What Is An Industrial Cable Reel?

What is a cable reel and how can it benefit your operation? What is the right way to purchase the best reel?

The cable you use for your job needs the right transportation. Without a proper means of organization and storage, you can end up losing hundreds of hours on shipping and labor. It’s time you found a solution.

If you want to see how a cable reel can benefit your company, keep reading for the information you need to know. 

What is a Cable Reel?

Cable reels are various spools that carry different types of industrial wire. The main purpose of a cable reel is to organize and transport your cable and wiring. You can expect a cable reel to come in many sizes to fit your style of industry


Cable reels are configured based on transport needs and use. For instance, portable and collapsable reels are perfect for mobile use and easy storage. If you’re a traveling professional you’ll want a reel that can be easily broken down and reassembled for each job you complete. 

A live connection reel is for quick use, as you can use live connection even if the cable is left on the reel. 

When you’re shopping for the right reel, it’s important that you find a drum that matches your measurements and the purpose of your job. You can easily suit a reel to a given job by searching for reels in your specific field. For example, if your operation is looking for cranes, you’ll want a crane cable reel for the job. 

What Are Your Options?

When you’re addressing your options for cable reels you’ll need to start with cable options then start looking at drums. If you’re searching for fiber optic cable, you may need a large drum to support a given electrical job. If you’re operating a crane, you’ll end up buying heavier and longer cable. 

The reel structure also depends on your purpose. For instance, there are many wooden reels that will not withstand the weight of your operation. If you’re having trouble figuring out which equipment to buy, you can use this simple formula: decide the expectation of a given job, match your materials, then optimize cost. 

This formula will account for industry requirements, proper resources, and the cheapest way to purchase any given reel. It’s sometimes encouraged to upgrade your reel with new materials, especially in fields like crane modernization

How to Make it in Your Industry

The cable reel can be useful for almost any industry. If your operation handles tons of cable every day, there is sometimes no better method for organization and storage than a reliable reel. Of course, a reel is just one of many types of products that can help you make it in your industry. 

If you need cutting edge equipment, maintenance technology, or to simply resupply your materials, it’s time you found the right source. 

Your next step to action is a click away. Go ahead and check out our products and services for your industry needs. Start growing your operation today! 

3 Main Benefits Of Molded Friction Material

You’re trying to decide what type of parts you need for your industrial brake system. You have specific needs and want to make sure you’re getting the highest quality for your dollar.

If you’re ready for an upgrade, you need to check out molded friction material for your brake system parts. Keep reading to learn about friction material and the top 3 benefits of choosing molded friction material for your industrial applications. 

What Is Friction Material?

Friction material is what it sounds like; a material used in any application where the inherent friction of the material is used for a specific purpose.

One area that friction material is used is in the making of brake pads. The brakes pads exhibit inherent friction that slows or stops the vehicle when the brakes are applied. 

Types of Friction Material

Common examples of friction material include woven, molded, carbon, Kevlar, sintered metal, and ceramic. 

Friction materials are most typically characterized by the type of binder used in the production of the material. Some common types of binders are phenolic resins, metal sintered materials, carbon-ceramic materials, and carbon-carbon materials.

Applications of Friction Material

Depending on the variety of friction material, the friction coefficient will be different. The friction coefficient helps you determine which type of friction material is right for your application.  

Some standard options are organic or carbon-ceramic materials for automotive applications, metal sintered materials for railways and carbon-carbon materials for aircraft.  Molded materials are the top choice for heavy-duty industrial brake and clutch systems. 

3 Benefits of Molded Friction Material

Molded friction material is a popular choice for heavy-duty brake and clutch systems. Here are three reasons why you’ll want to opt for a molded friction material:

1. Wide Range of Friction Levels

Because molded friction material can come from a wide variety of methods – compression-molded, injection-molded, woven-molded hybrids, flexible-molded, etc. – you can achieve a wide range of friction coefficients from molded friction materials. 

This means that molded friction materials have a more extensive range of application options and can be specialized for exactly your application needs. 

2. Low Wear and Low Abrasion

Molded friction material does not abrade the mating material. This means that while you’ll get the friction you need to stop the vehicle, you won’t be unnecessarily wearing out the rotors with a highly abrasive brake pad. 

The molded friction material does not wear out quickly, so you’ll get the lifetime quality you paid for. 

3. Smooth and Consistent Friction

Molded friction material provides a smooth and consistent braking process. You won’t feel any jerking or grabbing in the brakes. The material is designed with even friction across the surface. 

Call Us Today for Custom Parts 

Now that you understand what molded friction material is and what the benefits of it are, you’re probably considering molded friction material for your next parts update.

When you’re ready to order your custom molded friction material, contact the professionals at Kor-Pak to get started.  

How To Check Industrial Brakes

The industrial brakes on any machine are easily one of the most critical parts of your equipment. You need the brakes to make sure the machine slows down or stops when those commands are required.

That being the case, if you don’t know when or how to check your brakes, you could end up experiencing a lot of problems in your place of work. It may even cost you a lot of money on repairs.

Obviously, you don’t want to have to go through all of that. The good news is that you don’t have to. With these simple techniques, you can learn how to check industrial brakes and keep your machines in pristine condition.

Read on to learn what it takes.

1. How to Check Industrial Brakes: Safety First

Before you check your brakes, you need to make sure your own safety is good to go. Otherwise, your machine won’t be the only thing that needs to be fixed.

Make sure that anything that powers the system is locked down or powered off. With electrical systems, that means you need to cut off the current that powers the machine to eliminate the chances of starting it up on accident.

All holds and fastenings should also be in place before you begin. Each machine works differently, so check with the user manual, so you know where to go.

2. Check the Hydraulic Oil

Everyone knows that when it comes to heavy-duty machines, the hydraulic oil is its lifeblood. That said, one of the first things you should check is the oil that powers the brakes.

If you believe that you’re experiencing problems with the brakes, take a look at the hydraulic oil levels in the machine. There’s an excellent chance that they may be low and need to be refilled.

The good news is that it doesn’t take much to make it happen. Buy the correct grade of hydraulic fluid (each machine has its own grade) and add the oil you need. Your equipment should be back up and running in no time.

3. Check Through the Mechanical Things

If the hydraulic oil didn’t do the job, it’s got to be a hardware problem. These aren’t as quick of a fix, but by finding out where the problem lies, you can make it a lot faster to get to the bottom of things.

Start your troubleshooting by knowing all the hardware parts of the brakes. Piston bolts, chain sprockets, and guides are just a few of the parts that you’ll find on generally any industrial machine and are the most likely to be the problem.

Once you locate the problem, most repairs are pretty straightforward when working on the brakes. Buy your part(s) and have them installed so that your machine can get back to work!

For All Your Industrial Needs

Now that you know how to check industrial brakes, you’ll want to know where to go if it’s time to replace them. Luckily for you, you won’t have to look any further.

Kor-Pak Corporation is dedicated to giving you and your company the best tools and services for the best price. We work in several different industries and sell industrial brakes, crane wheels, oil rig equipment, rail parts, and much more.

Give us a call whenever you’re ready to get the tools that you need. We look forward to serving you!


Your Guide To Industrial Brake Parts

The history of brakes is long. Over the decades, brake systems have been upgraded and changed many times to meet the new and demanding requirements of ever-evolving vehicles and road systems. 

Industrial brake parts and systems can be slightly more complicated than your regular old car system, but the necessary components remain the same across the board.

If you’re looking to educate yourself on essential industrial brake parts, keep reading! 

Industrial Brake Parts

Regardless of the type of brake system you have – industrial vs. standard, disk vs. drum – some components span the differences. Here’s a quick and easy break down of the individual parts that make up your industrial brake system: 

The Brake Pedal

The pedal is the portion of the brake system that is located inside the vehicle. 

When you apply the brake pedal, you activate the master cylinder.

The Master Cylinder

The master cylinder is a plunger. When you press the brake lever, you force brake fluid from the master cylinder into the brake line. 

When you release the brake pedal, the cylinder deactivates and returns to simply storing brake fluid until you press the pedal again. 

The Brake Lines

Your brake lines are usually made out of metal. They carry the brake fluid from the master cylinder down to your wheels.

The Rotors or Drums

Depending on whether your industrial equipment has disc or drum brakes, you will have either rotors or drums behind your wheels.

The rotors or drums are the part that the brake pad is one half of the friction interaction that stops your car. The brake pads rub against either the rotors or the drum to create enough friction to slow and stop your equipment.

The Brake Pads

The brake pads are the other side of the friction equation. The pads rub against the drums or rotors. They are made of composite materials, which gives them longevity over thousands of miles of driving. 

The Wheel Cylinders

As the brake fluid flows into the wheel portion of the brake system, the wheel cylinders are filled with fluid. The fluid either squeezes the disc brake pads inward or pushes the drum brake pads apart, depending on your system.

As the pads are pushed together or apart, they rub against either the rotors or drums, causing the industrial equipment to stop. 

Know Your Industrial Brake Parts

Although most industrial brake systems are either drum or disc brakes, other system types may have slightly more nuanced industrial brake parts. For instance, your crane may have storm or rail brakes

Now that you know all the parts of your brake system, you can more easily describe maintenance issues or pick repair parts. 

If you’re looking for more information on brake systems, or need to talk to a professional about repairs, contact us today!


3 Safety Maintenance Tips For Crane Chain Hoists

Over 104 million workdays are lost each year due to job-related injuries. Of those, about 26% were because of contact with objects or equipment. That’s a lot of missed workdays!

One of the best ways to prevent work-related injuries is by being safe and protected while you’re on the job. Knowing the ins and outs of the equipment you’re using can keep you safe and even save your life in some cases.

Crane chain hoists can be extremely dangerous if not operated properly. Keep reading to find out some of the best tips for staying safe while doing crane maintenance!

Crane Chain Safety 101

Crane chain hoist safety is manageable if you know what you’re doing. This means taking the time to learn everything about it before you start operating it. Here are some of the best things you can do.

1. Understand How It Operates

If you want to know how to fix or maintain any equipment, you need to know how every part functions. How can you correct or prevent something if you don’t know how it works? How can you inspect it if you don’t know all of the components that make it perform?

The most prevalent types of hoists found on a crane are hand chains, lever ratchets, and differentials. All of these use some kind of heavy-duty chain with a hook that allows easy movement of sizable objects. Make sure you service this regularly if you want to minimize the chance of any problems.

2. Clean and Lubricate the Chain

Weather can be a real problem if your crane chain hoist is located outside where it is vulnerable to things like rain and snow. When a metal chain is exposed to moisture, it can cause it to rust and deteriorate.

The more this happens, the more likely hood the chain will break. To avoid comprising the integrity of the chain, make sure to clean it consistently. To do this, you must take apart each piece to oil them.

3. Inspect and Look For Deterioration

Inspecting your equipment isn’t a recommendation. It’s an OSHA requirement. However, performing these regular inspections is critical in keeping your equipment running properly and keeping you and your employees safe.

Part of doing these inspections means looking for any signs of weakness or deterioration. If the chains or any part of the crane have been compromised, replace it immediately. Anytime you make any changes or do an inspection, always run tests before allowing it to be used again.

Better to Be Safe Than Sorry!

Taking proper care of your crane chain hoists is extremely important. Not only does it keep the crane running efficiently, but it also keeps you and your employees safe from injury and even death.

But crane chain hoists are not the only equipment you use in manufacturing. For all of your manufacturing parts needs, head to our website now!

4 Tips On Making the Right Industrial Equipment Purchase

The global construction equipment market size is estimated to be almost 90 billion dollars in the year 2020.

Taking care of equipment is not only essential for the productivity and life of a machine, but it’s also mandated to prevent injuries from misuse.

If you are due for a new part or new equipment, making an equipment purchase can be daunting because it’s expensive. Keep reading to uncover four tips that will aid in your decision-making.

1. Assess Why You Need It

What do you need your new purchase for? Is it to increase sales? Is it to drive productivity? Is it something you can wait on or something you can’t live without?

Are you able to upgrade or repair instead of buying something new altogether?

Figuring out the answers to these questions will help you determine how much you can spend, whether or not you want to rent instead of buying, and what kind of quality you’re looking for.

2. Shop Around Before You Commit

If you have time, check out some trade-shows so that you can look at different options before you commit. Ask around and research your suppliers. Ask for quotes and pricing so that you can compare your options.

Don’t let costs make or break your decisions. Things like a supplier’s reputation, what they’ll do for you after the sale, and warranties can be more beneficial for your business in the long run.

3. Think About the Training

If you’re thinking of purchasing something new altogether, remember that you’ll have to offer and implement extensive training so that your employees can adequately learn how to use the latest equipment.

Make sure your finances account for potential downtime and training costs.

If you can extend the life of your current equipment by upgrading or purchasing new parts, it may be better for business. That being said, if you’re looking to grow and you have the time and money to spare on training, don’t hesitate to buy what you know will be best for the future of your company.

4. Determine Whether You’ll Buy or Lease

If you’re looking at equipment that continues to be obsolete as new technology continues to reign, then leasing is probably your best bet. Depending on the terms and structure of your lease, you could save a lot or end up paying even more than if you made the purchase. 

Buying is an excellent option if you have the funds and are buying something that will serve your company well for years to come. Many companies offer to finance, and some even account for training costs.

Research Your Equipment Purchase Before You Make It

Whether it’s big or small, take the time to do your research and assess your business needs before you make an equipment purchase. It’s better to wait than to wish you made a different decision once it’s too late.

Do you have questions about what you should do or about different equipment? Give us a call or fill out the contact form and we’ll get back to you right away!

The Importance of Proper Maintenance of Construction Equipment

Maintaining your construction equipment is the most essential part of any contract. Without proper maintenance, your equipment will degrade over time until it no longer functions, or is unsafe to use. And if that happens, you’ll be out more than just some expensive tools.

Without equipment, you won’t be able to fulfill contracts or complete jobs. Properly maintained equipment is essential in keeping your business

Proper Maintenance Means Proper Work

The construction industry is a tough industry where only the strongest and capable survive. Nothing comes easy in it, and you have to work for everything from a contract to a project. And you should expect to put the same amount of effort into maintaining your equipment.

Since construction equipment often includes large, powerful machines capable of complex tasks, they also frequently get dirty. Engine emissions may muddle types of equipment’s inner workings, or oil may spill into places where it shouldn’t.

This means to maintain your construction equipment properly; you need to work on it. You may need to take components out or reach deep into the machine to clean it. You may also need to use specialized cleaning equipment to maintain it. Even if it’s a lot of work though, it’s vital to have equipment that works!

Maintaining Equipment Maintains Your Budget

Construction is about more than building up the world around you or scoring contracts; it’s also about building your business. Maintaining your equipment helps you do precisely that by avoiding costly repairs and making equipment last longer.

And when you don’t need to upgrade equipment or shell out cash for expensive repairs, you save money.

Your Most Important Job is to Stay Safe

Construction can be a dangerous industry. Whenever you use equipment designed to demolish or achieve feats of strength, you run the risk of that equipment malfunctioning. And if a drill or excavator malfunctions, the consequences can be fatal.

By correctly maintaining your equipment, you help keep everyone safe by identifying and addressing issues as they arise. Maintaining your equipment does more than prevent issues from developing. It also allows you to explore its inner workings and find problems before they cause more significant issues.

Make Sure to Maintain Your Construction Equipment

Proper maintenance of your construction equipment is more than just a smart move. It’s your responsibility; if you don’t maintain your equipment, you endanger the people who use it. Failing to maintain your construction equipment also risks your bottom line and your company as a whole.

It can be a lot of work to maintain your equipment, but it’s essential. And to make managing your equipment a little easier, use our website to find the parts you need to keep it running. We stock the highest-rated and safest parts that you can use to keep your equipment running safely and efficiently!

Tips for Maintaining Industrial Hydraulic Drill Systems

What if your hydraulic drill was actually drilling into your bottom line?

Hydraulic drill systems are the heart of many different businesses. However, for those businesses to turn a profit, it’s essential to maintain these drills so that they last a very long time while still maintaining worker safety.

Wondering what the best ways to maintain hydraulic drill systems are? Keep reading to uncover our top tips!

Plenty of “Fluids”

There are many ways to maintain hydraulic rig systems. However, an essential one is to keep everything well-lubricated.

Wear and tear from frequent drill use can dry up some of the existing fluids. Also, if you operate the drill in very hot areas, the weather may further dry out the drill.

Double-check the kinds of fluid and viscosity that your drill needs, and incorporate regular lubrication into your regular drill maintenance schedule.

The Connection “Sweet Spot”

Another important part of drill maintenance is tightening the connections. However, this maintenance aspect is easier said than done.

For example, you need to tighten the connections to avoid aeration. However, if you tighten them too much, you can damage the valve body. In turn, a damaged valve may result in a hydraulic system that is full of unwanted metal shavings.

So, how tight is “too tight?” The honest answer is that no two drilling systems are exactly alike. It might take a bit of trial and error to determine the process that works best for your employees.

Filter Changes

Let’s face it: a hydraulic driller is a complex piece of machinery. Therefore, it’s reasonable to conclude that the maintenance of this machinery is equally complex.

Fortunately, some of the best maintenance tips for drillers are the same as the essential tips for your household appliances. For example, you need to regularly change the driller filters to keep them operating at peak efficiency.

Additionally, you need to take the time to clean the driller’s strainers regularly. Between cleaning strainers and changing the filters, you can keep unwanted contaminants from negatively impacting the effectiveness and performance of the drill.

Seasons and Schedules

Our final maintenance tip is simple: you need to create a regular schedule of drill inspection and, if necessary, repair.

Employees should look out for things like excessive noise (a possible sign of air in the system or damaged machinery) and extreme heat (a possible sign of coolant failure, high system pressure, or damaged machinery).

It’s easy to miss some critical signs when you are not looking for them. Therefore, it’s essential to set a regular schedule of inspection and maintenance.

Remember that this schedule may need to change with the seasons. Your drill is likelier to overheat in the summer; you may need to increase your inspections during the hot season.

Don’t forget to request professional repairs as needed!

Hydraulic Drill Maintenance: The Bottom Line

Now you know the secrets to hydraulic drill maintenance. However, do you know who can help with the rest of your equipment?

We specialize in helping with the inspection, maintenance, and repair of industrial machinery. Contact us today to see how we can save your bottom line!

The Essentials of Cleaning Oil Rigs

The oil industry today is booming. Jobs and revenue in the industry increase each day.

Whether you own an oil rig or work on one, you know the importance of a clean oil rig. A clean oil rig goes beyond appearance, as it makes for more efficient operation and is essential in providing a safer workplace for employees.

Here is some information about cleaning oil rigs.

Pressure Washing Rigs

A fast and effective way to clean oil rigs is through pressure washing. This method involves hitting the rig with water with an extremely high level of pressure.

It’s an affordable way to clean the rig and gets the job done quickly and effectively. Research a few companies to find out if they incorporate chemicals into the pressure washing process.

Powerful chemicals made for oil rig cleaning can cut through sludge and grease to make the rig look brand new and ultimately safer.

Pressure washing is one of the easiest and quickest ways to clean grease and oil-based mud. Depending on your particular company, you may be required to pressure wash the rigs yourself. Look into prices for equipment, so you’ll have what you need on standby.

How to Clean Oil Rigs with Chemicals

Chemicals are also an effective way to get rid of deep layers of left-behind dirt and debris. These industrial chemicals work as a degreaser and a solvent to get rid of excess grime, dirt, and oil.

The chemicals make cleanup effortless since they’re highly effective at removing caked-on debris. You can also use them throughout your location, including on walkways and other equipment.

Always make sure that you safely handle chemicals. When in doubt, hire a professional company that can apply the chemicals for you and does so in a responsible manner. They should also understand the potential environmental impact.

These potent chemicals usually come in large containers and should work with both hot and cold water. Integrate them into your steam cleaning procedures to get an even faster result. 

Industrial cleaning chemicals work well for offshore and inland oil rigs as well as in engines, throughout shipyards, and even on boat decks and trucks. Contact a distributor to find out more about pricing and reordering schedules, so your facility stays clean throughout the year.

Cleaning Oil Rigs is Easy with the Right Tools

Whether you choose to use power washing or chemicals, knowing how to clean oil rigs will keep your facility safe and clean. These methods can help clean your rigs, so they run efficiently and provide a safer place for everyone to work.

Visit our website for an extensive catalog of products and services geared toward the oil and gas industry, agriculture, mining, and more.

Everything You Need to Know About Mud Tanks

Mud tanks are an integral part of oil rigs. While these storage tanks are often overlooked, they have several essential functions.

However, what exactly is a mud tank? Read on to find out.

What Are Mud Tanks?

A mud tank is a sizable storage container, typically with an open top. In the past, people called it a mud pit because it used to be just a pit dug out of the earth. It’s used to hold drilling mud.

Mud tanks are constructed from welded-up steel plates and tubes. The bottom of the tank can either be square or cone-shaped. A tank can have several compartments.

For safety reasons, a catwalk with guard rails may be installed at the top of the container. This allows workers to inspect the drilling fluid without the danger of falling into it.

The Role of Mud

Drilling generates much heat from friction. Even small hand-held drills produce a lot of friction heat.

Now imagine a drill many times larger and spinning with more power digging through the earth. This is the case when drilling boreholes for oil and gas extraction or core sampling. The friction generated can cause severe damage to drilling equipment.

This is where drilling mud or drilling fluid serves a critical function. It acts as a lubricant to reduce friction and heat produced by drilling. It protects the drill and the hole formation from damage.

Another role of mud is to act as a carrier for materials that you’re trying to dig up. The materials are suspended in the mud, carried to the surface, and subsequently filtered out.

Drilling mud requires a special formulation taking into consideration factors such as viscosity and density. In fact, you’ll need the expertise of a mud engineer to determine the type of drilling mud suitable for your rig.

Active and Reserve

A mud tank is classified as either active or reserve. You can find many tanks in one oil rig. While the rig doesn’t use all the tanks at once, it does use several.

An active tank holds the mud that circulates during drilling. The number of active tanks depends on the volume of mud required to keep the hole full. It’s also vital that the amount of mud is sufficient for proper circulation.

An active tank can have different compartments with different roles. For example, the suction tank is where the pump picks up the mud that is used for the hole. The active tank can also have a chemical tank for mixing different chemicals and additives.

The reserve mud tank is not a part of the drilling process, but it has some critical functions. It can store excess mud and sometimes heavy mud for emergencies.

Crew members also use the reserve tank for mixing different types of mud.

Keep on Tanking

Every part of an oil rig is essential. Mud tanks are no exception; they are needed to make your oil rig run like clockwork.

Are you in the market for tanks and other oil rig equipment? Kor-Pak can provide you with quality parts such as brakes, friction materials, and hydraulic power units. Be sure to contact us.