Are Hydraulic Disc Brakes Worth It? (The Answer Is Yes!)

Nothing causes fear like when your brakes don’t respond. This fear is multiplied when you’re sitting in the seat of heavy equipment.

Crane operators, truck drivers, and all heavy-equipment technicians know the gravity of their work. One malfunctioning part spells disaster and puts lives at risk.

Brakes matter. The hydraulic disc brake has distinct advantages over its mechanical competitor. Keep reading to learn about why hydraulic disc brakes win the race of stopping. 

Proven Brakes

Hydraulic brakes have a proven record. They’ve existed since 1918 when Malcolm Loughead proposed the idea of a brake system that used hydraulics. By the 1930s, all car manufacturers had adopted some form of hydraulic brakes. 

In the late 40s and early 50s, when cars became too heavy for hydraulic brakes, Chrysler integrated disc brakes with hydraulics. 

Some vehicles began installing drum brakes and hydraulic brakes, using drum brakes as a backup when the hydraulics failed. However, hydraulics have proven themselves to the point that few vehicles have a combination system today. 

The heavy equipment industry has especially capitalized on hydraulic brakes. Industrial equipment uses hydraulic disc brakes because of their proven record. 

Reliable Performance

Modern safety testing has proven the safety and reliability of hydraulic disc brakes. You can trust them. The fact that they’re used widely in heavy equipment also proves their reliability. 

Efficient and Economical Parts

Hydraulic disc brakes make you come to a complete stop more quickly. They work quickly and efficiently. 

Plus, hydraulic disc brakes are more efficient. They take up less space than a drum brake and cost less.  


Hydraulic disc brakes last longer than mechanical brakes because of how they work. Disk brakes dissipate heat thoroughly and distribute heat evenly. This even distribution results in less wear and tear overall.

So when it’s time to start looking for equipment like an electrohydraulic disc thruster and actuator, you’ve already put your hydraulic disk brakes through the mill. They last a long time. 

Ease of Repair

You can repair hydraulic disc brakes more easily because the parts are more readily available. Because you find hydraulic disc brakes in most heavy equipment, you can find the parts necessary for repair without much trouble.

Also, you can diagnose the problem quickly. When the brake system has sustained damage, you’ll know because you’ll see brake fluid. Otherwise, when a hydraulic brake system is functioning properly, the brakes are sealed. 

A skilled mechanic will know how to adjust hydraulic disc brakes easily, making the repair simple. 

Your research may lead you to wonder if there’s a difference between disk vs. disc. There isn’t.

From a functional standpoint, there’s no difference between the terms “disc” and “disk.” These two words refer to the same part, but with a different letter. 

Hydraulic Disc Brakes for the Win

Hydraulic brakes are worth the money. They have a proven record of reliability, not to mention efficiency. Just about any skilled mechanic can fix them, and you can diagnose problems easily.

If you’re looking for hydraulic disc brake parts, we’re here for you. We have the parts you may need to get your heavy equipment back up and running. For all of your industrial hydraulic disc brake needs, contact us


Posted in Industrial Brakes and Clutches.