The Lifespan and Efficiency Gains of Accurate Crane Alignment

In the third quarter of 2020, there were 257 cranes in active use across North American cities. Every time construction workers use one of these machines; they must complete a routine crane maintenance check. Sometimes, though, they’ll find problems that they cannot fix without the help of an inspection and repair service—like crane alignment issues. 

Even though this is one of the most common crane problems, it is dangerous, which is why you should be able to identify when it is happening to your machine. To learn about the symptoms of an unaligned crane and why you should get it inspected frequently, keep on reading. 

Crane Alignment Benefits

Cranes and their parts already cost a lot to produce, rent, and buy. By performing routine crane maintenance checks, your company is going to save a lot of money.

An unaligned crane could result in a derailment or an accident. The amount of downtime it could take to repair the crane alone isn’t cost-efficient, either.  

Fortunately, in 2017, crane-related injuries were at the lowest they had been in seven years. To contribute to this downward trend, you should be on the lookout for these issues, as you’ll want to have your crane serviced as soon as possible to ensure you and your worker’s safety. 

Lifespan Gains

The most prominent sign that you have an alignment issue has to do with the wheels on your crane. Listen for screeching or crashing noises when they move. These sounds indicate that the wheels are floating or slipping off the rails. 

Additionally, the wheel flanges can break if the crane is misaligned, even though they should keep it on track when the rails bend or the machine moves too fast. Wheels are expensive, and for this reason, you should invest in ones made of steel. They’re durable and can be reconditioned for further use to save you money in the long-run. 

Efficiency Gains

You should also pay attention to how much energy it takes to operate the crane. A standard electric tower crane usually uses about 800 amps. Knowing this baseline will make it easier to identify when something is wrong and saves you from paying a higher electricity bill. 

Another way you can create more efficiency gains for your company is to upgrade to an automated crane. These machines need less time to finish a project, allowing your company to complete more tasks than usual and reducing the amount of energy you need to run it. 

Get a Crane Inspection

If you’re having crane alignment issues and need an overhead inspection, look no further than Kor-Pak Corporations. We’ll look at all its components and devices to find the root of the problem. We’ll also give you a quote for the repairs. 

Contact us today to schedule an inspection date. We’ll get it back up and running on those rails in no time. 

Posted in Crane.