Hang Tight: How To Maintain Your Small Mobile Crane

The most common cause of crane accidents involve issues with the boom, the hook-lift, and heavy counterweights.

Operating a crane is difficult and requires expertise. Owning a crane, however, requires regular maintenance, a keen eye, and diligence.

If you possess a crane and want a quick introduction to small mobile crane maintenance, this article is for you. Here, we break down some of the best actions you can take to keep your machinery up and running.

Ready to find out more? Add these items to your checklist.  

Maintaining a Small Mobile Crane

Although some maintenance is required by law, understanding what to look for and when to do it saves you lots of money in the long run.

1. Use the Logbook

It seems obvious, but this is too important to gloss over.

Use the logbook, and have every single operator use it, too.

This ensures if anything suspicious pops up, it’s logged so that you have a clear foundation for troubleshooting. Furthermore, logging lets owners see the last time the machinery was inspected.

Logging makes keeping track of routine and required maintenance much simpler.

2. Lubricate Regularly

Lubricating the main parts, especially the boom, is easy. Unfortunately, not many workers do it.


Because it takes a few hours, however, those couple of hours are nothing compared to the lost production you’ll suffer if your crane stops working.

Lubricate the following once a week to maintain optimal performance:

This weekly step saves owners money and time in the long run.

3. Conduct Pre-Operation Checks

It doesn’t take long to do a visual check of the crane before operating it. Make it a company policy to conduct an inspection using a checklist that adheres to your model.

Some points to consider for these inspections include:

  • Fluid levels
  • Cracks
  • Any oil or grease on the clutch lining or brakes
  • Tire pressure
  • Fastener tightness and stripped threads
  • Rust or wear, especially on the chassis

These visual checks alert operators to any problems before they begin work.

4. Replace Filters and Oil

Contaminants are the biggest enemy to hydraulic machinery. That’s why it’s important you not only check for contaminants each week but also make sure you’re replacing filters and oil on time.

Follow your manual’s guidelines. If you replace these too early, you’re spending unnecessary funds. If you replace them late, you might have bigger things to worry about.

Don’t forget to check the air filters regularly.

5. Conduct Overload Tests

A standard error that results in injury is overweighted cranes. Therefore, conduct overload tests with every inspection for optimal crane safety.

Overload tests are mandatory in certain circumstances, but by conducting one with each primary inspection, you’ll increase production and keep workers safe.  

Since it’s a common issue, it’s well worth the investment.

Hang Tight for More

These starter tips help owners of small mobile cranes form good habits. With these five suggestions, you’ll enjoy more production, greater safety, and fewer repairs.

Owning a crane comes with responsibility. Part of that accountability involves understanding the equipment you and your employees work with.

Although this article provides excellent starter information, there’s much more to learn.

Are you curious about other common issues to watch out for? Then read our article about frequent problems of overhead cranes.

Don’t let your crane hang loose.  

The Advantages of Portable Engine Hoists

Forklifts, cranes, and hoists, oh my! Industrial engine moving options are plentiful. So which do you choose?

There are advantages and disadvantages to each, but in this article, we’re going to focus on the benefits afforded to you with portable engine hoists. Keep reading to learn more!


Let’s start with one of the more obvious advantages, shall we? It makes sense that portable engine hoists would be, well, portable.

These types of hoists make it easy to transport heavy and bulky engines to different locations. The hoist itself is also designed to be easily moved to various areas.


These hoists are versatile in their power source as well as their application.

In terms of power, they can be powered manually, with air power, or with electric power. Electrically powered hoists are the fastest and most efficient, allowing workers to rest instead of manually lifting heavy loads.

They can also use chains, rope, and wire to lift engines and other industrial parts, so it can be customized for each project on which material will work best.

Certain types of portable engine hoists also allow you to lift and move things both vertically and horizontally, which other moving machines aren’t able to do.


Compared to other types of cranes, hoists, and machinery, portable engine hoists (especially those that are electrically powered) tend to be quieter. This can be a relief on many job sites and industrial areas that get loud.

Can Handle Heavy Loads

Perhaps the most important advantage of using hoists is that they can handle heavy loads that workers can’t handle on their own. Instead of overworking people and tasking them with manually transporting heavy engines, hoists make it quick, simple, and easy, no matter how large the engine is.

Whether you’re moving small motorcycle engines or huge oil rig machinery, these industrial hoists can handle it.

Durable and Long-Lasting

We know what you might be thinking: this is yet another piece of machinery that you’ll have to maintain and eventually replace.

But that’s what makes these types of industrial hoists so great: they have fewer parts and components compared to larger cranes, trucks, and other types of industrial movers. This means they’re more easily maintain, are more durable, and require less maintenance.

This, in turn, means that they’re long-lasting and will serve you long into the future.

Those Advantages of Portable Engine Hoists Sound Great… But What About the Disadvantages?

Durability, portability, and versatility are three buzzwords when it comes to industrial machinery. But portable engine hoists are far from perfect, even if they fulfill those three desirable characteristics.

Before you buy, read our article on some of the most common crane/hoist problems that people face.

You can also contact us with any questions you still have about these types of hoists, if you want more clarity on the advantages/disadvantages, or if you’re ready to buy!

How To Safely Use An Engine Hoist in the Workplace

Have you heard the slogan, “No Safety, Know Pain?”  How about “Safety Rules Are Your Best Tools?” Safely operating anything should always be of primary concern.  Here’s how to safely use an engine hoist in your shop or workplace.

First, this.  There are three main types of engine hoists.   These hoists can be used for other heavy lifting applications besides engine removal.  

Types Of Engine Hoists

The most common type, the hydraulic engine hoist, is mobile (it rolls on casters) and can be used indoors or outdoors, as long as there is a flat, hard surface.  

Construction of a hydraulic hoist consists of a primary vertical post to which other parts of the hoist are attached.  There are two horizontal legs with casters which allow the hoist to roll across the floor (or your driveway).

The top of the hoist has an extendable center boom, often with locking positions for different engine compartment depths.  At the end of the boom is a steel grab hook. That is where lifting slings or chains can be attached to your engine.

A hydraulic cylinder located in the middle of the hoist and attached to the boom and the main post performs the lifting action.  You use a handle and pump it to increase pressure in the cylinder (just like a hydraulic jack for changing a tire).

The other two types are the manual chain hoist and the electric hoist.  These two both require fixed mounting above ground (usually to the ceiling or special scaffolding) to perform their lifting action.  So, they are not considered portable engine hoists and are more commonly used in other applications.

Overall, the excellent lifting capacities of hydraulic hoists (typically 1 to 2 tons, but with greater capacities available), their mobility, and their ease of maintenance make them ideal for both professional and do-it-yourself mechanics.

We will focus on choosing and safely using hydraulic engine hoists.  

Safety Tips

1.  Choose Proper Lift Capacity

When selecting a hydraulic hoist, it’s best to opt for one which has a greater lift capacity than what your engine weighs.  So, even though your engine doesn’t weigh 2,000 lbs, you should buy a hydraulic hoist rated for 1 to 2 tons.

Why?  The laws of physics tell us the actual weight capability of the engine hoist decreases as you extend out the hoist’s boom.   It’s the lever principle.

So, you need to know what your engine weighs, and then purchase your hoist accordingly.  Here is a representative sample of engine weights for cars.

Hydraulic hoists also come in foldable models so you can collapse them for storage purposes.  This is ideal for do-it-yourselfers because you can free up space in your garage once the engine has been safely extracted and placed onto an engine stand (or wherever you are planning to work on it).

2.  Assemble Your Hydraulic Hoist With Care

Hydraulic hoists are relatively large, so they usually come disassembled. Be sure to follow all assembly directions from the manufacturer closely. Figure on a timeframe of up to two hours, depending on instruction detail.  Make sure to double check tightness of all nuts and bolts.

Now, read the instruction manual and ensure you understand how to operate it!

Okay, so your hoist is assembled, you know how it works, and you are ready to lift out your engine.  Here we go.

3.  Clear Your Workspace

Position your vehicle so that there’s plenty of room to maneuver the hydraulic hoist around it. Make sure there are no obstacles that would hinder safe footing and freedom of movement.  Organize all tools and necessary equipment.

Make sure your work area is clear of unwanted persons (especially children).  Wear proper attire – no loose-fitting clothing or jewelry that could snag on the hoist mechanism.

Secure the vehicle (i.e., with the parking brake) to ensure no unwanted movement during the engine removal process.

4. Operate Your Engine Hoist In A Safe Manner

  • Disconnect, store, and label all engine and transmission mounting bolts, as well as connections for hoses, wires, etc.  Take pictures, if it will help you.
  • Find a spot at the rear of the engine where you can attach the chain or lift slings you are using. This could be the exhaust manifold bolts, or any other location that you are sure can support the weight of your engine. Consult the owner’s manual for your vehicle for recommendations.
  • Find a spot at the front of the engine to attach the other end of the lift slings or chain. Align such that the engine stays level as you lift it and loose enough that you can connect to the hoist hook.
  • Center the hoist on the engine and connect your lift slings or chains to the hoist hook. Start raising the engine slowly (by pumping the hoist jack handle) to be sure everything in the engine bay is properly disconnected.
  • Keep pumping the handle until the engine is clear of the vehicle.
  • Move the hydraulic hoist slowly and carefully to where you want the engine to rest for maintenance purposes.
  • Word to the wise:  Do NOT get under the engine while it is being moved to the engine stand or blocks.  You are tempting fate if you do.
  • Slowly and carefully lower the engine onto the engine stand or blocks, by turning the bleed valve a little bit at a time.
  • Make sure the engine is properly secured in its holding device before removing the lift slings or chains.

Stay Alert – Don’t Get Hurt!

Hydraulic engine hoists are safe to operate and very effective in what they do for you, provided you follow this simple guide.

We offer a full range of products to suit your needs.  Contact us for more info.


Your Guide To Dynamic Resistors

Trains and the locomotives pulling them can weigh anywhere from 40 tons to 500 tons depending on the number of axles. And, as you can imagine, the heavier the train, the harder it is to slow it down.

It takes massive amounts of energy to slow down a heavy mechanical system.

Before dynamic braking systems, we used to apply mechanical force manually. Someone would run down to the end of each car and turn a wheel applying the brakes. This often didn’t work fast enough, and trains crashed.

Primarily since the advent of the diesel engine, we use more reliable systems to slow down mechanical systems.

Trains might be the most common example, but you’ll find dynamic braking systems in elevators and cranes too.

To help these systems to operate quickly, smoothly, and efficiently, engineers created dynamic resistors. Without resistors, these systems would be clunky and possibly dangerous.

Here are the various features and specifications of this all-important braking component.

1. What Does a Dynamic Resistor Do?  

There are two kinds of dynamic resistors. One is rheostatic or dissipating, and the other is regenerative.

Dissipating braking resistors essentially recycle kinetic energy and turn it into electrical energy. The energy in the case of trains comes in the form of heat.

This energy returns to the supply line where it overloads the circuit and slows down the mechanical system. This is a lot like using your manual transmission to help slow your car down a steep grade.

If the resistor is rheostatic, its main function is to cool the braking system. But even these resistors can become overheated forcing operators to revert to mechanical systems.

Often dynamic braking systems use both kinds of resistors.

Unfortunately, dynamic braking isn’t sufficient on its own to slow down a massive train. Most systems combine dynamic brakes with air brakes.

2. What Are the Advantages of Dynamic Braking?

Friction braking systems do work. On their own, they can stop a train. But on a steep grade, they’re less reliable.

The other problem with friction systems: they wear down faster.

Just like car brakes, mechanical brakes on a train eventually wear down. When adding the extra force from dynamic motors, you extend the life of the friction braking system.

Speed. That’s the most significant advantage of adding electrical braking to your system.

You slow down faster. But this also means you can push your train to go faster.

The second most significant advantage is cost. Not only will you use less energy to slow down the train, but you also won’t have to replace components like brake shoes.

Lastly, because you’re converting heat energy into electrical energy or dissipating heat through resistors, there is less chance of fire or failure. Mechanical brake systems cause too much heat when not assisted. This means your brakes are more likely to fail.

Dynamic Resistors Are Important

Dynamic resistors are incredibly crucial in train operation. You won’t likely find a contemporary locomotive without this kind of braking system installed.

If you’re in the market for rail parts, check out our store.

What You Need To Know About Dynamic Braking

To say that trains are large is a bit of an understatement. Everyone knows this, but what most people don’t know is that the average train weighs between 100 and 200 tons and generates 6000 to 7000 horsepower. ‘Large’ doesn’t even begin to cover it!

Are you stumped when trying to purchase parts to resupply a train? Or are you renovating one of these metal beasts?

You probably want some tips on how to generate enough force to power it. That’s where dynamic braking comes in.

Here, we’re going to tell you about dynamic braking and how it can work for you!

What Is Dynamic Braking?

Before you can learn how dynamic braking helps the train work, it’s first essential to understand what it is. Even though trains have been improving over the decades, dynamic braking has been constant throughout time. That’s how you know it’s a tried-and-true method!

The traction motors in the train are what slow it down and bring it to a stop. It doesn’t use any additional electricity to make the train stop, which is excellent for both utility and simplicity. Plus, the train can stop this way—no matter what speed it’s going or traction it has!

How Does It Work?

Trains use electricity to move along the tracks, and the conductor controls how the electricity works. For dynamic braking, the conductor pulls a lever that makes the electricity in the train distribute into the traction motors more. This helps control the heavy train when it slows down.

Dynamic braking is really safe for this reason. There’s a lot of control in where the train goes and how slowly and safely its stops are. Because of this, the train will not stop so abruptly or quickly as to injure someone or destroy goods in transit.

Click here to check out great prices and variety on the parts that will make dynamic braking possible.

Braking And Your Engine

The main engine in the popular Diesel locomotive is a cylindrical two-stroke engine. These are 760 cubic inches in volume, so a lot is going on in these monstrosities.

This generates a ton of power, of course, but the thing that makes it even more significant than it sounds? This is only one small part of the full engine.

As you can imagine, these engines are powerhouses. With 3200 horsepower, you can’t go wrong. This makes dynamic braking even better. More energy output from the train leads to greater control over its brakes!

Hit The Brakes!

Dynamic braking is a safe and easy way to make a train slow down and stop at the pace it’s supposed to. It’s also efficient because it redistributes the electricity that’s already in the train.

Now that you know all about how dynamic braking works visit our contact page to learn how you can implement this knowledge effectively in locomotive renovations.

All aboard!

How to Maintain Your Hoist Motor

Everyone feels like a little kid when walking near a crane. They’re like metal dinosaurs that build things.

It’s easy to lose that sense of a hoists’ majesty and awesomeness if you work around them all the time. And this can also have the dastardly effect of making you forget to maintain your hoist.

If not properly maintained, a hoist can be deadly. Crane-Related injuries kill about 71 workers a year.

Let’s keep you and your crew safe. Today we’re going to talk about how to keep that hoist motor running smoothly. Let’s break it down.

1. Hoist Motor Corrosion

Depending on the outdoor environment you’re working in, the elements will likely attack your motor. Often corrosion is rust. There are other kinds of corrosion, batteries being the other culprit.

Rust happens when metals oxidize. Unless metal has a protective coating, moisture and oxygen will react with the metal and cause rust.

When installing your crane or hoist, be aware of what parts of the motor will contact the elements. If it’s directly in the rain, you’re more likely to see rust develop.

When not using your motor, cover it. While most of the components should have a protective layer, either epoxy paint or plastic covering, you want to minimize weather impact.

There could be hidden damage to your motor. Be sure to disassemble what you can and thoroughly inspect your motor.

2. Run the Equipment Even When Not in Use

Just like airplanes are made to fly and will break down if not in use, cranes will break down if not operated.

Why? The heat from the motor evaporates excess moisture.

This will prevent corrosion as well.

Assign this task to someone on your crew. Or schedule a quick rundown on the equipment daily.

Run the crane for a least fifteen minutes a day. This will allow the motor to warm up sufficiently to cause excess moisture to evaporate.

3. Keep the Chain Clean and Lubricated

Most cranes use a chain to hoist objects into the air. If the chain gets rusty or dirty, it won’t roll through the mechanism well. Any extra resistance in the chain setup will wear on the motor.

How often should you clean your chain and lubricate it? Only once a year.

You’ll need to disassemble the housing before you can clean the chain. In busy operations, this could mean a whole day of lost productivity. Be sure to schedule this cleaning during slow seasons.

4. Regularly Inspect the Entire Hoist

OSHA requires certain standards when inspecting overhead hoists and gantry cranes on job sites. Most of these regulations touch on safety rather than merely crane function.

But you or your hoist operator should perform a quick visual inspection every time they use the equipment. This will ensure that any apparent corrosion, misalignments, and other problems get fixed early and often.

A full and in-depth inspection should happen once a month.

Respect Your Crane Hoist

Cranes are incredible machines. And if you don’t respect the machine, accidents are waiting to happen.

If you need someone to give a thorough hoist motor inspection, contact us.

How To Tell Its Time For Crane Brakes Maintenance

An accident on a work site is the worst thing that can happen. Not only can it be detrimental to a worker and their family, but it can lower morale for other employees. It can also be costly for the company.

Construction sites can be dangerous. 5,147 workers were killed while on-site in 2017.

There is an average of 42 worker deaths per year due to the use of cranes alone.

That’s why it’s essential to keep up with your crane brakes maintenance. Keep reading to find out how to tell if it’s time for you to check your crane brakes and why it’s important to perform routine checks.

What Are Crane Brakes?

Believe it or not, many components make up the different brakes used in cranes.

Good brakes used for trolly and bridge motions of a motor crane depend on what you’re looking for. DC Thruster Drum brakes, for example, have gained popularity due to their sliding torque tube and lowering valve.

Dual Caliper Disc Brakes have proven to be the safest option as they provide a balanced load.

Hoist brakes are indispensable to the safety and functionality of a crane. Magnetic disc, thruster, or drum brakes are used on the high-speed side of the crane for service duty. Caliper Disc brakes are used on the low-speed side of the crane and are used in the event of an emergency to stop a load from falling or the transmission from blowing.

What Part Should I Replace?

There are many components to a crane brake such as:

  • anchor plates
  • pads
  • shoes
  • friction discs
  • coils

For brakes to function correctly and safely, it might need something as simple as new brake pads.

How Can I Tell If It Needs Repair?

Do you hear a squeaking or screeching sound while you maneuver your crane? This means it’s time to check your brakes and some parts probably need to be replaced.

Are things looking rusty? Aside from equipment use, it’s the wear and tear that comes from weather that causes machinery to break down over time. If there’s any sign of rust or noticeable wear, your brakes might need repair.

Are movements not as smooth? If you notice that your crane’s movements aren’t as smooth as they were before, your pads might need to be replaced.

What happens when you do a brakes testing? Perform a brakes test regularly to make sure components are working as they should be.

What Can I Do to Prevent Repair?

Don’t overload your crane. Overloading it could cause parts to break, and will compromise the safety of your workers. While it might be tempting to save time by overloading in the short run, it’s not worth the costs and incidents that could occur as a result in the long run.

Carry out regular inspections of your crane to avoid any failure. And make sure that the crane you purchase or use is specific to the type of job you plan to use it for. If you only need to move something up and down, a hoist motor is all you’ll need. But for heavy lifting in all directions, finding the right crane is essential to the success and safety of your job.

Click here for more tips on how to avoid a massive crane failure.

The Importance of Crane Brakes Maintenance

You don’t want to wait until you hear a loud screech to check the brakes of your crane.

For maximum efficiency of your equipment and the safety of workers, it’s a necessity to keep up with crane brakes maintenance.

If you need a part, we can get it for you in an emergency. We can also answer any questions you may have about crane brake maintenance and your rights as an owner.

Contact us today to stay informed, stay safe, and get anything you need for your equipment.

Hydraulic and Metal: Picking and Maintaining Different Types of Clamps

Hydraulics have been a part of manufacturing since the 1880s when a hydraulic system was first used to drive machinery in London factories.

Hydraulic systems can apply constant and highly controllable pressure almost instantly. This makes hydraulics ideal for clamping and workholding purposes.

There are numerous types of hydraulic clamps. Each has its own benefits in particular workholding situations.

So read on as we take a look at some of the most popular types of clamps and how to keep them maintained.

Cylinder Clamps

Cylinder clamps look exactly as you would expect.

The piston is located within a cylindrical housing. The body of the cylindrical housing will often be threaded, making it easy fix in place. The hydraulics drive the piston against the work, applying a constant pressure to keep it in place.

Cylinder clamps are one of the most common types of hydraulic clamps. They come in two basic forms.

Single Acting

Single acting cylinder clamps can only drive the piston in one direction.

This piston is driven into place and held there with constant pressure. But it cannot be withdrawn again using hydraulic power. The piston will often retract with the use of a spring, which makes it slower to react. It also means less control.

These clamps are ideal for situations where the speed of releasing the clamp is unimportant.

Double Acting

Double acting cylinder clamps use hydraulic power to drive the piston both into place and back into the cylinder.

This offers far more precise control during the unclamping cycle. It is also vital when timing sequences are critical to the manufacturing process.

Double acting cylinder clamps are far more complex than single acting clamps. They are ideal for situations where you need more control over the speed and timing of the release.

Swing Clamps

Swing clamps operate by employing two separate motions.

First, the clamping arm will rotate through 90 degrees to position itself in the correct place. It will then clamp down on the work, holding it in location. When released, the clamp disengages and then swings back into its start position.

This leaves the work area completely free for new components to be loaded and unloaded. Swing clamps are ideal for situations where work is continually inserted and removed.

Maintaining Your Hydraulic Clamps

The key to maintaining your clamps is to act before there is an issue.

Preventative maintenance is essential. Keep your fixtures free from coolant when not in use and store them in a cool and dry environment. Be sure to flush your systems at least once per year as well as running an annual maintenance checkup.  

Are You Looking to Buy These Types of Clamps?

If you’re looking for these types of clamps or other hydraulic clamping system components, then you’re in the right place.

We offer a wide range of hydraulic clamps from leading manufacturers such as Enerpac, Vektek, and Monroe. We also offer a wide range of other industrial products such as brakes and clutches, industrial couplings, and torque limiters.

If you have any questions about the products that we offer or would like to discuss your machining and fabrication requirements, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Your Ultimate Motor Coupling Purchasing Guide

While there’s no set standard for how long any piece of equipment lasts, one of the best ways to ensure you get the most life out of anything is maintenance.

When you replace broken or worn components of your motor, like your motor coupling, you’ll find that your whole system lasts longer. If you’re willing to put in the work for replacing these components, your whole system will reward you with efficiency.

Here is what you need to know when you’re looking to buy a new coupling for your motor.

Figure Out The Size

When you’re looking to replace a motor coupling, especially one that worked well for some years, you need to make sure you order the right replacement. When looking to get the OEM part or the closest one to it, you need to figure out how to identify it to reorder it. This will help you maintain the life of your motor.

You’ll need to find out the horsepower of the motor and the RPM at the point of the coupling to identify the size. There is a specific shaft, and keyway size you need to make sure matches the old one.

Then check the shaft separation, also known as BSE, which is the distance between your two shaft ends. If you also know the type of driven equipment that you’re using it with, you’re all set.

How Are You Using It

Along with the size, you need to figure out the application factors which help you decide on a coupling. Not all couplings are created equally, even ones that are made to fit a specific type of motor.

You’ll need to know the operating temperature that you’re putting it under and any chemical exposure that you can expect. There are run cycle types, whether continuous or start-stop motors that make a difference. You’ll even need to account for space available for your couplings.

Figure out the misalignment handling requirements, and you’ll know which to get. There are angular, parallel, and axial misalignment possibilities and your coupling will be different depending on which one you have to account for.

Beware of Misalignment

When you’re looking at the rating for the coupling that you’re replacing, there is a number that relates to misalignment. Each coupling type will tell you how much is the maximum allowable misalignment you can have. If your coupling is set to be aligned at the maximum permissible misalignment, you need another coupling.

If you go beyond the allowance, then you’re going to see a severe drop in the life of your coupling. While you can’t precisely calculate the life of a coupling, the factor of misalignment is going to make a massive difference.

A New Motor Coupling Will Get You Back on Track

When your system has been giving you trouble, a motor coupling could be the only thing standing in the way of reaching peak efficiency. So long as you find the component that fits your system, you’ll be able to have a motor that works as if it were brand new.

If you need help in servicing and maintaining all of your equipment, check out our latest guide.

What’s Right for Your Load? AC Motor vs. DC Motor

Given that 70% of the time that we put into work gets wasted, a lot of that time is wasted because of the wrong tools. If you’re deciding on an AC motor vs. a DC motor, then you need to understand their applications better. One is better for one type of project while the other might be what you need for a project you haven’t considered using it for.

Here is everything you need to know about how motors impact your load.

Understanding Load Needs

When you’re operating equipment with a motor, it doesn’t always have a load attached. Sometimes the motor itself is doing all the work while the equipment is moved around by an operator.

When a motor is bearing a load or dragging an object around, it’s dealing with external resistance that takes mechanical energy. If you calculate how much real power your equipment has, the raw mechanical energy is going to be dragged down by your load. Some internal factors change how a motor works, but much of the change comes from external factors.

When a shaft rotates freely, then the only resistance you have to worry about is from internal factors.

When To Use AC motors

Alternating current motors don’t have a lot of the control that direct current motors have. However, with a frequency converter, an AC motor and DC motor vary, far less.

If you’re working on a project that doesn’t require a lot of stable motion in your motor, then you should use an AC motor. If fixed speed isn’t an absolute must, then an AC motor is fine. The only thing is that if you need to use your motor at a deficient speed, AC needs a certain frequency just to get started and could fluctuate as well.

For the best deal when it comes to performance and torque output, however, AC motors give you the best of both worlds. You’ll have a powerful and strong performance that doesn’t struggle with the resistance of loads. You could end up remaining at a steady pace in spite of a load.

When To Use DC Motors

Direct current motors are good for a lot of applications that AC motors aren’t prepared for. When you need more torque while starting your motor, you can get that high starting power with DC. They overcome the initial inertia that a load puts on a motor when it’s just getting started.

While you might require some versatility, AC won’t always cut it. You can modify DC motors much easier in both high power and low power applications.

When you need to deal with a project where your load is your priority, not precision, DC motors come in handy.

The AC Motor Vs. DC Motor Debate is Easy

When it comes to deciding between an AC motor vs. a DC motor, it all comes down to your load. Whatever is better for your load, that’s the motor to choose.

To keep your motors in good shape, follow our guide for equipment maintenance.