Choosing Between Using a Vertical and a Horizontal Milling Machine

Even with what the latest technology has provided with industrial parts and tools, most machines cannot do everything. Modern milling machines are no exception.

Vertical and horizontal milling machines have different uses based on the job you are looking to perform. Some milling machines give you the flexibility to manipulate the machine to provide more precise and tedious milling. Other milling machines can take on larger tasks.

Take your needs into consideration when choosing the best milling machine for you.

Here are some of the most distinctive differences between a horizontal versus a vertical mill.

Horizontal Milling Machine

Horizontal milling machines are fashioned like a circular saw. A horizontal arbor is used to mount whatever you plan to cut. The benefit of this is you can cut any surface quickly and easily.

Some horizontal milling machines also offer the flexibility to add multiple cutters to cut many pieces at once. You may also be able to shift the horizontal mill at different angles instead of only cutting at a horizontal angle.

A drawback of using a horizontal mill is that you are working with a large piece of material have limited vision to see what is being cut. Some operators work around this by touching the piece, then moving around to make sure the material is stable as it cuts.

An excellent factor to take into consideration is the cost of a horizontal milling machine. A horizontal mill costs $375k, and vertical milling machines are about half that cost.

Vertical Milling Machines

The cutting head of a vertical mill is on a vertical axis and allows the flexibility to be controlled in a variety of ways. You can have quite a lot of flexibility using different vertical mills. Turret mills and bed mills offer different capabilities.

The cutting head can be moved up and down vertically, and the bed can be moved horizontally. This allows the operator to be able to manipulate the material into different shapes and depths.

The downside of using a vertical milling machine is it is impractical when attempting to work on a large piece of material. The flexibility of manipulating the mill ends up being difficult to use. You may be better off investing in a horizontal milling machine if you are in an industry that works with a lot of large and heavy material.

Check Out Our Services for More Information

Each type of mill has its pros and cons. A vertical mill allows you more flexibility to customize the mill to the needs of the project or the material you are working with. The horizontal mill is better for larger jobs and heavier pieces of material.

The key factor in deciding which is the best milling machine for you is to determine the types of materials you would be working with on a regular basis.

Kor-Pak’s industrial-based products and services offer knowledgeable solutions to manufacturing leaders. Contact Kor-Pak today with questions on how to pick the best milling machine for your company.

How Does a Laser Cutter Work?

Technology can do a lot, from solving complex math problems to mapping a genome, and the list goes on and on. What truly blows the mind is the fact that most possible uses for technology haven’t even been discovered yet.

One aspect of technology that is particularly fascinating–just ask a science fiction writer–is the use of lasers. While some dream of weaponizing them, most of the world seems content to use them for research and production purposes.

The use we’re going to concern ourselves with today is the use of lasers to cut metal, often for industrial workshops. How does a laser cutter work? What is it about this beam of what appears just to be a concentrated light that allows it to separate metal?

What is a Laser?

At the heart of it all is this one question. What is a laser?

For those of you who believe that a laser is basically just a beam of light, you’re right. The word ‘laser’ in and of itself is an acronym. The full name is ‘light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.’

What all this means is that, yes, lasers are just light, but they’re sort of like fireworks. It’s light that takes on a slightly different color based on the elements that make it up. Granted, most lasers used in metal cutting are made with carbon dioxide, which can’t be seen by humans, so it’ll be invisible to you.

So, How Does a Laser Cutter Work?

All light is composed of energy, and all energy generates some measure of heat. When the light waves are spread out, so is the heat. By extension, concentrating the light also concentrates the heat.

Have you ever done that experiment in school where you use the sun and a magnifying glass to carve wood? Cutting metal is the same basic premise, except that it’s a lot harder to melt metal than it is to burn wood.

That’s what metal cutting is, melting the material so quickly and cleanly that it looks like it’s been cut in half.

Naturally, the equipment for this process is a lot larger and more complex than for carving wood. It’s also a lot more dangerous.

A Cut Above

Metal cutting may come with a lot of intimidating machinery, but the process is a lot simpler than all of that equipment might make you think. How does a laser cutter work? It just uses a beam of heat to burn through a material, just like a magnifying glass on wood.

The equipment exists because metal is notoriously difficult to melt or mold. Just ask a blacksmith.

The good news is that unlike a blacksmith, you don’t have to get to the heat or the metal, and you don’t have to spend hours hitting it with a hammer, although that probably helps with managing stress.

If you find yourself in need of any metalworking services, please visit our website. Not sure if your problem is one we can help with? We encourage you to contact us. We’d love to help!

Eddy Current Brakes: How Do They Work and Where Are They Used?

Eddy current brakes are a unique braking system that has revolutionized modern machinery. Unlike regular brakes that use kinetic energy and heat energy to function, eddy current braking relies on electromagnetism.

Read our blog to learn more about the benefits of this electromagnetic brake.

What Are Eddy Current Brakes?

To understand eddy current brakes, you must first understand how regular brakes work. Regular brakes use friction to stop an object from moving. Every moving object has kinetic energy. To stop kinetic energy, brakes convert it into heat energy.

In a car, the hydraulics system is initiated by the brake pedal, which uses multiplied force and heat energy to stop the vehicle.

However, these brakes wear over time and with frequent use, begin to fade.

With electromagnetism, electric conductors pass through magnetic fields. In a magnetic braking system, the electrical current flows around the conductor to create heat energy.

How Does Electromagnetic Braking Stop Objects From Moving?

When the electric conductor starts moving current, two magnetic fields are created. One field works with the current; the other field works against it.

The first part of the magnetic field tries to slow it down, and the second part will absorb the object’s kinetic energy and start to slow it down as well.

There are two types of electromagnetic brakes: linear and circular.

Linear brakes are composed of a stationary element and a moving part. These types of brakes are commonly found on trains and roller coasters.

Both the tracks and the train/rollercoaster have metal built into them to react to each other.

As the objects move across the track, it keeps producing kinetic energy. The metal absorbs the energy and uses it to stop the train or rollercoaster when the brake is engaged.

Circular brakes have an electromagnetic component that is static or moving. The static circular brakes have a metal disc that produces eddy currents.

The moving circular brakes use electromagnetic coils and a wheel to create a magnetic force field for the eddy currents.

Is the Magnetic Braking System Becoming More Popular?

For years, engineers and scientists have experimented with eddy current brakes. Engineers like the fact that these brakes don’t require an intricate hydraulics system.

There are less moving parts in an eddy current braking system which makes them cheaper to make and easier to maintain.

Most engineers use copper, a relatively inexpensive metal, as the metal component.

As inexpensive and simple as the system is, it’s used to power some heavy machinery. As mentioned earlier, the braking system is common for trains and rollercoasters-two high-powered vehicles that weigh multiple tons.

They can also be found in gym equipment, industrial equipment, and recreational equipment.

The eddy current braking system is commonly used in power tools and other industrial equipment.

The emergency function in power tools and heavy machinery is powered by eddy current brakes. Once the shutoff button is engaged, the brakes bring the spinning metal pieces to a halt.

Time to Try A Magnetic Braking System

Are you interested in eddy current brakes? If so, we can help.

Contact us today to learn more about our braking systems.

Overhead Crane Inspections: How, When and Why?

In 1989, a construction crane collapsed in San Francisco’s financial district, causing five fatalities and 19 injuries. Experts blame a lack of regulation.

Serious crane-related disasters are always a moment to reflect – what went wrong? More importantly, how can we prevent this from happening again?

Since 1989, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations have improved. Unfortunately, crane accidents still happen. In 2008 alone, there were 72 fatal crane-related accidents.

How can employers prevent these high-cost accidents from happening? That’s where routine overhead crane inspection comes in. Check out this guide to make sure you’re meeting your essential crane inspection requirements.

Why Inspection

Humans rely on machines to complete a seemingly endless array of tasks that society depends on. These machines are primarily reliable, but still susceptible to regular wear and tear. Human bodies can break down from extended periods of heavy use, and so can the nuts, bolts, and mechanisms of our most trusted machines.

That may seem obvious, but the federal government holds organizations accountable to that fact. That is why they uphold OSHA regulations for the regular maintenance of these machines. Cranes are also included in their ordinances.

Regular overhead crane inspection will improve the human safety conditions in your facility. It will decrease your accident liability, boost your equipment reliability, and keep you OSHA compliant as required by U.S. law.

Who Can Inspect

The Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA) recommends that you have crane inspections conducted by an inspector with a minimum of 2,000 hours of experience.

The inspector should be able to demonstrate and provide proof of their experience in the practical areas of maintenance, servicing, repairing, modifying, and testing crane function. They should also be able to demonstrate and provide proof of their formal education in the field, including in-depth knowledge of the states and federal regulations.

How Often to Inspect

This is where things get a little complicated.

There are four categories of overhead crane inspection. It’s advisable to keep a schedule so you can track your compliance with these regulations.


When first purchasing new crane equipment, whether, for the first time or repair, every item must be tested.

According to OSHA, ” Prior initial use, all new and altered cranes shall be inspected to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section.”

Functional Test

OSHA also mandates that crane equipment should be visually inspected on a daily basis, before the beginning of use.

There should be a record of checks for leakage, wear and tear, maladjustment, deformation, and deterioration, usually conducted by the crane operator. The more complicated inspections can be conducted monthly.


Unlike the functional testing record, these do not need to be as meticulous. Still, they should be documented depending on the use of the equipment.

Inspect heavily used cranes daily to weekly, moderately used cranes weekly to monthly, and lightly used cranes monthly.


These inspections are much more thorough, and thus, are not as frequent. Lightly and moderately used cranes can be inspected yearly, while heavily used cranes must be inspected quarterly.

Even if a crane has not been used, it is required to have periodic testing before its next use.

Overhead Crane Inspection

If your organization does not meet OSHA’s overhead crane inspection requirements, you could be fined thousands of dollars. In case someone is injured, you won’t just lose more money, but there may even be a loss of life.

Routine crane inspections serve a very important purpose. Contact us today to see how we can help you integrate these procedures into your organization as smoothly as possible.

Switching From a DC to AC Crane Motor? What You Need to Know

Trying to decide if you should switch from DC to AC?

Before you make the decision, you have to know the difference between DC and AC motors and what kind of benefits they give you.

Take a look at this guide to find out if you should make the switch.

DC vs. AC Motors: What’s the Difference?

The main difference between these motors is the current they use.

For example, DC motors are power because they take direct current electrical energy and change it into mechanical energy. AC motors do the same thing; only they use an alternating current to draw their energy.

But what does this mean?

Well, let’s break it down.

DC Motors: These motors change the current’s direction by using a commutation ring, a system of carbon brushes, and a rotating armature. The motor has several magnets inside of it that make the motor turn by interacting with a rotor.

AC Motors: There are two different types of AC motors; one is an induction motor, and the other is a synchronous motor.

The induction motor gets power from the input voltage by using a serious of coils. This makes a stator field, and that powers the rotor field.

The synchronous motor creates a magnetic field by using either slip rings or magnets, which is called a precision supply frequency.

From DC to AC: Is the Switch Worth It?

Some benefits come with making the switch from DC motors to AC motors. So, in short, getting AC upgrades is worth it.

We’ll take a look at some of those benefits and find out how they can save you a lot of money and hassle in the future.

But first, let’s look at some of the downsides that come with DC motors.

The Downsides of Using a DC Motor

DC motors may be effective, but they are also older than AC motors. With age comes complications.

As more and more people switch from DC to AC, DC technology is getting harder to come by. Some types of DC technology aren’t available anymore at all, so making repairs to your DC motor can be time-consuming and difficult.

Even if you find a place that can make the DC technology you need, it can take several months to build. In the worst cases, you can wait for nearly half a year for the right parts.

If your company depends on a DC motor, a seemingly simple repair can stop your progress for a long time.

The Benefits of Using AC Motors

AC motors are newer, have lower HP, and use significantly less amperage than DC motors. This means they use a fraction of the power DC motors use. In most cases, making AC upgrades will cut your energy consumption and attendant costs nearly in half.

AC motors have more available technology at much lower prices, and they can include new safety features.

Because of this, you’ll probably find AC motors last longer than DC motors as well.

What to Know When You’re Making the Switch

The biggest drawback of switching to AC motors is a lack of AC power supply. But if your facility is to run on AC power it will save you money in the long run.

Ready to upgrade your cranes? Take a look at some of our services.

Do You Need New Industrial Brake Hardware?

According to Joe McIsaac of Carlson Quality Brake Parts, “Most hardware is already removed when your pads and rotors are replaced, so it only takes a few extra minutes to install new hardware instead of replacing the old, worn parts,”

This has been a huge debate in the machine world, replace or keep old parts.

Here are just a few ways to tell when your brake hardware is going bad, and why it’s wiser to replace everything.

What Causes The Brake Hardware To Go Bad

No amount of lubricant or grease can make up for bad hardware. No matter how often you try to delay the inevitable.

You end up saving money in the end by simply replacing the hardware. A fresh set of hardware gains you horsepower and reduces drag.

Constant heating and cooling cause your springs and rattle clips to weaken. What you get as a result is excessive movement, binding, pulling warping uneven wear, and unwanted noise.

How Do You Know If They Need To Be Replaced

There are several factors that you need to take into account when deciding if you need to replace your brakes.

Your Production Has Changed Or Increased

Sometimes your production patterns change. This isn’t an unusual phenomenon, and when this happens, even your best equipment will need to change with it.

You might be required to add on weight and heavier materials that your equipment isn’t strong enough to handle.

Not only may you be adding more weight, but you may be adding to how much you use your machinery per hour.

All of these factors can cause your brakes to wear, and if they entirely give out, it may become very costly to fix the issue.

Replacement Parts May Become Fairly Difficult To Obtain

The older your machinery gets, the harder it becomes to find replacement parts. This is a nature of the beast.

If you keep putting off finding new parts, it may become more difficult and expensive to find them later on down the line.

In this case, it might be best to go ahead and replace all of your parts rather than just the breaks.

This ensures that you have your parts and you won’t have to kill yourself looking for them later.

You’re Having To Make Repairs Frequently

If you find you are continually making repairs, it might be time to replace the brake system.

If you have to keep doing repairs on your machines, it becomes more costly than just replacing the hardware because productivity dies when the machine is always down.

You might think a little grease might do the trick or keep putting it off, but replacing the Hardware is best in the end.

Replace the Parts Vs. Grease

Many think that a little grease rather than replacing the brakes is the best option. However, it is not.

Automotive labs have proven that replacing the parts rather than using grease to prolong the inevitable has increased performance and reduced brake noise by a large margin.

If you just keep trying to fix the old equipment with grease, your system will eventually give out and be more expensive to fix later.

Don’t Put Off Replacing Your Brake Hardware

When you put off replacing your brake hardware, you run the risk of destroying your whole system.

Trying to save money by not doing these replacements will just cost you more in the end. Look for signs and solve the problem before this happens.

For more information on brakes and machines, visit us here!


The Different Industrial Braking System Options

Motors, hoists, cranes, vehicles, and even wind turbines all have industrial braking systems as central components.

It’s key to understand the different types of brake calipers and brakes in your equipment. This way, you can easily identify problems and ensure quality maintenance.

Here is a short guide to the different types of industrial braking systems.

Brake Caliper Purpose

The purpose and function of brake calipers in a disc brake system are to slow the vehicle’s wheels by creating friction against the rotor.

The wheels attach to the rotor. By generating friction to the rotor, you apply friction to the wheels, thus slowing down the vehicle. This is how a brake caliper works.

Types of Brake Calipers

These are the different types of brake calipers that make up most industrial braking systems. They include pneumatic, hydraulic, and pneumatic spring-applied brakes.

They also include hydraulic spring-applied brakes and dual function mechanical/hydraulic brakes.

Industrial Braking Systems

Industrial braking systems come in some basic types listed below. Some vehicles and other equipment may have a combination of these types.

AC Disc Brakes

Electrohydraulic disc brake types FBT and FPT are spring-applied failsafe brakes. They act on a disc. Like AC Drum brakes, AC disc brakes release from the turbel, which is an electrohydraulic device.

The brake shoes on AC disc brakes have asbestos-free linings. The main shafts are stainless steel with self-lubricating bushes. Disc brakes also have a torque scale.

AC disc brakes have a self-adjusting system for arms and brake shoes. The design is symmetrical. Finally, they also have an eccentric transmission system, which makes them lighter, simpler, and require less maintenance.

AC Drum Brakes

Electrohydraulic drum brake types NAT, NDT, and NFT, are spring-applied, failsafe brakes that act on a drum. The brake releases via an electrohydraulic turbel. The turbel is a three-phase, AC electrohydraulic thruster.

In conventional models, the turbel is configured vertically (a linear shaft brake) or horizontally, as in the NDT-A models. The braking torque is adjustable, and the brake has an optional torque scale. With NDT-V models, the torque scale is standard.

The brakes have stainless steel shafts, and brake joints with self-lubricating bushes. The brake shoe linings are asbestos-free.

Some AC drum brakes have additional options, such as automatic lining wear adjustment and an open brake switch indicator. Other options include a lining wear detector, a hand-release lever, and reduced torque.

They may also have a pneumatic or hydraulic release, or progressive braking, made possible by a descent valve in the thruster.

DC Shunt Brakes

Electromagnetic drum brakes are brakes that work on a drum. They release by an electrically-applied spring. The brake releases through a DC-operated magnet.

Some manufacturers also offer mixed brake systems. They are a combination of the DC shunt and a hydraulic override pedal.

Emergency/Failsafe Brakes

NHCD series are the hydraulic emergency or failsafe brakes. They are spring-allied and hydraulically-released. NHCD brakes are for applications like cable drums and conveyors. A hydraulic unit must connect to them to work.

Each emergency brake has two half-calipers symmetrically mounted at each side of the disc’s central line. The springs determine the clamping force of the brake.

NHCD brakes can come with options that include an open brake switch indicator and a lining wear detector. They can also come with various sets of hoses and fittings as well as fixing bolts and brake brackets.

Questions About Industrial Brake Systems

This guide is only a basic overview. If you have more questions about industrial braking systems, please contact us.

How Are Cranes Built? Your Guide to Crane Creation

Cranes are a crucial part of the construction process. Primarily known for lifting and moving heavy objects, these machines have been around since the ancient times.

Let’s take ancient Egypt for example. Back in the day when they wanted to transport water up, and down the Nile River they used a crane called a shaduf.

This crane consisted of a bucket/weight system where the user would pull the bucket down on one side and allow the heavyweight to pull the bucket up on the other side.

Thanks to technology, modern cranes don’t require that much arm work. With a push of a button, heavy objects are now lifted and placed precisely how where you need them.

So the question is: How are cranes built now? How did we evolve? Let’s take a look.

Let’s Talk About The Basics: How Are Cranes Built?

What does it take to construct one of these monstrous machines? How are they able to work so effectively?

Depending on the size, a crane can weigh anywhere from 10 tons to 300 tons and can hold up to 400,000 pounds. So when it comes to the crane structure, clearly every manufactured part is vital to make this move and lift exactly how it’s supposed to.

1. Making Steel Components

When it comes to figuring out how cranes are made, steel is the essential material in the manufacturing process. Melted iron is taken through a furnace where carbon is removed via the oxygen blasted in the liquid.

Much like the welding process, the steel is melted and molded in high temperatures to form flat sheets, rods, and bars that make up the crane material.

2. Assembly

After the components are intricately cut and formed – it is then moved into an assembly line where the welding and bolting process begins.

Different cranes require different types of machine operation. For instance, a mobile crane is usually assembled to the blueprint of a truck or crawler. Contingent upon the size, the cranes may either be assembled in the factory or broken down and put together on site.

3. Quality Check

Every single crane has to go through a quality check inspection. Assuring the security of the crane is one of the most important factors in this process.

From the largest sheet of metal to the smallest cable, these pieces arrive at a crane manufacturer where they go through lathes, drills, and precision machinery where they’re shaped to form mobile crane parts, hoists, and other important parts that make up the crane design.

Let Us Be Your #1 Source For All Your Industrial Needs.

There you have it. Everything you need to know about how cranes are built.

Here at Kor-Pak, we focus on everything industrial. From supplying machine parts to aiding engineers who need to custom solutions for their industrial environment – allow us to help you with your manufacturing needs.

Feel free to contact us to request a quote or if you have any questions! We are here to help.

The Different Types of Oil Drilling Rigs

Drilling rigs are essential to the oil and gas industries because of their ability to extract petroleum from the earth’s surface. There are many types of drilling rigs, used in both offshore and land-based drilling. The type of oil rig selected for a particular job depends on the specific requirements of the site.

Both offshore and land-based rigs bring in large amounts of oil, though offshore rigs tend to come to mind when you think of an oil rig.

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of drilling rigs, how they are designed, and their uses.

The Different Types of Drilling Rigs

An oil drilling rig extracts petroleum from the earth. But there are different types of drilling rigs. Here’s your guide to know which rig your company needs.

Jackup Rigs

Jackups are the type of drilling structure most often used for offshore operations. The main deck is supported by a series of open-truss legs that extend up to 350 feet to the ocean floor.

Some jackup rigs are known as a keyway or slot-type rigs, which have an opening in the drilling deck, with a derrick positioned over the opening. The second type of jackup is known as a cantilevered jackup, with the drilling derrick mounted to an arm that extends out from the deck.


This type of offshore oil drilling rig is semi-submersible units that float on giant pontoons or hollow columns that can submerge the rig to the needed depth when filled with water. Floaters are typically used for drilling new wells because of their ability to withstand rough ocean conditions.

Fixed Platforms

These types of oil platforms are permanent, immobile cement structures, used to house drilling rigs that open new wells. Fixed platforms are connected to the ocean floor, and are large enough to house crew and equipment.

These are mostly found in great depths, up to 1,700 feet, such as on continental shelves, and can use a drilling technique called directional drilling, allowing them to be attached to numerous wells within a five-mile radius.

Complaint Towers

Similar to fixed platforms, complaint towers consist of a narrow tower supported by a piled foundation, and a conventional drilling deck. Because of its narrow and flexible design, a complaint tower can withstand tremendous forces sustaining great lateral deflections in depths from 1,500 to 3,000.


Typically built on tanker hulls, these merchant’s vessels are designed for use at great depths for scientific drilling purposes. These vessels look similar to tankers or cargo vessels, but drillships are equipped with a drilling derrick and a helipad for receiving supplies and transporting staff.

Drillships are mobile, able to propel themselves from location to location.

The Importance of Oil Rigs

Each of these types of drilling rigs is vital to the production of oil and gas. Crews work around the clock, every day of the year, pumping petroleum from the earth for countless purposes, for both industrial and consumer uses.

It’s a complex, fascinating industry that impacts your life in more ways than you could imagine.

Contact us to learn more about Kor-Pak’s products and services.

Your Guide to Overhead Crane Safety

Overhead crane safety is of paramount importance. The statistics speak for themselves. For example, the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, reports that between 1992 and 2006, 632 deaths occurred because of crane accidents.

Although safety measures have improved over the last decade, the fact remains that health and safety standards in this arena need maintaining.

In light of this, we’ve compiled a mini guide to overhead crane safety. Hopefully, this will help minimize the likelihood of you and your employees experiencing any accidents on the construction site.

Complete a Safety Checklist Before Operating Cranes

If you don’t have a safety checklist in place, then we recommend drawing one up and completing it before operating a crane.

Here are a few things to include:

  1. Check for any loose materials (packaging, parts, etc.) and remove them before operating the crane.
  2. Always check the load’s maximum capacity weight and ensure the amount doesn’t exceed this limit. This information is usually marked on the outside of the crane, so it’s pretty easy to familiarize yourself with this.
  3. Always remove visible slack from the hoist or sling before lifting.
  4. Ensure the space between the equipment and the loading destination is clear of any hazards or dangerous components that could obstruct the lift.
  5. If you’re working alongside colleagues, let them know when you’ll use the crane, what you’re moving and where you’re planning on using it.
  6. If you’re helping to load the transfer, make sure you and your coworkers position yourselves so you can see the load without putting yourselves in harm’s way.

By executing these preliminary safety measures you drastically increase the likelihood of having an accident-free transfer.

Things to Avoid While Operating an Overhead Crane

We recommend always avoiding the following while operating an overhead crane:

  • Never use a crane if the limit switches are either down or out of order.
  • Never allow yourself to become distracted during the move. You should watch the load at all times; focus is of paramount importance.
  • Never lift a load from a sideways angle. Always aim to center the weight before hoisting. This helps to reduce swinging during the transfer and makes the process safer and easier to control.
  • Don’t under any circumstances allow people to ride on the load during the transfer.

Be sure to follow all of the above advice, stick to these pointers and hopefully you shouldn’t go too far wrong.

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