How to Know When You’ve Got a Faulty Industrial Gearbox

Most industrial gearboxes last for around 20 years.

However, that’s only if they’re taken care of properly. Along the way, you’ll have to keep an eye out for transmission problems and fix them right away.

If you’re not what they are, don’t worry.

In this article, we’ll go through the tell-tale signs of a faulty gearbox.

Signs Your Gearbox Is Causing Transmission Problems

If your gearbox is exhibiting any of these issues, it’s cause for concern.


A faulty gearbox will often start making noises.

These sounds could be caused by parts rattling or grinding together. Bearings, gears, and shafts accumulate wear and tear over time, and as they do so, they’ll produce more and more noise.

If you notice that your gearbox is noisier than it once was, it’s worth checking it out. Experienced engineers can use the type of noise to identify the root of the problem.

For example, loose motor mounts are often the culprits for banging and clunking sounds, faulty bearings usually cause low-pitched rumbling noises, and damaged gear teeth can produce high-pitched screeches.


Is there a significant difference in the temperatures of the housing and shaft of your industrial gearbox? This could be a sign that something isn’t working correctly.

Other signs of an overheating gearbox include smoke emitting from shafts and seals, discoloration of surfaces caused by burning and melting of plastic parts.

Lubrication may not be working effectively. It should increase the longevity of parts by cooling them and reducing friction. If that’s not the issue, overtightened bearings could be creating too much friction and heat.


If you see cracks or other visible damage to your gearbox, you need to have it looked at immediately.

This can be caused by vibrations that occur when the speed and torque of the gearbox are increased. Loose, broken or poorly mounted parts will vibrate aggressively, eventually causing damage to other parts or shifting out of place.


Over time, parts can move out of their rightful place and become misaligned.

This can be caused by wear and tear, vibration, and heat expansion. However, the root of the problem may have occurred at the point of installation.

If the gearbox that has been installed isn’t fit for purpose, it will cause problems later down the line. Similarly, if it isn’t mounted correctly, it’s likely to break down much more quickly.

Oil Leaks

Check the shaft seals of your gearbox. If you notice that oil is starting to leak out, you have a problem.

When the seals become compromised, oil will seep out, and water, dirt, and dust are being allowed in.

Even if you can’t see a leak, check your oil levels. If they’re suspiciously low, you may have to search for a leak somewhere else. Faulty gaskets can also cause leakages.

Keep Your Gearbox in Check

If transmission problems are left for too long, they can bring your production process to a complete halt.

That’s why you need to keep your gearbox in check with regular maintenance.

Carry out inspections at regular intervals, and you can fix your gearbox issues right away. To find out how to do that, read our ultimate guide to gearbox maintenance.

What Are Hydraulic Clamps and Why Do You Need Them?

Do you regularly work with industrial equipment? If so, you should be using clamping mechanisms like hydraulic clamps. They’re a vital piece of industrial equipment that will make things in your workplace safer and more secure.

Not sure what hydraulic clamps are or why you would need them for your work? In this article, we’re covering everything you need to know about these clamping mechanisms and how they can improve your work processes.

What is a Hydraulic Clamp?

In basic terms, a hydraulic clamp is a piece of industrial equipment that applies clamping force to secure any workpiece. What separates a hydraulic clamp from a primary clamping mechanism is that these devices use hydraulic fluids as part of the clamping process.

These fluids allow for greater operating pressure, which in turn results in higher clamping even when using smaller clamping cylinders.

What Does a Hydraulic Clamp Do?

If properly designed and used, a hydraulic clamp will prevent any piece of machinery from moving. This means the piece won’t slide or twist in use. A hydraulic clamp also clamps a piece of machinery without distorting the piece of machinery, which may occur when using a more standard type of clamping mechanism.

During the clamping process, a workpiece is positioned inside of the clamping device and held in position. The method of identifying and holding a workpiece is often referred to as “limiting the degrees of freedom” as this relates to the angles the device is constrained to.

Identifying the workpiece is essential for operating a hydraulic clamp correctly. If you do it incorrectly, you run the risk of bending the machine or causing machining error.

How to Operate a Hydraulic Clamp Correctly

As mentioned above, it’s essential to clamp your workpiece correctly. The main thing to do is make sure you’re attaching the clamp to a thick section of the workpiece. For correct clamping, you need to be applying the force to a strong, supported part of the workpiece.

If you attach the clamp to a thinner section of the workpiece, you’ll more than likely bend the piece, which will affect the overall accuracy of machine use. You should also make sure that you attach the clamp in a way that does not obstruct the loading or unloading of the workpiece or the paths of the cutting tools.

If you are clamping to a thinner, more delicate piece of machinery, you should distribute equal clamping force across the machine, and use clamps with pads or softer materials to prevent damage.

Why You Need a Hydraulic Clamp

Hydraulic clamping devices are essential for speeding up processes for industrial work more safely and securely. They reduce non-productive work time, save the operator from the risk of screwing clamps incorrectly, and allow for adjustments that are suited to the specific requirements of the workpiece.

They also reduce operation fatigue and increase machine-tool capacity, which are two vital things you need to improve the scope and efficiency of your work.

Final Thoughts on Hydraulic Clamping Mechanisms

Are you looking to improve your work processes? Want to scale your operations in safer (and more efficient) ways? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you need hydraulic clamping mechanisms.

Ready to purchase some hydraulic clamps? Have any additional questions about clamps or how they work? Contact us to learn more about clamp options!

Everything You Need to Know About Torque Limiters

What if you had to watch your heavy machinery crash into something helplessly?

Many people put a lot of faith into the brakes on these vehicles. But the soft collision protection of brakes is not always enough to prevent a major accident.

For maximum safety, you should be using torque limiter couplings. Here’s our comprehensive guide to what they are and how they can help.

What Are Torque Limiter Couplings?

In many ways, torque limiters are about “just in case” protection. They are designed to protect equipment and personnel in the event of potentially catastrophic damage.

The limiter will have a certain value of torque programmed in. If the amount of torque exceeds that amount, the limiter activates to slow things down quickly.

To know why you should use torque limiter couplings, it’s important to know some of their advantages.

Protecting Workers

As we mentioned earlier, one vital function of these limiters is that they help to protect the workers using the equipment. If no limiter is present, then people using heavy machinery might get into accidents that will hurt or even kill them.

The torque limiter couplings help prevent that from happening. The limiter kicks in before an accident can reach catastrophic levels.

It is as simple as that. Investing in limiters is a way of investing in the safety of every worker who uses that particular equipment.

Protecting Equipment

Of course, the equipment itself is very important. Heavy machinery is very costly to repair or replace. Fortunately, limiters can protect the equipment just as they protect the workers.

Torque limiters essentially offer a kind of grace period for an equipment malfunction. Once the limiter has activated, the worker can shut the equipment down before things can get any worse.

After this happens, you will need to inspect the torque limiter itself and to check the torque settings before you rely on it again. Ultimately, though, it is better to spend a little time doing this than a lot of money on fixing damaged equipment.

Possible Disadvantages

“Nobody is perfect.” This is a phrase that describes industrial equipment just as well as it describes the people using it.

There are a couple of possible disadvantages to the limiters you should be aware of. The first is that limiter settings are approximate, so you must be comfortable with a small amount (usually ten percent or less) of variance.

The second disadvantage is that torque limiter couplings cannot shut the machine down on their own. Instead, the limiters create a very audible slipping noise, and it’s up to the worker to shut down the equipment.

Overall, these disadvantages are minor. And they are far outweighed by the advantages.

The Bottom Line

Now you know what torque limiter couplings are and what they can do. Do you know where you can buy them?

Here at the Kor Pak Corporation, we offer the very best in industrial machinery and parts. To see how we can protect your people and equipment, come check out our torque limiters today!

5 Benefits of Preventative Maintenance

When you work in the industrial industry, you know how much depends on the equipment performing as it should.

One way you can ensure this is by performing regular preventative maintenance on your equipment.

If you’re not yet convinced of the importance of preventative maintenance, we have five reasons that might change your mind.

1. Catch It Before It Becomes an Issue

When it comes to your industrial equipment, nothing is more frustrating than having it malfunction as you’re trying to get the job done.

You will have to stop production to figure out what is wrong with the equipment.

This is where preventative maintenance comes in. Regularly having the equipment inspected might help catch issues before they become a problem.

Regular inspections might help with simple fixes that if left alone could become a problem.

2. Reduces Downtime

Every type of business dreads downtime. Not only does it delay the work from getting done, but it also means having to pay employees for work not getting done.

Downtime could end up costing a lot of money and cause you not to meet your deadlines.

Spending the time and money on preventative maintenance might help alleviate all of that. The machine will be inspected, and you’ll have the assurance it will finish the job is meant to do.

3. Increases Lifespan and Performance of Equipment

Let’s face it; industrial equipment doesn’t come cheap. So why not do everything possible to make sure it has a longer lifespan and performs as it should?

Preventative maintenance might help replace worn down parts and anything else that could slow down the machine. Not only will your equipment last longer but it might also perform as it should.

As machines get older, their performance decreases. This doesn’t have to be the situation if you’re always making sure they work as it should.

4. Reduces Energy Waste

Faulty equipment often wastes more energy than it should, whether it’s overusing the fan because it’s getting overheated or working extra hard to make up for other components not working correctly.

Having preventative maintenance done on the equipment ensures that you only use what you need and don’t waste unnecessary energy. Think of all the money you’ll be saving on energy costs.

5. Protects Your Investment

In a way, think of preventative maintenance as a type of insurance. Since you spent a good amount on your equipment, wouldn’t you want to do everything in your power to protect it?

Making sure the industrial equipment goes through regular inspections is the best way to ensure you take care of the investment.

Depending on the stability of your business, you might not be able to buy it twice. So why not protect it?

Protect Your Equipment with Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance might save you money and protect your industrial equipment. It might also help you reduce downtime and protect your investment but increasing the lifespan of said equipment.

Need help with your industrial equipment needs? Click here to learn more about us and get in contact.


Why Phenolic Plastic Is Great for Bearings

Phenolic plastic has many advantages!

We’ve been using this material since 1907 for telephones, radios, light switches, and more recently, bearings – and for a good reason, it’s excellent.

As you probably already know, plastic bearings are very popular when it comes to metal surfaces. So, let dive into why that is.

1.) They’re Chemically Resistant

One of the reasons phenolic plastic is so popular is because they’re resistant to water, acid, and alkali solutions. This makes them incredibly resilient, and consequently, they’re more likely to stand the test of time.

In fact, the average lifespan of a phenolic product typically lasts as long as 20 years, and in most cases, this plastic needs little to no maintenance.

This makes it both a practical and cost-effective choice because it exceeds the durability of rival building materials.

2.) They Don’t Transfer Heat or Electricity

This advantage is self-explanatory, by being an excellent insulator of both heat and electricity phenolic bearings, help ensure the mechanism doesn’t overheat. Hence, giving the machine structural integrity, and making it less of a fire risk.

As phenolic plastic is heat resistant it makes is way more versatile in comparison to other kinds of plastic. Hence, it can be used in complex mechanisms that require its components to be exposed to higher temperatures.

So, manufacturers can use this material safe in the knowledge that it won’t melt or be a health risk (providing it isn’t exposed to temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius). Plus, this material prevents the spread of smoke- win-win.

3.) Easily Lubricated

The structure of phenolic plastic makes them easily lubricated by water, and oil grease. In some cases, you can even buy self-lubricating phenolic plastic bearings.

Consequently, plastic bearings have since replaced metal bearings in the construction of ships, electrical switch-gear, water-turbine bearings, and clock motors.

This versatile plastic is nicknamed ‘the material of a thousand uses,’ and you can start to understand why when you analyze the list above!

4.) Health Benefits

In comparison to other plastics, phenolics are one of the best when it comes to human health. This is because they’re both non-porous and non-microbial.

Consequently, they prevent the growth of bacteria and mildew. This is a godsend for people who have to work with these products regularly because the air quality won’t be tainted by any dangerous microbes that could cause illness in humans.

Did You Enjoy This Article on Phenolic Plastic Bearings?

If you found this article about phenolic plastic bearings interesting, then we’re confident you’ll love the other features published on our blog.

Over there we discuss everything from tips for new crane drivers to whether you need new storm brakes.

Alternatively, if you have any questions on this subject, please feel free to drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you. All you need to do is fill in our simple contact form, and one of our team of professionals will get back to you as soon as they can.

5 Techniques for Casting Aluminum

Aluminum is a versatile metal that you can cast using any of the casting processes available. Casting aluminum well depends on the aluminum alloys, what your goal is, and which technique you use.

The casting technique you choose, such as die casting or sand casting, depends on the dimensions and design of the aluminum part you want to create. Other factors that determine which technique you use are cost, feasibility, and quality.

We’ve listed five different techniques for casting aluminum. Use this information to help you determine which is the best option for your machines.

Die Casting

Die casting is one of the most common types of aluminum casting technique. That’s because we can use this technique to make a high volume of uniform aluminum parts. It involves injecting the molten aluminum into a metal mold under high pressure.

By using quick injection and solidification, die-cast aluminum is dense with a fine grain surface. Die casting is an excellent technique if you need many aluminum parts with the same wall thickness.

Sand Casting

While sand casting is slower than die casting, it’s the most versatile casting technique. You can create almost any pattern you need with different kinds of sands. This is the reason sand casting is ideal for making small quantities of intricately designed parts. If you or your worker notices a complicated part has broken, sand casting is the way to go.

If you need to create a cavity in your aluminum cast, sand casting is the best option for you. You can create a sand core to give your cavity the shape you need.

Plaster Casting

Plaster is the most insulating material used in casting aluminum. This means the cooling time for a cast is longer than other techniques. However,  you can use the plaster to create thin walls for your cast.

Plaster molds are also highly reproducible, which is excellent if you need several casts with exact details.

Investment Casting

Investment casting is a mix of plaster casting and patterns of wax. It’s useful for getting the thinnest walls on your cast, which can be as little as 0.40 mm.

Because internal porosity is a problem with investment casting, it’s often used to create precision instruments or jewelry parts.

Permanent Mold Casting

Permanent mold casting is also known as gravity die casting. The molten aluminum is gravity-fed and undergoes rapid solidification. Sometimes we apply a vacuum to the permanent mold, instead of pouring the aluminum in.

Permanent mold casting is useful for producing a high number of parts. Plus aluminum made with gravity die casting can be stronger than die cast aluminum or sand cast aluminum.

Want More Information about Casting Aluminum?

If you’re looking for more tips on casting aluminum, or more information about heavy machinery maintenance, check out our blog. We have a ton of resources for you and your business.

Choosing Between Using a Vertical and a Horizontal Milling Machine

Even with what the latest technology has provided with industrial parts and tools, most machines cannot do everything. Modern milling machines are no exception.

Vertical and horizontal milling machines have different uses based on the job you are looking to perform. Some milling machines give you the flexibility to manipulate the machine to provide more precise and tedious milling. Other milling machines can take on larger tasks.

Take your needs into consideration when choosing the best milling machine for you.

Here are some of the most distinctive differences between a horizontal versus a vertical mill.

Horizontal Milling Machine

Horizontal milling machines are fashioned like a circular saw. A horizontal arbor is used to mount whatever you plan to cut. The benefit of this is you can cut any surface quickly and easily.

Some horizontal milling machines also offer the flexibility to add multiple cutters to cut many pieces at once. You may also be able to shift the horizontal mill at different angles instead of only cutting at a horizontal angle.

A drawback of using a horizontal mill is that you are working with a large piece of material have limited vision to see what is being cut. Some operators work around this by touching the piece, then moving around to make sure the material is stable as it cuts.

An excellent factor to take into consideration is the cost of a horizontal milling machine. A horizontal mill costs $375k, and vertical milling machines are about half that cost.

Vertical Milling Machines

The cutting head of a vertical mill is on a vertical axis and allows the flexibility to be controlled in a variety of ways. You can have quite a lot of flexibility using different vertical mills. Turret mills and bed mills offer different capabilities.

The cutting head can be moved up and down vertically, and the bed can be moved horizontally. This allows the operator to be able to manipulate the material into different shapes and depths.

The downside of using a vertical milling machine is it is impractical when attempting to work on a large piece of material. The flexibility of manipulating the mill ends up being difficult to use. You may be better off investing in a horizontal milling machine if you are in an industry that works with a lot of large and heavy material.

Check Out Our Services for More Information

Each type of mill has its pros and cons. A vertical mill allows you more flexibility to customize the mill to the needs of the project or the material you are working with. The horizontal mill is better for larger jobs and heavier pieces of material.

The key factor in deciding which is the best milling machine for you is to determine the types of materials you would be working with on a regular basis.

Kor-Pak’s industrial-based products and services offer knowledgeable solutions to manufacturing leaders. Contact Kor-Pak today with questions on how to pick the best milling machine for your company.

How Does a Laser Cutter Work?

Technology can do a lot, from solving complex math problems to mapping a genome, and the list goes on and on. What truly blows the mind is the fact that most possible uses for technology haven’t even been discovered yet.

One aspect of technology that is particularly fascinating–just ask a science fiction writer–is the use of lasers. While some dream of weaponizing them, most of the world seems content to use them for research and production purposes.

The use we’re going to concern ourselves with today is the use of lasers to cut metal, often for industrial workshops. How does a laser cutter work? What is it about this beam of what appears just to be a concentrated light that allows it to separate metal?

What is a Laser?

At the heart of it all is this one question. What is a laser?

For those of you who believe that a laser is basically just a beam of light, you’re right. The word ‘laser’ in and of itself is an acronym. The full name is ‘light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.’

What all this means is that, yes, lasers are just light, but they’re sort of like fireworks. It’s light that takes on a slightly different color based on the elements that make it up. Granted, most lasers used in metal cutting are made with carbon dioxide, which can’t be seen by humans, so it’ll be invisible to you.

So, How Does a Laser Cutter Work?

All light is composed of energy, and all energy generates some measure of heat. When the light waves are spread out, so is the heat. By extension, concentrating the light also concentrates the heat.

Have you ever done that experiment in school where you use the sun and a magnifying glass to carve wood? Cutting metal is the same basic premise, except that it’s a lot harder to melt metal than it is to burn wood.

That’s what metal cutting is, melting the material so quickly and cleanly that it looks like it’s been cut in half.

Naturally, the equipment for this process is a lot larger and more complex than for carving wood. It’s also a lot more dangerous.

A Cut Above

Metal cutting may come with a lot of intimidating machinery, but the process is a lot simpler than all of that equipment might make you think. How does a laser cutter work? It just uses a beam of heat to burn through a material, just like a magnifying glass on wood.

The equipment exists because metal is notoriously difficult to melt or mold. Just ask a blacksmith.

The good news is that unlike a blacksmith, you don’t have to get to the heat or the metal, and you don’t have to spend hours hitting it with a hammer, although that probably helps with managing stress.

If you find yourself in need of any metalworking services, please visit our website. Not sure if your problem is one we can help with? We encourage you to contact us. We’d love to help!

The Different Types of Oil Drilling Rigs

Drilling rigs are essential to the oil and gas industries because of their ability to extract petroleum from the earth’s surface. There are many types of drilling rigs, used in both offshore and land-based drilling. The type of oil rig selected for a particular job depends on the specific requirements of the site.

Both offshore and land-based rigs bring in large amounts of oil, though offshore rigs tend to come to mind when you think of an oil rig.

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of drilling rigs, how they are designed, and their uses.

The Different Types of Drilling Rigs

An oil drilling rig extracts petroleum from the earth. But there are different types of drilling rigs. Here’s your guide to know which rig your company needs.

Jackup Rigs

Jackups are the type of drilling structure most often used for offshore operations. The main deck is supported by a series of open-truss legs that extend up to 350 feet to the ocean floor.

Some jackup rigs are known as a keyway or slot-type rigs, which have an opening in the drilling deck, with a derrick positioned over the opening. The second type of jackup is known as a cantilevered jackup, with the drilling derrick mounted to an arm that extends out from the deck.


This type of offshore oil drilling rig is semi-submersible units that float on giant pontoons or hollow columns that can submerge the rig to the needed depth when filled with water. Floaters are typically used for drilling new wells because of their ability to withstand rough ocean conditions.

Fixed Platforms

These types of oil platforms are permanent, immobile cement structures, used to house drilling rigs that open new wells. Fixed platforms are connected to the ocean floor, and are large enough to house crew and equipment.

These are mostly found in great depths, up to 1,700 feet, such as on continental shelves, and can use a drilling technique called directional drilling, allowing them to be attached to numerous wells within a five-mile radius.

Complaint Towers

Similar to fixed platforms, complaint towers consist of a narrow tower supported by a piled foundation, and a conventional drilling deck. Because of its narrow and flexible design, a complaint tower can withstand tremendous forces sustaining great lateral deflections in depths from 1,500 to 3,000.


Typically built on tanker hulls, these merchant’s vessels are designed for use at great depths for scientific drilling purposes. These vessels look similar to tankers or cargo vessels, but drillships are equipped with a drilling derrick and a helipad for receiving supplies and transporting staff.

Drillships are mobile, able to propel themselves from location to location.

The Importance of Oil Rigs

Each of these types of drilling rigs is vital to the production of oil and gas. Crews work around the clock, every day of the year, pumping petroleum from the earth for countless purposes, for both industrial and consumer uses.

It’s a complex, fascinating industry that impacts your life in more ways than you could imagine.

Contact us to learn more about Kor-Pak’s products and services.

Do You Need to Update Your Off-Road Equipment?

Interested in the agriculture, construction, forestry, mining, or military industry? All of these industries have something in common. They all use off-road equipment.

These industries are steadily increasing making them an excellent career choice for young students.

With these industries booming at such a high rate, it is essential to keep the equipment used as up to date and polished as possible.

Keep reading to learn more about when and why you need to update your off-road equipment.


The word ‘Innovation’ is talked about a lot in 2018 but rarely implemented in the workforce. Innovation is taking a new idea or process and implementing it to benefit everyone involved.

If your 30-year-old equipment is not streamlining the construction process, then it isn’t innovative. This is when it is time to replace it with a new tool that can increase efficiency.

Successful Business Practice

Knowing when you need to update your machine or an equipment part can mean the difference between a few hundred dollars planned in the budget, or a last minute thousand dollar loss when the machine breaks. Understanding when it is time to replace a piece because it is dangerous or outdated not only increases productivity, but it increases safety and is a successful business practice.

Stay Competitive

Every industry is different, but they each need to fight against competitors to survive. The companies that have moved forward with advances in technology are likely going to be the ones that the consumers follow as well.

For your business to stay competitive, keep your off-road equipment up to date. That equipment does not last forever, although it is designed to the highest standards.

Safety Hazard

Safety is one of the most important reasons why you need to keep your equipment up-to-date. There are always advances in technology that makes it, so things are increasingly safer. Take advantage of those advances.

Especially when it comes to off-road equipment in the military, it is essential that everyone feel as safe and as comfortable as possible.

An Outdated Strategy

Is your consumer strategy even possible anymore? Evaluating your equipment to test the value it brings to your overall company strategy is a great way to know if your equipment is bringing your company to the level at which it wants to compete.

The smartest companies embrace processes with new equipment. This brings new opportunities and new areas of growth and development.

Off-Road Equipment is Diverse

With the ups and downs of company finances; it is hard to decide to update equipment when other things seem to take precedence. It makes sense to want to spend the money increasing company culture and giving people the necessary raises to make their salaries competitive. This list can go on and on.

The critical thing to remember is that updating your off-road equipment will bring immense benefits as listed above. Take the time to discuss these attributes with your team to decide when the right time is to update your equipment.

For more tips on ways to increase company success through maintenance repairs, check out this article.