Mobile Cranes: 3 Tips for Choosing the Best Option for Your Project

Every year, the construction industry creates nearly $2 trillion of structures. The construction companies that operate within this industry often need to invest in mobile cranes to help them carry out projects.

If you’re preparing to tackle a construction project requiring a mobile crane, you’ll have plenty of options available. Whether you secure a short-term mobile crane rental or purchase a crane through a mobile crane supplier, it’ll be important to obtain the right one.

Here are three tips for choosing the right mobile cranes for construction projects.

1. Learn About the Different Types of Mobile Cranes

So many different types of cranes fall into the mobile crane category. From crawler cranes to truck cranes to overhead cranes, each option will bring something slightly different to the table.

When working with mobile crane suppliers, those in the construction industry should always analyze each mobile crane option out there for them. It’ll make it possible to select the right type of mobile crane based on when, where, and how it’ll be used.

2. Determine How Powerful Mobile Cranes Must Be

In addition to picking out the right types of mobile cranes, those in the construction industry will also need to consider how powerful they’ll need them to be. Not every mobile crane will be capable of handling the same loads as other mobile cranes might be able to tackle.

It would be worth getting a general idea of how much the loads on your construction site will weigh. It’ll make it much easier to select a mobile crane with the necessary lifting capacity.

You should also consider things like horizontal distance and lift height to ensure a mobile crane will be tall enough to lift loads to where they need to go on a construction site.

3. Assess the Conditions for Mobile Cranes

When construction projects occur in large, open areas, those in the construction industry who rely on them can go with almost any mobile crane they want. But when these projects occur in tighter quarters, it might be impossible to squeeze certain types of mobile cranes into them.

Before securing mobile crane rentals or buying mobile cranes, construction companies should evaluate the working conditions that will exist on a construction site and choose a mobile crane accordingly. It’ll need to be the correct size so that it’ll be easy to get onto a site.

Choose the Right Mobile Crane for a Construction Project

Choosing the right mobile cranes for construction projects isn’t always easy. Since there are so many options, those in the construction industry will need to consider many factors.

Use the tips found here as you set out to search for a mobile crane. And no matter which mobile crane you end up with, make sure you maintain and service it properly.

Kor-Pak can set you up with the heavy-duty parts you’ll need for mobile cranes. Check out our inventory to see what we can provide.

Posted in Crane.