How to Find the Right Industrial Parts and Service Provider

Finding the ideal industrial parts and service provider can be challenging, but ,it can make running your business a little easier once you do. 

Keep reading below to learn how to find a provider that’s a good fit for your company!

Industrial Parts and Service Providers Are Essential

If your company is an industrial manufacturer, you understand how important it is for everything to be done right. Just like how there are no unimportant parts of a machine, everyone in your business plays a vital role. So you shouldn’t risk bringing in another organization that won’t do a good job.

Otherwise, just like in a machine, your whole business is at risk. So expect to do work before deciding on industrial parts and service providers. There is no such thing as too much research when it comes to this decision.

The importance of finding a good provider cannot be understated!

Ask Yourself What You Need

When you start researching what provider to go with, you should ask yourself a few questions. For example, you should look into which parts you tend to use. You will also need to look into the quality your clients expect of you.

For example, if your business is known for producing quickly and efficiently, you will need a provider that can keep up.

Reflecting on your own expectations and the ones of your customers is a vital first step towards finding the right provider.

A Good Provider Will Work With You

An important characteristic of good parts and service providers is a willingness to work with you. Your provider should go to some lengths to make sure they are doing the job right and identify your expectations. If they don’t check in to make sure they’re doing well, you may want to be wary.

But if your provider does ask you questions about what they should do, you can trust them!

Finding the Right Provider Is Hard!

It can take time to find the right industrial parts and service provider that matches your company and helps you achieve your goals. But finding the right one is always worth it, no matter how long it takes.

And you can get started with us! Reach out to us, and we will make sure your company’s needs are met so it can continue serving customers!

Regular Industrial Maintenance You Can Plan On

Preventative industrial maintenance isn’t just a checklist.

To see the most out of your equipment, you need to implement a plan that includes regular checkups, employee training, and more. If you implement this correctly, you might see a 25% reduction in your equipment repair costs. 

Follow this guide to learn how you can save money.

Budget For Machine Downtime

All machines eventually need repairs. However, if you’ve been implementing your maintenance plan correctly, you’ll likely see those failures coming. 

Consequently, part of a holistic planning process always includes budgeting for machine downtime. 

Provide Constant Training and Refresher Courses

Most people think that preventative maintenance is all about the machine, but that isn’t the only essential con.

If you haven’t adequately trained the people who operate the machines you work with, they’ll always break their tools. So, always train your employees/provide refresher courses and recertifications as needed.

Always Read the Manual

We know, reading the manual is a chore. You’re forklift certified, aren’t you? Driving any brand of forklift should be a breeze!

Well, surprisingly enough, reading the manual is one of the most important things you can do to prevent damage to your goods, machinery, and co-workers. In addition, a manual will give you a sneak peek into any quirks your new machine might have. That knowledge can save your butt in a fast-paced situation. 

Track Your Service History

Memories fail. 

So, keep a complete service record for your industrial equipment. Keeping track of your maintenance can be necessary for inspections, insurance claims, and future services as well.

Building Your Industrial Maintenance Checklist

Now, onto the equipment condition checklist you should be building. Use this list to guide you when you make your own.

General checklist items to include:

  • Make all lights are working
  • Check to make sure that handrails, grab irons, and steps are securely attached
  • Check for rust or denting
  • Check the brakes 
  • Check your electrical wiring for kinks, breaks, or faults
  • Check your hydraulics for leaks
  • Check the levels and condition of your hydraulic fluid
  • Check for damage to any fuel tanks
  • Check for cracks, rust, and other faults on your lifting mechanisms
  • Check the grease levels on all moving parts
  • Check coolant levels
  • Do and inventor and once over of any tools to resharpen, restock, etc.
  • Check any windows for visibility issues
  • Make sure all operating lights are working
  • Ensure any seatbelts are present and working correctly
  • Check to see if the fire extinguisher is expired
  • Make sure all pedals, levers, and buttons move quickly and like they’re supposed to

For wheeled machines:

  • Check tire pressure
  • Check tire tread
  • Check for damage on the rims
  • Check the tightness of your lug nuts
  • Check the axels for rust

For machines that use tracks (like a conveyor):

  • Inspect rollers (check to see if they move freely, look for broken sprockets, etc.)
  • Look for signs of rust
  • Check the condition of any rubber belts
  • Check the tension of the track

Engine specific checklist items:

  • Check your fluid levels
  • Check your air filters
  • Check your belts and hoses for wear
  • Check for corrosion on your battery
  • make sure all covers, skid plates, and guards are installed correctly

It’s important to remember that these checklists aren’t perfect. So, in addition to our suggested checklist items, add in your own using your knowledge, know-how, and familiarity with your machines.

Making a Plan is the Most Important Step

Preventative, industrial maintenance checklists and training are the most important thing you can do to stop catastrophic failures from happening in your warehouse. 

So, what’s your call? Will you beef up your preventative measures, or will you keep playing fast and lose with your livelihood? The choice is yours. 

Ethier way, accidents can happen. So, if you find yourself in a tight spot, you’re always welcome to make use of our repair services. We’ll be happy to get you back up and running. 

What You Need to Know About Industrial Friction Material

What Is Industrial Friction Material?

In any place where two or more machine parts come together during operation, there will be friction. This includes industrial brakes, transmissions, and more.

The demand for friction material is found in many industries, including defense, aviation, and heavy-machinery manufacturing.

Friction material typically consists of fibers woven and bonded together to create an effective substance for minimizing friction. Industrial friction material can be made of many substances, including metals, ceramic, and different alloys. At one time, asbestos was used, but due to safety concerns, it no longer is used.

The make-up might be interesting, but perhaps you’re wondering what it’s used for. The friction material is used to protect industrial parts and extend the life of machinery. For example, industrial friction material would be used in clutch brakes to ensure they don’t suddenly fail during operation. 

Importance of High-Quality Material

Over time, the constant friction between parts will wear down and damage the pieces, sometimes creating a hazardous situation. After all, having a brake failure on an operational crane could end in disaster.

This is where the importance of friction material comes in. In a consumer vehicle, brake pads serve as the friction material. Instead of the brake itself taking the brunt of the friction, the brake pad, takes the damage so that the brake itself remains unharmed.

The same principle applies to industrial equipment. The industrial friction material protects your expensive parts from being damaged, thus ensuring that they work when it matters. 

Benefits of Material

The benefits of friction materials are not limited to ensuring brakes and transmissions work when needed. Minimizing wear and tear on your moving parts extends the life of all of the working parts of your machine. With friction material, you may not have to replace your clutch breaks as frequently, saving your business significant amounts of money. 

By utilizing material with a predictable life span, you can determine when maintenance might be appropriate for your equipment before the machine breaks down or someone gets injured.

Find the Best Material for You

Whether you need heavy-duty machinery for airplanes, construction, or trains, industrial friction material plays a vital role in the safety and maintenance of your equipment. Find the best solution for your friction material needs and keep your equipment in prime working condition.

Choosing the Right Hydraulic Clamps to Reduce Cycle Times

Manufacturing production in the US increased 23% in April 2021 compared to the previous year. As production starts to rebound from pandemic-related declines, efficiency and productivity are more critical than ever.

One way to reduce cycle times is by using the proper hydraulic clamps. Hydraulic clamping gives you work holding that is faster, more precise, and more consistent.

Find out more about how the proper hydraulic clamps can reduce your cycle times. 

How Do Hydraulic Clamps Reduce Cycle Times?

Hydraulic clamps can reduce cycle times in several ways. The cycle includes setup, machining, and changeover.

Manually changing out fixtures is time-consuming. For example, tightening numerous bolts to the proper torque can take 30 minutes for each cycle.

With hydraulic clamps, the operator can put the part in the fixture and push a button or flip a switch. This is faster, more accurate, and more consistent.

Power clamps give you the precise amount of working hold necessary. They give you more pressure than manual clamps, and they apply the pressure evenly and consistently.

When clamps aren’t rigid enough, your cutting tools may wear prematurely. In addition, dull tools make the cycle times longer. Hydraulic clamps protect you from additional costs and longer cycle times. 

Types of Hydraulic Clamps

All hydraulic clamping cylinders have some standard features — they clamp quickly and repeatedly, and you can activate and deactivate them quickly.

You have three basic hydraulic hold-down clamps to choose from single-acting, double-acting, and swing cylinders.

Single-Acting Cylinders

Single-acting cylinders give hydraulic power in only one direction. The hydraulic fluid acts on one side of the piston rod. Another force, like a spring, operates it in the other direction.

Single-acting cylinders need less valving and plumbing than double-acting cylinders. They have a simpler hydraulic circuit and use less oil.

The use of hydraulic power in only one direction makes the operating speed slower, though. It also means that all of the cylinders may not retract at the same time.

Double-Acting Cylinders

Double-acting cylinders use hydraulic power to move the piston rod in both directions. This gives you a faster-operating speed. You also get better control of the clamp release.

Swing Cylinders

Swing cylinders are the most popular form of hydraulic clamping.

The piston and the attached arm rotate 90º during the swing stroke. Then they travel downward and clamp the part during the clamping stroke.

When you release the clamping pressure, the clamp arm raises and rotates back 90º in the opposite direction. This lets you unload the workpiece and load the next one.

How to Choose the Right Hydraulic Clamps

Clamping systems have many components. Choosing the suitable hydraulic clamps means considering the materials you’re working with, the fabrication or machining process, and the shop environment.

Workpiece Materials

The size, shape, and material characteristics of the parts you need to hold, all determine which type of clamp you should use. In addition, you want to hold the workpiece securely but without distorting or damaging it. This makes the clamping force a critical consideration. 

Fabrication Process

The machining process you’ll be applying to the workpiece helps determine the clamping force you’ll need. You can get information about the forces a tool produces from the tool supplier. This data lets you calculate the amount of force necessary to hold the part in place.

Shop Environment

Clamping systems extend from your machining tools. You’ll need to account for the amount of space you have in the production environment when designing your system. The power sources you have available will affect your choice of hydraulic clamps as well.

Designing Your Clamping System

The right hydraulic clamps can reduce your cycle times and improve productivity.

When you want to find the best power clamps for your application, Kor-Pak can help. We’ll examine your needs and then consider all potential resources. We’ll find the best long-term solution to enhance your bottom line.

Contact us today for more information.

Tips for Keeping Industrial Machines in Working Order

The USA has the world’s largest market for machinery. Are you one of the many businesses that use industrial machines daily? 

Running heavy machinery is costly and can be dangerous. If one part of your manufacturing line is out, it could affect your whole production output. 

Well-maintained machines mean a healthy production line and a healthy bottom line for your business. Ensure your machines are operating optimally with these five tips.

1. Clean Industrial Machines Often

It may seem like the most basic of maintenance tips, but it is the most important. Oil and dirt can build up in industrial machinery, which could cause it to malfunction. 

If left uncleaned for an extended period, your machine could become rusty or start corroding. This will seriously affect its performance. 

2. Keep Records

Many different staff members may use the heavy industrial machines in your business. They may not communicate with one another if something looks wrong or if they think there may be a problem arising. 

Keep a logbook by each machine so that staff can update it regularly with comments about the machine’s function. This will ensure you spot potential problems early and will save on costly repairs. 

3. Keep The Parts In Check 

As well as keeping tabs on the overall functioning of heavy machinery, you should monitor individual parts. If one part is becoming old and requires replacement, it will affect the output of the whole machine. 

Schedule regular maintenance and checks for the individual parts of the machine. Chains, belts, and pistons can wear down with regular use. A simple inspection once a month will help you determine if they need to be replaced. 

4. Lubricate Heavy Industrial Machinery

One of the easiest ways to look after industrial machines is with sufficient lubrication. You should regularly test and apply lubricants to the device. 

Different parts of the machine may require other oils or lubricants. Make sure you know the correct industrial supplies for each part. Apply lubricant often, especially when the device has undergone cleaning. 

5. Train Your Staff 

Operators are one of the leading causes of machine malfunction. If they aren’t trained on what they are doing, it can lead to accidents, especially when it comes to the more complex machines. 

The machine-making industry is changing rapidly. Digitization and more concerns about sustainability are driving change in the industry. Some newer machines aren’t so intuitive when it comes to their operating procedure. 

Keep your staff up to date with shifts in the business and help them maintain up-to-date knowledge. A small investment in your staff’s skills will impact the efficiency of your production. 

Long-Lasting Machines For Your Business

If you follow these tips, your business’ industrial machines will remain well maintained and last longer, great news for your business and staff. Well-looked after machines will provide higher productivity. Your business will thank you.  

Do you have a problem with your heavy machinery you don’t know how to solve? Maintenance not cutting it? Get in touch with one of our experts; we’d love to help out. 

Understanding Custom Machining and When You Need It

You’re in the market for that elusive, distant, yet perfect machine part.

But this search has probably gone for weeks — even months!

If this sounds like you, then it’s time to stop searching and start using custom machining.

Custom machining provides access to limitless machine designs that can be quickly produced. With these benefits, it’s no wonder professional industry technicians are turning to and trusting custom machining.

Want to learn more? Then keep reading to understand custom machining. We’ll key you in on what it is, how it works, and whether it’s right for you.

What is Custom CNC Machining?

Custom CNC machining is precisely what it sounds like — creating parts explicitly customized for the buyer. From CNC turning, CNC milling, and EDM, a well-rounded custom machining company will give customers virtually any part they desire.

“CNC” refers to the CNC machine that allows this work to happen. Through precise digital design skills, remarkable speed, and an incredibly advanced machine, CNC machining takes technology design to a whole new level.

How Does it Work?

CNC machining requires a lot of work from both the design engineer and the machine itself. Here’s the basic run-down of how CNC machining works:

  1. A design engineer creates a model and its instructions with digital design software.
  2. The model and its instructions are input into the CNC machine.
  3. The CNC machine reads instructions and produces the requested machine part.

There are various CNC machines for different consumers’ needs. So despite CNC machines simplifying custom machining, CNC machines still create accurate custom parts.

Who Needs Custom Machining?

Anyone can use CNC machining services. But certain consumers need this customization more than others. Such situations that necessitate custom machining include:

  • Missing a piece for the rare machine
  • Having no suppliers for the part needed
  • Wanting a machine whose qualities exist nowhere on the market

For professional industries, these issues are pressing. An incomplete machine does not work, and one that slows down business.

But custom CNC machining removes all the hassle that’d exist otherwise. There’s no worry about supply since only you could ever own the part.

There’s also confidence afforded to custom machining, knowing that you’re guaranteed to get the exact part you like. That means no gears, just 5mm too wide, and no gearbox that’s gone missing during months-long shipping.

Reap Every Benefit Custom Machining Offers

You might have a request for a custom machine part stuck on your mind. If that’s true, then it’s time to fulfill it.

Take advantage of custom machining’s advancements in the industry. There’s little reason for you not to do so.

At Kor-pak, we thoroughly understand the ins and outs of a working machine. If you’d like to have a machine part customized by a professional who cares, then contact us today! We’ll solve all your custom machining ails and ensure that your machine runs as smoothly as possible.


Tips for Keeping Industrial Machines in Working Order

The USA has the world’s largest market for machinery. Are you one of the many businesses that use industrial machines daily? 

Running heavy machinery is costly and can be dangerous. If one part of your manufacturing line is out, it could affect your whole production output. 

Well-maintained machines mean a healthy production line and a healthy bottom line for your business. Ensure your machines are operating optimally with these five tips.

1. Clean Industrial Machines Often

It may seem like the most basic of maintenance tips, but it is the most important. Oil and dirt can build up in industrial machinery, which could cause it to malfunction. 

If left uncleaned for an extended period, your machine could become rusty or start corroding. This will seriously affect its performance. 

2. Keep Records

Many different staff members may use the heavy industrial machines in your business. They may not communicate with one another if something looks wrong or if they think there may be a problem arising. 

Keep a logbook by each machine so that staff can update it regularly with comments about the machine’s function. This will ensure you spot potential problems early and will save on costly repairs. 

3. Keep The Parts In Check 

As well as keeping tabs on the overall functioning of heavy machinery, you should monitor individual parts. If one part is becoming old and requires replacement, it will affect the output of the whole machine. 

Schedule regular maintenance and checks for the individual parts of the machine. Chains, belts, and pistons can wear down with regular use. A simple inspection once a month will help you determine if they need to be replaced. 

4. Lubricate Heavy Industrial Machinery

One of the easiest ways to look after industrial machines is with sufficient lubrication. You should regularly test and apply lubricants to the device. 

Different parts of the machine may require other oils or lubricants. Make sure you know the correct industrial supplies for each part. Apply lubricant often, especially when the device has undergone cleaning. 

5. Train Your Staff 

Operators are one of the leading causes of machine malfunction. If they aren’t trained on what they are doing, it can lead to accidents, especially when it comes to the more complex machines. 

The machine-making industry is changing rapidly. Digitization and more concerns about sustainability are driving change in the industry. Some newer machines aren’t so intuitive when it comes to their operating procedure. 

Keep your staff up to date with shifts in the business and help them maintain up-to-date knowledge. A small investment in your staff’s skills will impact the efficiency of your production. 

Long-Lasting Machines For Your Business

If you follow these tips, your business’ industrial machines will remain well maintained and last longer, great news for your business and staff. Well-looked after machines will provide higher productivity. Your business will thank you.  

Do you have a problem with your heavy machinery you don’t know how to solve? Maintenance not cutting it? Get in touch with one of our experts; we’d love to help out. 

How To Choose an Equipment or Machine Part Company

If you are running a construction project, you must have the right equipment to get the job done. This means choosing a high-quality machine part company that can provide you with the right parts for your cranes, hydraulic equipment, and industrial brakes, and more. Poor or mismatched equipment can result in significant downtime for your project, the costs of which can be devastating.

That is why knowing how to choose a machine part company that is right for your needs is an essential skill. If you are wondering where to get equipment parts, read on to find out how to choose an equipment or machine part company to help you deliver the results you want. 

1. Do They Offer the Machine Part You Need?

When shopping for machine and equipment parts, you must choose a vendor that can offer exactly the right parts that you need. A vendor might claim to offer crane parts, but that does not mean they will have the specific parts you need for the cranes on your building site. This principle is especially urgent if you work in a highly specialized industry such as oil rig construction, where even a single mismatched machine part can have catastrophic consequences.

2. What is Their Industry Experience? 

Even if you have found machine part companies that offer the equipment you are looking for, this does not mean they are right for you. It is important to confirm that they have proven industry experience within your sector. For example, a machine part company offering brakes for shipyard cranes might not have any experience in residential construction. It will therefore be unable to understand your machine part needs fully. 

3. Do They Have a Reputation for Quality?

There are thousands of machine part providers located across the US. Not all of these are created equal. A company might offer what you are looking for on paper, but this does not mean they have the technical expertise or customer service skills to back it up. Always seek out testimonials and reviews from previous customers. Do not hesitate to ask a seller of machine parts to provide you with references from former clients. 

4. Do They Offer Affordable Parts and Services?

On any construction project, wafer-thin margins are a constant consideration. Shop around for machine parts that you want to get an idea of what the standard prices are. A good provider should have a transparent and reasonable pricing model. 

5. Will They Be There if Things Go Wrong?

Finally, it is important to confirm that your relationship with a machine part company does not end once you have paid the invoice. If machine parts suddenly begin to break down or do not deliver what was promised, they should be on-call to help rectify the situation. Always confirm that your machine parts have a warranty attached to them and that a vendor will provide support when needed. 

Choose a Quality Machine Part Purveyor Today 

To find out more about the parts and services we offer, get in touch with our team of industry professionals today. 


5 Signs You Need New Belt Drives for Your Equipment

Drive belts are an essential part of any machine. And, if you’ve had your machinery for a while and you’re experiencing drives that are noisy or worn down, it’s time to look into a new one. Learn more in our guide of 5 signs you need new belt drives for your equipment.

What Are Belt Drives?

Belt Drives are an essential part of any machine. Their job is to transfer power from one point to another, making them crucial for several different pieces of equipment. Belt drives are critical in some types of machinery that you can’t operate without them.

They are usually very durable and reliable, but they can wear out or develop problems that may need addressing by replacing them with a new belt drive over time.

Signs You Need a New Belt Drive

There are many different tell-tale signs that you need a new belt drive, but sometimes you have to look beyond the belt itself and notice behavior patterns.

1. Look for Cracking or Worn Seams

When you’re working with machinery, it’s vital to pay attention to any signs of damage. Although most belt drives will last you for a very long time, it’s essential to be aware of any damage that may occur, even if it’s not causing issues at this time.

2. Look for Worn Out Belts

A worn-out belt drive that’s left to break down can cause severe damage. It will make noise and may be more challenging to replace. If you notice that your belts are wearing out, it’s time to start looking into a new set of belt drives for your equipment.

3. Look for a Worn Out Muffler

A belt drive with a worn-out muffler will bump and make noise as it moves over the pulleys. This wear may be the first sign of damage and a reason to start looking at new belt drives so your equipment can stay running smoothly.

4. Look for Issues With Synchronization

Synchronization refers to the way the belts are attached to and move over their respective pulleys. When a belt drive is out of synchronization, you can hear it humming and making much noise as it progresses.

5. Look for Foreign Objects on the Belts

If you notice small metal particles on the belts, that may be a sign of damage. Small debris gets stuck in the belt drive’s teeth, and it can also cause wear and tear or cause breakage.

Belt Drive Replacement Can Be Expensive

Remember, once your belt goes, you might damage the other parts of the machinery simultaneously. Going with a new belt drive can be a lot more cost-effective in the long run. A new belt drive can also prevent wear and tear on other parts of your machine by stressing the movement off of them.

Besides, by maintaining your belt drive, you’ll ensure that all your money will be worth more than if you neglected it and caused more damage than necessary.

If you need more advice on your belt drives, contact us today, and we can discuss your options.

What To Look for in a Construction Equipment Repair Company

When tallying your construction project’s costs, you cannot neglect the cost of construction equipment repair and maintenance. Unfortunately, construction equipment wears and tears over time, owing to the intense nature of the work they are designed to perform.

Maintenance for construction equipment can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars a year and is a largely unavoidable expense that must be factored into your delivery estimates. That is why knowing how to choose the right construction equipment repair and maintenance company is essential. If you ask, “do I need to repair my construction equipment?” read on to find out how to choose the right company. 

1. The Reputation of the Company

When it comes to construction equipment maintenance, it is essential to choose a provider with a strong industry and previous customers’ reputation. There are thousands of maintenance companies across the US, and not all are created equal. If you consider a particular company, do not hesitate to ask them to provide references from previous clients and customers. Also, make sure to consult online reviews and on-site testimonials to make sure a company can deliver.

2. The Construction Equipment Repair Experience

Even if a construction equipment maintenance and repair company has a stellar track record of success, this will not do you much good if that company has no experience dealing with the equipment you operate on your construction site. Always check that a company has a proven track record of fixing and repairing the exact models of equipment that you use. Construction equipment repair is a highly specialized field, and your maintenance company must be familiar with your equipment. 

3. Transparency 

When deciding where to fix my construction equipment, transparency is also key. A company should be upfront about what they can do and how much they will charge you. They will be honest about the length of time it will take to maintain and repair your equipment, as well as the amount of site downtime that will result from their activities. If you get the impression that a maintenance provider is not forthcoming with the information you need, consider looking elsewhere. 

4. Pricing and Value for Money 

At the end of the day, your bottom line is the most important consideration. As mentioned, construction equipment repair and maintenance will be a significant outgoing cost that will eat into your budget. Therefore, it is essential to get the absolute best value for money that you can. Remember that maintenance and repair is an investment that will improve the efficiency of your project. That is why you should not cut corners. Instead, you should be striking a delicate balance between high-quality service and competitive pricing. The best way to do this is by choosing a reputable company that is open to negotiation. 

Choose a Trustworthy Repair and Maintenance Company 

If you need construction equipment repair and maintenance now, you have come to the right place. Today, to access expert, trustworthy, and affordable repair services today, do not hesitate to contact our team.