.

3. Be careful of contamination

As stated previously, it’s necessary that you take care when you’re inspecting an industrial coupling. Contamination can occur if you’re not careful. This can be particularly damaging to the couplings.

When you’re using solvents to clean or flush the coupling, make sure that you’re fully removing them. Otherwise, this can contaminate the equipment. Contamination will also thin the lubricant.

If any foreign particles enter the couplings, this can also cause damage to the machine.

4. Replace if necessary

If you’ve found wear and tear on the coupling, you may have to replace it. Couplings are generally inexpensive, so if you think that a replacement is necessary, you’ll save time and money on more expensive repairs.

Should the couplings need replacing, and they are not, it could affect other parts of the machine.

5. Reduce the use of the couplings

As with any machinery, the less it’s used, the longer it will last. But depending on your industry, this may not be an option.

Some other ways you can ensure that your couplings last longer is to watch how you’re operating the equipment. Hard braking and shock loading can greatly affect the condition of the machinery.


Proper inspection always ensures that machinery is up to proper standards. It will save you time and money to prevent more expensive repairs.

Plus, it will keep your equipment and couplings lasting a long time.

If you’re in the need for help with your business needs, we’re here to help. Contact us with any questions you may have.

How Will Manufacturing Jobs Come Back to the US?

Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing concern over manufacturing jobs in the United States.

Jobs have previously been lost to cheaper alternatives overseas. At home, people find themselves competing with technology for a place on the manufacturing line.

It seems, though, manufacturing jobs are set to come back in the coming years.

Recent trends have pointed to shifting tides in the job market, particularly in steel, rail, and energy industries. Many questions have come as well. We are here to talk about how manufacturing will resurface in the United States.

Here Are Three Questions About Manufacturing Jobs in the United States

1. What Is the Current State of Manufacturing Jobs?

The United States has seen a rise in jobs coming back to the states since 2014 – the first time we had a net increase in jobs in over 20 years.

Both reshoring and foreign direct investment have put jobs back on American soil at a steady pace. Reshoring is a term used when American companies bring jobs back home rather than overseas. Foreign direct investment is when other countries take interest in creating jobs under the stars and stripes.

Reasons for shifting the workforce include wage prices increasing overseas, the cost and efficiency of shipping, and corporate image.

In the past, companies have opted for places like China to fill their workloads. Labor demands have shifted, though, causing some companies to look elsewhere.

Making cheap products is one thing, but getting the product in the hands of the consumer is the ultimate goal. Building closer to the customer makes shipping and handling much more efficient. It also cuts costs significantly.

Additionally, Americans shop with American pride. Knowing a product is made in the United States sheds positive light on a company supporting the economy at home rather than elsewhere.

2. Which Companies Are Bringing Jobs Back to the United States?

One of the most well-recognized companies nationwide is Amazon. As one of the leaders making moves back to the states, in January 2017 they announced an initiative to create 100,000 American jobs within eighteen months.

Not just any jobs, either. The company plans to bring on full-time employees with all benefits, ranging in work from fulfillment centers to software developers.

Ford Motor Company recently shifted lanes. Instead of taking on a new plant in Mexico, the auto maker is expanding a site already on American turf. They hope to add 700 jobs to the market.

Hyundai, a South Korean brand, is right behind Ford. Actually, they are passing the native auto maker by planning to increase spending in the states by 50%. First up is $3.1 billion over the next five years.

3. What Progress Can Be Expected?

The shifts are happening, and over the years the job market will better reflect decisions being made in big companies. Reshored jobs are coming in from China, Germany, and Japan.

Automotive companies are at the front of the line knocking on America’s door again, but players in electronics are right behind. From interests to boost the economy back up, and American pride with it, all signs point home.

For more information and articles like this, subscribe to our blog below or contact us directly.

How to Replace Your Twiflex Brakes

Twiflex Brakes present industrial operations with a strong, reliable heavy-duty braking system. There are times though, with repeated usage, when they need to be replaced.

Let’s take a look at what you’ll need to do in order to correctly, and safely, replace your Twiflex Brakes.

Maintenance = Longevity and Safety

Twiflex Brakes are a drum braking system. With proper care and maintenance, they should last for years.

Maintenance can be broken into three key parts. Each part has equal weight in its importance to the braking system and to your company as a whole.

Constant upkeep will not only keep brakes functioning, it will also help maintain the safety of the equipment. When the brakes do need to be replaced though, keep that idea of safety going by using the proper equipment and protective gear.

The third leg of the maintenance stand is monetary. There is an investment to be made for regular maintenance of your Twiflex Breaking system.

Over the course of time though that investment will pay itself back with less downtime for your machines and fewer man hours spent on a machine that’s not functioning properly.

Replacement, Is It Time?

Do your breaks squeal? Is there reaction time low? Do they vibrate when being used? Do they feel like they pull? is there a grinding sound when they are engaged?

If the answer to any of these is yes then replacement is the best option. (Of course, you should also keep an eye on your instrument panel for an indication when things are not working at 100%)

The Replacement Process for Twiflex Brakes

Of course, the first step is to take the old brake system apart. First take the system off-line and disconnect it from any available power sources.

It’s a good idea to take images of the process as you go. Those pictures can be a helpful reminder of how the system needs to go back together.

If you’ll be replacing cylinders during this maintenance repair, you’ll also need to bleed the brake lines. This will make the entire process go smoother and ultimately safer.

You’ll first need to remove the brake adjuster. Remember at each step of the process, DO NOT force any of the parts to come off or apart.

If parts do not want to separate, use an appropriate solvent to loosen them. You can also try to use a lever or similar device to change your position and gently apply additional force.

With the brake adjuster off, you can access the rotors. Loosen and remove those.

Dismantle the brake components and then rebuild the system with the new Twiflex brake parts.


It’s very important that you follow all of the suggested steps when installing your Twiflex Brakes. Not only for safety’s sake but to optimize performance also.

As you have seen, Twiflex Brakes provide a safe, secure breaking option for industrial machines. Installation is easy and with proper maintenance, they will last you for many years.

When you’re ready to explore Twiflex Brakes for your machines or if you need some help with maintenance of your existing system, just contact us. We’re happy to help.

5 Major Trends in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

Purchasing and supply chain management is a constantly growing business with new practices being introduced or abandoned with growing frequency.

Due to the nature of managing a supply chain, with all of its various moving parts, shifting ideologies have been the primary force behind new trends in the industry.

Here are five major ones any quality supply chain manager should start paying attention to.

1. Vested Outsourcing

So much of supply management involves working with a number of different companies each with their own goals, bottom lines, customer bases, etc. The idea behind vested outsourcing is to form a more permanent bond between these disparate companies.

Now that doesn’t mean there has to be a merger. Simply share common goals with each other in order to establish a sense of comradery. If companies have a tangible sense of helping each other succeed, they are more likely to do so.

In essence, create win-win business scenarios that all members of the supply chain can enjoy.

2. Radical Collaboration

Purchasing and supply chain management is essentially about relationships. The idea behind radical collaboration is removing the inherent boundaries that exist between companies.

Again, this doesn’t have to happen via a merger. The beauty of a supply chain is it functions via companies who are not competing with one another but working together.

By increasing transparency and being truthful about your individual company’s circumstances, you will be well on your way to forging a deeper, more productive bond with your supply chain collaborators.

3. Sustainability and Safety

Now more than ever, companies need to start paying attention to the ways in which they are impacting the environment, their employees, and their customers.

Accidents happen very publically these days, so it’s vital for every company along the supply chain to keep their equipment up to snuff.

Customers and investors are paying attention to the how companies are affecting the world around them. Make sure yours is not getting left behind.

4. Digitization of Purchasing and Supply Chain Mangement

Purchasing and supply chain management is relying more and more on analytics. The amount of data we are now able to record and process have provided companies with the tools required to reevaluate their business model.

Smart, forward thinking companies are looking to discover inefficiencies along their supply lines. Who is not taking advantage of every opportunity to maximize efficiency? Who can we afford to cut-out or replace with something more effective?

With the right data, a supply chain manager can look at the big picture using cold, hard facts in order to make decisions.

5. Developing Locally

More and more consumers are paying attention to where their products are being developed and shipped from. During the recent economic crisis, many looked to companies who outsourced their supply chain overseas to countries with a cheaper labor force.

This practice is becoming harder and harder to defend in the eyes of the ultimate consumer. If you base your supply chain locally, using home-grown companies to fuel it, you will not just build up good will in the eyes of your customers. You will start seeing more and more of their money as well.

By adopting these five trends and working with efficient, forward-looking companies, you will be able to adapt your purchasing and supply chain to fit a constantly shifting industry.

Crane Upgrades: The Benefits of Modernizing Your Crane

Is outdated crane technology slowing down your production?

Industrial crane technology changes just like your car or your computer. Design standards change and new safety regulations come on to the scene.

Are you keeping up?

Modernizing your crane benefits your business in many ways. Crane upgrades result in more functional, effective, and safe equipment.

Crane upgrades also prove cost effective. This is a great solution for companies looking to control their expenses while bolstering their efficiency.

You need to remain competitive in the marketplace. Outdated equipment will not help you meet your business goals.

Let’s move on to the many benefits of crane upgrades!

Crane upgrades extend the life of your equipment

Every investment you make in your company counts. If you want to extend the life of your initial investment in your company, you need to modernize.

Crane upgrades bring your overhead lifting equipment up to date in terms of industry standards. They also catch your business up in terms of modern technology.

This leads to the improved function of your equipment.

Crane modernization keeps you from breaking the bank on new equipment as your existing equipment continues to endure.

Equipment handling capabilities increase

As your business grows, your material handling requirements will change.

Your customer’s expectation increase as new technology emerges.

Crane modernization ensures that you can meet any material handling requirements that come your way.

Increases productivity

Crane modernization prevents the downtime that comes with aging equipment.

The less downtime your staff incurs, the more productive your business.

These upgrades also result in faster operation. Less downtime and better operation mean more productivity for you. You’ll remain on track with production schedules and enjoy more profits.

Saves You Money

Spare parts and new parts result in high costs for your business.

Modern crane designs allow your crane to withstand far more than the everyday wear and tear.

Modernizing your crane instead of replacing your crane saves you money in the long run.

New upgrades also mean fewer maintenance costs!

Better Control

The structural and mechanical advancements to crane technology continue to add significant value for crane operators.

As you know, control systems act as the brain of your operation. They serve as one of the most important aspects of an overhead crane or hoists.

Without control systems, your crane would not function. It certainly would not function in a safe and reliable manner.

Today’s technology improves the precision of your staff. Increased precision with controls means more speed and a more effective and productive operation.

Examples of Upgrades

Wondering what parts of your crane you can upgrade? Upgrades include the following:

  • Modern electrical systems
  • improved drive controls
  • hoist upgrades
  • wireless remote controls
  • speed and motion controls
  • increased lifting capacity

It’s time to upgrade your crane!

As you can see, modernizing your crane provides you with reliable equipment that meets changing safety standards.

By performing the necessary maintenance and modernization on your equipment, your operation becomes more productive and you save money in the long run.

It’s time to upgrade your crane’s technology, and at Kor-Pak, we have the products you need to give your crane that much-needed upgrade. Contact us today!

How to Choose Your Industrial Friction Material

Friction material is used in a variety of applications that need to control speed. In layman’s terms: brakes.

These materials are often first in consideration during the design phase of building machinery and other industrial applications. Many materials are available to choose from with each having their benefits and drawbacks.

Read on to understand the options and factors in choosing the materials.

Types of Friction Material

The materials used in the final product will range due to many factors. The materials are combined, woven, and bonded to handle heavy use and heat. Some materials work better than others depending on the application.

You must first understand the types of friction material to suit your needs.

  • Metallic & Semi-Metallic – Tin and copper powders fuse to create durable pads, clutches, and hydraulic parts. This mixture may include hard resin to aid with heat dissipation.
  • Ceramic & Carbon Ceramic – Copper and a mix of carbon fiber or Kevlar are often found in these types of friction parts. Ceramic has a good balance of heat dissipation, reduced dusting, and vibration absorption.
  • Organic – Cork, cellulose paper, Kevlar paper are used. Synthetic Benzoxazine compounds are now commonplace in the development. These materials are often married to ceramic parts.

The new standard in the part lining is organic these days due to the shift away from the use of asbestos-based materials due to health concerns. The exact composition differs between manufacturers for trade secret purposes.

The application of the materials is next once you have set your mind to the type.

Matching Friction Material with Application

Friction material plays a central role in the friction systems’ application. The general need for the material is to cause a stoppage of operations.

Here are considerations to match the material with the intended application:

  • Equipment – Fleet vehicle or crane? Train or motorcycle? The general rule of thumb is “heavier equipment, heavier material”.
  • Noise – Metal-on-metal friction causes ear-piercing noise but is a compromise for the stoppage power. Ceramics and organics are less noisy though it’s a trade off in material durability.
  • Durability – High heat and dissipation from heavy usage lead to warping in organic-based material though easily replaceable. The metallic material is best suited for heavy equipment but comes at higher costs.
  • Type – Friction is resistance against another material and happens in various ways from static, kinetic, and rolling. The type of friction will determine the need for the correct material.

The need for the utmost quality is first to be desired when you’re considering its use in big machinery like cranes and trains. There is no margin for error when it comes to safety in heavy industries. It’s a reason we’ve partnered with Scan-Pac manufacturing and so you can rest assured you’re receiving quality materials.

Trust in Us

We place your needs first and foremost here at Kor-Pak Corp.

Whether you’re in search of the right crane hoist or need guidance on how to manage railroad friction materials — we have you covered. With over 40 years in business, servicing all heavy industries, you can trust us to help you realize (and accomplish) lofty goals.

Give us a call, today!

Tips For Maintaining Your Stromag Couplings

Tips For Maintaining Your Stromag Couplings

Stromag couplings are built to last. But just like with any part of machinery, if you don’t take care of it then it won’t last.

Would you use your brakes without ever considering their maintenance? Of course not!

In fact, if your couplings aren’t properly designed, aligned, installed and maintained then your machine might not even get up to speed before the couplings give out.

If you’re going to invest in the quality machinery, then make sure you’re getting the right coupling for your needs, you use it correctly, and you maintain your couplings well.

If you consider the following tips for Stromag couplings, then you’ll definitely be getting your monies worth out of the product.

Get the Right Design

The first step in proper Stromag coupling maintenance is getting the right coupling design for your purposes. You’ll have to consider more than just whether or not a coupling fits.

Different Stromag couplings are designed for different levels of torque, horsepower, starting load and more. If you start out with the wrong coupling then it will never perform the way you want it to. Make sure the coupling you buy is right for the job you need.

Make sure the coupling you buy is right for the job you need.

Get the Assembly Right

Once you’ve gotten the right kind of Stromag coupling, it’s time to assemble it.

If you don’t assemble your coupling correctly, then you can’t expect it to perform well or last long.

Here are some good rules of thumb when assembling a Stromag coupling:

  • Set the key ways 180 degrees apart. This isn’t necessarily required but it’s been assumed for years to help keep the coupling balanced.
  • Make sure your axial spacing is correct for your specific type of Stromag coupling. If your axials are too close together it can lead to decreased coupling flexibility. If your axials are too far apart then it will lead to increased wear

When you buy a Stromag coupling it will come with specific instructions and information about the proper assembly.

Keep Your Stromag Coupling Lubricated

There are some Stromag couplings that require specific lubrication. It’s is important not to neglect the lubrication needs of your Stromag coupling.

If you keep your coupling well lubricated with the correct type of lubrication then it will continue to function well. A dry and neglected coupling isn’t going to last as long as you want it too.

The instructions that come with your Stromag coupling will be clear about all of your coupling’s lubrication needs. Take this information seriously!


Last but not least, inspection is a vital piece of coupling maintenance. If you aren’t regularly inspecting the state of your Stromag couplings, then you won’t know what they need.

Every machine needs regular inspection to maximize it’s shelf life and efficiency. When you inspect your couplings you’ll have to check for sufficient lubrication, alignment, indications of wear, correctly seated keys. And like with any machine, you’ll have to ensure that all of the screws are tight and in good condition.

If you take some time before you buy Stromag couplings to make sure you’re getting the correct set, you put them together correctly, and you inspect regularly for good maintenance then your couplings should last you a long time.

5 Common Crane Hazards And How To Avoid Them

5 Common Crane Hazards And How To Avoid Them

We trust cranes to help us get the big jobs done. But with cranes, a little mistake can have a huge impact.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 72 fatalities resulted from crane-related accidents in the last year analyzed.

Crane hazards are preventable when we take proper steps to avoid them. Let’s look at the 5 top hazards and how to prevent them.

Electrical Crane Hazards

Electrical hazards arise when the crane gets too close to power lines or other live wires.


  1. All electrical wiring should be properly covered, labeled and identifiable.
  2. Safety Supervisor conducts audit of the area to determine, point out and prepare for potential hazards
  3. 10 feet around the power lines should be clearly marked for the crane operator.
  4. Utilize well trained and attentive personnel to remain vigilant, communicating regularly with the crane operator regarding any hazards that may not be easily seen.
  5. Review and comply with OSHA regulations related to preventing electrical hazards.

Upset Hazards

Upset or imbalance occurs with the crane is overloaded, typically due to human error.

Machine operators who’ve been on the job a long time often think they’ve done this long enough to judge the weight by sight, leading to a hazardous situation.


  1. Those operating cranes today must be clearly trained on load capacity dynamics. They need to understand that their instincts can mislead them.
  2.  All regulations related to load capacity for that size crane should be clearly followed. The resulting damage is too great to leave to chance.

Materials Falling

The leading cause of crane hazard death isn’t something big like a crane contacting or hitting something. It’s something smaller.

Most of the crane-related deaths result from something falling from the crane.


  1. All cargo must be firmly secured.
  2. Test/Check the condition and capacity of hoists
  3. Wear protective gear
  4. Encourage all workers to be aware of their surroundings
  5. A trained safety supervisor must assure that everyone is complying with safety regulations

Weather Hazards

As hard workers who just want to get the job done, it’s hard to call it quits when the weather becomes hazardous. But weather can pose a serious risk to workers and equipment.

Wind, for example, could send the hoist rocking side to side, hitting something or tipping the crane.


  1. Cranes are built to withstand a certain wind impact. When the wind speed exceeds that capacity, the crane must be shut down.
  2. Make sure that workers know that windspeed increases with height. If it’s windy down below the upper crane experiences a pummeling.
  3. Workers should be trained on working with caution in ice, snow, sleet and rain.
  4. Assess the load size to determine what wind level is acceptable

Workspace Hazards

The culture of being aware of your surrounding is important in any work zone. But even more important around a crane.

Employees working under or close to the crane unnecessarily increases chances of a little mistake becoming a big one.


  1. Plan out your workspace, making sure workers have room to effectively do their jobs without walking under the crane.

Addressing Crane Hazards

Preventing fatalities, injuries and damage proper planning, training, and follow-through to ensure compliance with training and regulation. Regularly inspect equipment to ensure it’s in working order.

Whatever your industry, we keep companies productive with value-added service, maintenance, and equipment options. Contact us today.