The Value of a Preventive Maintenance Program for Industrial Equipment

There are almost 800 deaths per year on average caused by industrial equipment. Your heavy lifting equipment represents a significant investment in life and property. To keep it functioning, you need to conduct regular preventive maintenance.

Having a main preventive program keeps a machine operating at its full capacity for the entire duration of its long lifetime.

What constitutes a successful preventive maintenance program for industrial equipment?

Start With a Preventive Maintenance Checklist

A preventive maintenance checklist allows you to be sure that all your ducks are in a row. There are many templates available online for maintenance logs. Choose one that fits your needs and the needs of your business.

Keeping a log is essential. It allows you to know what maintenance and repairs your machinery has received. It also shows when the next scheduled maintenance interval is to take place.

These are essential documents for your business to have on hand in the event of an accident or lawsuit. If you can’t prove that you serviced your machine at appropriate intervals, you may be liable.

Develop and Use Your Preventive Maintenance Plan

You first need to come up with a plan. You can use the following steps to create a simple one or custom-tailor it to your machinery. 

The first step is for you to assess your machinery’s maintenance needs. This involves looking at the manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance. It also involves taking an assessment of the condition of individual machines.

For this first step, you will need an industrial machinery inspection. Only after the review can you decide which machine needs what service.

Focus on which machines are to receive maintenance first. Start with the equipment most in need. Prioritize any mission-critical machinery or machinery that can cause catastrophic losses in the event of a failure.

Record all completed or scheduled maintenance in your logbook. Without a log, your maintenance might as well have never happened in the eyes of the law.

Talk to your technicians or a professional maintenance company to determine what additional preventive maintenance steps can be carried out. Then, once you have established your maintenance routine, stick to it at regular intervals.

The regularity of maintenance intervals is essential to keep your industrial machinery operating consistently. Every service should include an inspection of the machine in its entirety to avoid missing anything important.

Prevent Catastrophic Losses

A preventive maintenance program saves lives and helps your business save money. Operating industrial machinery without one is an unsafe risk. Make sure that all your bases are covered with a proper preventive maintenance plan.

That way, you can keep your business operating for years to come.

If you’re looking for high-quality industrial equipment, then you’re in the right place. Take a look at our site; we have everything from industrial brakes and clutches to cranes and hoists

Posted in Industrial Equipment.