What to Use for Corrosion Resistance On Industrial Machines

Corrosion is one of the most common and expensive issues manufacturers face. In fact, according to NACE, the direct cost of metallic corrosion is $276 billion in the U.S. annually.

Businesses that operate within the manufacturing industry that use metals and other friction materials can benefit from having a corrosion resistance solution. It pays to invest in suitable materials if you want to build or repair any machinery. That means products that offer corrosion resistance.

This article will look at some of the most popular options today. You will also know how they help protect your equipment from corrosion.


One of the simplest ways to protect against corrosion is with paint. Paint is primarily used to provide an aesthetically pleasing finish. Yet it also acts as a barrier between metal surfaces and corrosive elements and protects them from rusting or corroding.

The type of paint you choose depends on the material you cover. It also depends on the environmental elements it will be exposed to. For example, marine-grade paints are designed specifically for use near salt water.


Certain metals are naturally more resistant to corrosion than others. So using them in construction or manufacturing can help reduce the risk of corrosion-related damage over time. Many popular friction materials for corrosion resistance include aluminum, copper, and stainless steel.

Aluminum Alloys

Aluminum alloys are among the most popular materials used in corrosion-resistant applications. They contain a small number of other elements that improve their mechanical and physical properties. These alloys are strong and lightweight.

They make them ideal for machine components that endure a lot of wear and tear. They also have naturally occurring oxidation layers that form when exposed to air. This helps prevent further oxidation from taking place beneath the surface layer.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is another metal commonly used in corrosion-resistant applications. That’s because it doesn’t easily rust when exposed to oxygen and moisture.

Several types of stainless steel are available depending on your application. There are martensitic, austenitic, and ferritic. You can also use precipitation hardening, duplex, and ferritic-austenitic steels. Stainless steel is solid.

It can withstand extremely high temperatures without breaking down. It’s often used for components exposed to extreme conditions such as increased pressure or temperature changes, which makes it a perfect friction material for corrosion resistance.

Copper Alloys

Using copper alloys for a corrosion-resistant solution is a good option. Copper alloys are great for strength or flexibility. Copper alloys are also very ductile.

You can bend it into different shapes with relative ease. This makes them great for intricate parts like gears or pistons with complex shapes.


Another method of protecting against corrosion is through specialized coatings. This means galvanizing or electroplating your materials. These coatings form a protective layer over metal surfaces.

It prevents exposure to corrosive elements. Yet, it allows air and water vapor to pass through freely. Coatings come in various forms depending on the application.

Some are applied as liquids, while others are applied via electrochemical means. Like paint, you must choose them carefully.

This is due to the environment they will be exposed to. You should keep this in mind to ensure the most effective against corrosion.

Do You Need Corrosion Resistance Friction Material?

When choosing materials for corrosion resistance, many options are available. You want to select the option that meets your needs and budget requirements.

Paint provides an economical solution that you can easily apply by hand or machine. Metals such as stainless steel offer excellent protection. But, they may require more expensive fabrication processes.

Finally, coatings provide an extra layer of protection. This is without sacrificing airflow or water vapor permeability. You must be careful when choosing coating according to its intended use.

No matter which option you choose, taking proactive steps toward preventing corrosion can save your business from costly repairs down the line.

Kor-Pak is an industry leader helping companies in the manufacturing industry every day. Let us help you source the best tools and products to get the job done right. Contact us today to learn more!

3 Tips for Effective Port Crane Handling

Port cranes rated to lift 40-80 metric tons move millions of containers each day. Maritime work is hazardous, and it’s estimated that the risk of fatal accidents is around 1 in 1000 for port crane operators. Outside the cranes at ports, other workers are moving around the docks, ships, and trucks doing their jobs while the cranes are in motion, also putting them at risk. 

Companies can minimize risks and mitigate accidents by following safety protocols. Crane operators, owners, inspectors, and maintenance technicians share this responsibility. 

In this brief guide, we’ll cover the top three areas of focus that will help improve overall safety regarding port cranes. This information saves lives and improves productivity. 

1. Adequate Training

Port crane operators are more effective and efficient when their training goes beyond the functions of running the crane.

They should have a basic understanding of the crane’s mechanics and the roles of the people working below. This will help the operator understand what is likely to happen in unexpected events. It increases their ability to react correctly and potentially avoid disasters. 

Crane operators also need to know the rules and limitations of OSHA’s Marine Terminal Material Handling Equipment regulations.

It’s helpful to have as many people as possible understand the regulations, so they will notice when something is wrong at marine terminals or with port crane equipment. 

2. Port Crane Zone Awareness

Safety awareness must extend to everything and everyone in the immediate area of the port cranes and the marine terminal. The operator should have good habits of checking the surroundings before moving into action. 

Workers on the docks and at the marine terminal should be aware of the cranes in motion at all times and be on the lookout for dangers. They should know emergency stop signals and also see where the signaler is. 

3. Equipment Failure Prevention

Many port crane incidents, such as the collapse of ship-to-shore cranes in India, were likely avoidable. However, the actual cost of these incidents is often people’s lives, which is of utmost importance. 

The downtime cost of mechanical problems and equipment failure affects the port crane team, the businesses involved, and consumers. In addition, it contributes to current global supply chain problems. 

Additionally, it’s easier (and less costly) to manage preventative measures than to deal with a breakdown or malfunction. Inspections extend the life of your equipment and create a safer work environment. 

Put Inspections to Work for You

Follow the above guide for effective port crane use, and be sure that your inspections are happening at the correct intervals. Consistent and thorough inspections are necessary for safe and effective port crane equipment. OSHA requires this for a good reason. 

Whatever your inspections reveal, Kor-Pak Corporation is here to help with everything you need for your port crane or other industrial, marine terminal equipment. Contact us for a quote on parts or services today.

3 Reasons to Upgrade Your Farming Equipment

The costs of farming equipment vary widely, depending on the size of your operations, the types of crops or livestock you raise, and your chosen methods. However, one thing that doesn’t vary is that the cost of your agricultural equipment represents a major investment and a deep cut in your farm’s profits.

The average farm in the U.S. spends more than $180,000 a year on production. It can be difficult to decide how to spend that money and what equipment to buy. However, while expensive, investing in new equipment can have big payoffs.

Keep reading as we explore 3 reasons to upgrade your farming equipment.

1. Improve Productivity

One of the biggest reasons to upgrade your agriculture equipment is the chance to improve your farm’s productivity. The agriculture industry has come a long way in the past few decades. Advancements in technology, such as GPS, robotics, and automation, have changed the way that common farm equipment operates.

If you’re still using outdated equipment for agriculture that lacks these and other modern innovations, you could be missing out on some big benefits.

Technology like GPS and automation can increase farmers’ output, better care for their animals, and even detect disease spread earlier than ever before. All of this adds up to greater productivity, fewer man-hours required, and more output than with outdated equipment.

2. Increase Safety

It’s no secret that farms can be dangerous workplaces. Recent studies suggest that the rate of annual accidents in the agriculture industry may be higher than previously expected. In 2019, more than 570 fatalities occurred in the industry, making it the most dangerous sector in the U.S.

However, with new equipment comes a chance to improve conditions and increase safety. In addition to getting rid of equipment that could be faulty or difficult to repair, upgrading to modern agricultural equipment is also a chance to enjoy modern safety features that can improve the overall well-being of your employees.

3. Greater Profits

With fewer accidents, fewer repairs and downtime, and greater productivity comes one major benefit; higher profits.

Upgrading your equipment for agriculture applications is a big investment. However, if that equipment can help you reduce the number of man-hours needed to get the job done, increase output, or reduce costly issues like disease spread, that investment can quickly pay for itself.

Upgrading Your Farming Equipment

Upgrading your farming equipment can help you to improve productivity, increase safety, and boost your farm’s bottom line.

While deciding to upgrade your equipment is a big investment, doing so can help you reap these and other benefits that can help you to recoup your costs in the coming years.

As an expert in agricultural equipment, Kor Pak can help you with upgrade parts and services. Contact us today to request a free quote.

Railroad Wear Parts: An Overview and Buyers Guide

Freight rail accounts for more long-distance ton-miles than any other mode of transportation. Freight and passenger rail traffic is a critical part of the transportation network. Keeping your railcars moving is essential to your business.

Replacing wear parts when needed is critical in maintaining your rolling stock. Learn more about railroad wearing parts and how to find the ones you need.

The Importance of Railroad Wear Parts

All equipment has parts that wear. Railroad applications involve severe service environments.

Rail components must withstand extreme temperatures, high impacts, and continuous vibration. In addition, locomotive wear parts require periodic repair or replacement.

Replacing railroad wear parts helps avoid costly downtime —  preventing minor problems from becoming more significant. In addition, it promotes safer operations.

Types of Wear Parts for the Rail Industry

Railroad wear parts fall into several categories, including friction wear parts, rubber parts, and pedestal liners. Other wear parts include springs, wheel chocks, coupler parts, and shims.

Friction Wear Parts

Friction wear parts include:

  • Equalizer seats
  • Vertical liners
  • Center plates
  • Wear pads
  • Wear plates
  • Brake shoes and pads
  • Snubbers

Wear parts are made from rigid or phenolic friction materials.

Rigid Friction Materials

Rigid non-asbestos molded blocks are a premium material for heavy-duty uses. They provide smooth, consistent friction with a wide range of friction levels.

Rigid friction materials have low wear and abrasion. They also offer excellent fade resistance.

Phenolic Friction Materials

Phenolic resin is another option for friction material. Thermosetting resins are cross-linked with hexamine. The resin can be enhanced with other polymeric or chemical modifiers.

Phenolic resins provide excellent heat resistance and adhesive performance. They have high mechanical strength.

Rubber Parts

Rubber parts have a variety of uses, such as:

  • Bolster stabilizers and end bumpers
  • Lateral bumpers
  • End of car diaphragms
  • Engine seals

These rail components are made from natural or synthetic rubber. Natural rubber comes from natural rubber latex.

Synthetic rubbers like Neoprene are manufactured. As a result, each type of synthetic rubber has its own specific performance characteristics.

Pedestal Liners

Pedestal liners can be made from manganese steel or a polymer material.

Manganese steel is a stainless steel alloy containing a higher percentage of manganese. It’s ideal for high-stress environments that could cause other types of steel to fail. In addition, it has a high impact and wear resistance level.

Polymer plastics are lighter than steel. As a result, they’re durable, have less friction, and can reduce noise and squealing.

Choosing the Right Wear Parts

Wear parts are essential for locomotives, freight cars, and passenger cars. Passenger railways include high-speed, intercity commuter trains, trams, and light rail. In addition, rolling stock has different needs based on its specific uses.

You can choose OEM or aftermarket wear parts. Aftermarket components from a reliable wear parts supplier can be more cost-effective than OEM.

However, you must verify that aftermarket parts will genuinely fit your vehicle. Important considerations include the dimensions and specifications of the wear parts you’re replacing.

An experienced wear parts supplier can help you optimize your components. As a result, you can use the suitable material where it performs best. This prolongs component life and reduces maintenance.

Work With a Specialized Rail Parts Supplier

Wear parts are essential for keeping your rolling stock performing its best. An experienced supplier can help ensure you get the best rail components for your application.

Kor-Pak is a trusted vendor with expertise in the rail industry. We provide durable, high-quality products to meet a wide range of specifications.

Kor-Pak manufactures and supplies OEM and aftermarket wear parts. Our components are compatible with most commonly-used rail brands. They undergo extensive testing and are used in passenger and freight applications worldwide.

Browse our catalog to find the wear parts you need.

How Kor-Pak Uses Reverse Engineering to Deliver Exceptional Components

The Roman Empire used reverse engineering to create hundreds of vessels in record time. They took apart one Carthaginian Quinquereme and used their learning to improve the design. Thus, they created a navy capable of overcoming the Carthaginians.

The process of reverse engineering is vital for mechanical progress. It goes beyond wartime uses, too. Kor-Pak uses the same reverse engineering processes to innovate components for various industries.

Read on to learn how reverse engineering is a leading factor in our dedication to quality and innovation.

What Is Reverse Engineering?

Reverse engineering is a process used to deduce the design and engineering capabilities of a particular object or system. Manufacturers can reverse engineer many systems, from auto parts to industrial brakes. It helps:

  • Improve upon old systems
  • Innovate new materials
  • Preserve legacy parts
  • Analyze part failure
  • Problem-solving and troubleshooting

In automotive parts manufacturing, reverse engineering analyzes existing auto components. By laying each part out by the pieces that comprise it, engineers understand what makes it tick. Then, they attempt to replicate or improve the design through deductive reasoning.

The reverse engineering process begins by examining an existing component. Engineers then take it apart to understand its physical characteristics and inner workings.

During this process, the engineers examine two key elements. First, is the materials used to make a component. Second is the methods by which they were fashioned together.

Once they’ve deduced these elements, they can begin synthesizing ways to replicate them. But they may also consider improving upon the component. Through rigorous research and development, they may reverse engineer a part better than the original.

Using reverse engineering, we’ve produced innovative, high-quality steel components tailored to industry standards. We deliver exceptional parts by analyzing and refining parts to meet demanding requirements.

How Kor-Pak Uses Reverse Engineering to Create Mechanical Components

Kor-Pak can reverse engineer custom parts for customers. Our expert engineers use this process to replicate existing components and synthesize new ones for various industries.

Our reverse engineering process begins with a detailed examination of the component. We inspect every detail of the part, such as:

  • Shape
  • Size
  • Materials
  • Purpose
  • Performance requirements

Once we understand its design, we can recreate it using computer-aided design (CAD) software. This 3D imaging can capture intricate geometries of the component for improved accuracy.

Once the 3D model is complete, we can make the part to the exact specifications. Our advanced machining techniques ensure that each component meets many industry standards, including:

  • Safety
  • Durability
  • Quality
  • Efficiency

Reverse engineering is the key to creating superior mechanical parts. Our reverse engineering process delivers components that exceed expectations. Thus, we ensure you get the parts you need quickly and efficiently.

Secure Component Design Services Today

Reverse engineering can help many technical and mechanical industries. You need quality, durable components from auto parts to industrial cranes and other sectors. Finding a trusted engineering firm will help.

At Kor-Pak, we’re dedicated to crafting custom components for our clients. We take the responsibility of delivering well-crafted, innovative products head-on. If you’re ready to collaborate with expert engineers on replicating or improving parts, contact Kor-Pak today.

Optimal Output: The Value of Wind Turbine Inspections

Did you know that wind energy produced nearly 400 billion kilowatt hours of power in 2021? With a number like that, it’s clear that wind energy is no longer a fad but a significant player in the energy industry. At the front line of wind energy are the wind turbines that generate the power, both land-based and off-shore. 

As with any mechanism, proper upkeep is essential. Unfortunately, repairing an ineffective turbine is difficult due to its height and cost, both in terms of maintenance specialists and having it not produce power. Read on to learn more about wind turbine inspection and its benefits.  

Benefits of Getting a Wind Turbine Inspection

There are many benefits to getting an inspection that produces financial and operational benefits. Some of these benefits include:

Prevent More Costly Wind Turbine Maintenance

By being proactive and getting an inspection ahead of time, the inspector may find a problem in its infancy. In addition, this could enable you to have proactive maintenance performed, which is less costly. 

Optimal Use of Turbine

A proactive inspection can shorten any downtime that a wind turbine experiences. This optimizes its productive ability. Considering that the average turbine produces at least 6 million kilowatt hours a year, any lost time is a significant energy loss.

Inspection Backed by Coverage

Some inspections are covered by a warranty, meaning that anything missed would be fixed free of charge. This can provide additional peace of mind. Before any inspection, you should ask about items like this.

What Should a Good Inspection Include?

A good turbine inspection covers all of the major wind turbine parts. These parts include:

Turbine Blades

When inspecting the blades, there should be both a surface and a subsurface inspection. On the surface, an inspector should look for cracks, erosion, and signs of being struck by a bird or lightning. The subsurface inspection is conducted through thermal imagining and ultrasound, trying to identify the same issues as the surface inspection.

Braking and Other Mechanical Systems

When reviewing the brakes and other mechanical systems of a wind turbine, an inspector will check functionality but also for signs of excessive wear and tear through visual and auditory methods. 


The nacelle is the protective housing for the wind turbine’s moving parts, including the gearbox, drive train, and brakes. With this component, the primary check is to ensure that structural integrity remains intact. In addition, an inspector should look for cracks and any damage that could result in snow or rain penetrating the systems.

Wind Turbine Inspection 

A good wind turbine inspection should rely on visual cues and use technology to see what the human eye can not. First, a turbine’s major parts are reviewed to determine any current or future problems.

Contact us so we can help.

3 Important Considerations When Replacing Drum Brakes

Drum brakes are typically replaced every six months. This makes them a low-maintenance, long-lasting product.

When they begin to suffer wear and tear, they become smaller, and new ones are required. But replacing drum brakes should be made easier when needed. Here, we’ll look at three questions to consider when replacing the brakes so that you can ensure they have great longevity.

Read on to learn more.

Is There Movement in the Drums?

When brake drums between the wheel get wedged in the wheel hub, they will stay in place much easier – they fit nicely onto the hub! But as time passes, rust begins to occur, and the brakes become more prominent, taking up more space.

This can cause the brake drums to catch the hub. To detach them and have new ones fitted, you need to remember the following:

  • Loosen the brake adjuster so that more space gets made between the brake drums and shoes
  • Two blots can enforce the drum from the hub, while at times, the brake drum components can become scratched
  • Hammers can cause the drum to blow, so you need to use them with caution

The right drum brakes manufacturers will ensure that they are sturdy, well-fitted, and ready to withstand pressure. That way, their longevity is expanded.

Are You Using the Right Equipment for the Job?

Many different tools are used for changing brake drums throughout the process. These include those involved in loosening and tightening tension springs, retainers or changing the placement of the adjuster. 

Always remember to use the right tools for the work!

Some of the primary and most valuable tools used include:

  • Channel-lock pliers
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Screwdrivers

They help finish the job quicker and more efficiently when brake you replace drums.

Do You Have the Correct Supplies?

Drum Brakes have spring unlockers that help unloosen the brakes. Cleaners and brushes help remove:

  • Dirt and dust
  • Oil and grease from the back plate
  • The wheel hub for replacement

Other Supplies That Help With Replacement

In addition, the following helps— an anti-seize lubricant used in just a few spots to make rust less likely to occur on the hub.

This makes the drum brakes simpler to remove and the brake shoe components on the back plate. But use only when needed and in small amounts so that fewer impurities remain.

Brake grease gets used to help put the adjuster back in place, reducing any additional dirt or grime.

Replacing Drum Brakes Is Made Easy With Our Solutions Today

When replacing drum brakes, remember the following: take the proper precautions to ensure there’s less movement in the brakes, use specialized tools for the job, and source the right supplies.

It’s time to get on board with one of the best industrial equipment manufacturers. Kor Pak is a drum brakes supplier that can help fulfill all your replacement needs. 

Call us now and we’ll help you sort your drum brake placements.

Freight Transportation: How Kor-Pak Keeps the Industry Moving

The freight transportation market grew to $28.66 billion in 2021.

The freight transportation industry relies on a vast range of elements, and one of the most crucial is transportation itself. Railcars need various high-quality parts to function, and Kor-Pak provides several.

Keep reading for a rundown of how Kor-Pak keeps the freight transportation industry moving.

Railcar Parts

Kor-Pak is a well-known railroad parts supplier. We manufacture and engineer various parts for freight cars (and passenger cars) for the railroad industry.

Friction Wear Parts

Railcar transport relies on a wide range of friction-wear parts. This includes things like:

  • Center plates
  • Equalizer seats
  • Vertical liners
  • Wear pads
  • Brake shoes/pads
  • Snubbers

We can custom-build these parts to a high degree of accuracy, ensuring they meet your needs. We also offer different materials, so we’ll have something suitable regardless of the applications.

Rubber Parts

Rubber can add extra friction to parts like brake pads when needed. It can also offer increased shock absorption. Some rubber parts we can manufacture include:

  • Motor mount
  • Bolster end bumper
  • Load leveling bushing
  • Lateral bumper
  • Rubber seals
  • End-of-car diaphragms

Again, various rubber types are available depending on the requirements and application. A consultation with our team is often the best way to determine the most suitable material for a job.

Other Parts

Many less common parts serve a range of rail applications. Some of these are pedestal liners, wheel chocks, coupler parts, shims, engine seals, and many more. In addition, our resources allow us to offer standard parts and make custom parts to order.

Getting Parts in Time

Railroad operations can take a toll on the parts and equipment used. In addition, wear and tear will cause things to degrade, so regular maintenance is crucial.

A proper maintenance schedule will help you determine what parts need replacing before they fail. Then, you can get in touch with us to let us know what you need. We’ll then be able to ensure you have the parts required before you run into any significant issues.

Value Added Services

At Kor-Pak, we go the extra mile to ensure the parts we supply are the best available.

We offer laser-cutting to produce incredibly accurate custom plate parts. We can use this service for multiple grades of steel.

When it comes to rubber parts, we use a range of techniques such as injection molding, extrusion molding, bonding, and fabric insertion. With these, we can produce almost any type of custom rubber part.

Freight Transportation With Kor-Pak

The freight transportation industry has become crucial for transporting goods worldwide. Parts like the ones we make at Kor-Pak are essential to keep things running. The quality of the parts we produce ensures they’re fit for purpose and will stand the test of time.

To find out more about our capabilities, contact us today.

Drum Brakes vs Disc Brakes: The Major Differences

Manufacturers account for 10.94% of US revenue. Because the manufacturing industry is so important, it’s essential that factories have all the heavy equipment they need to run smoothly.

Determining whether drum brakes vs. disc brakes are the right choice for each piece of machinery is a key step. Read on to learn more about these brake types and their applications.

What Are Drum Brakes?

Drum brakes feature a small round drum. It contains pistons as well as two brake shoes.

The drum rotates next to the wheels on a piece of heavy machinery, and the user can depress it. At this point, pressurized brake fluid enters the drum brake and makes the pistons push hard into the brake shoes.

The brake shoes subsequently push against the drum sides and create friction. The friction ultimately slows and stops the wheel’s spinning.

The Basics of Disc Brakes

Disc brakes also use friction to stop an industry machinery wheel from turning. However, their general makeup is different from that of a drum brake. 

A disc brake contains a brake caliper and two brake pads. It also has a flat metal rotor. This rotor spins simultaneously with the wheel that the brake is attached to.

The person operating the heavy equipment then turns on the brakes. At this point, the caliper squeezes the brake pads tightly onto the rotor. This puts a lot of friction against the rotor, and the wheel stops spinning as a result.

Drum Brakes vs. Disc Brakes: Core Differences

Drum brakes have the main advantage of being less expensive than disc brakes. However, they are not as good at dissipating heat as disc brakes are. They get hotter over time and will fade more quickly than disc brakes will.

Drum brakes are also not ideal for wetter areas. The liquid may pool inside the drum brakes if you are manufacturing in a facility with water or oil nearby. This isn’t dangerous, but it makes the brakes slower, so they perform worse.

Disc brakes have an advantage in both hot and wet conditions and are ideal because they do not lock up as easily. Their straightforward functionality means that they won’t lock up when you brake quickly or heavily. This is something that people who are looking for industrial brakes for heavy industrial equipment should think about.

However, drum brakes are a good choice for some applications. This is because of their larger friction contact area. They can provide more braking force than a disc brake of equal size. 

Drum brakes also generate less heat than disc brakes. If you are worried about a machine overheating, drum brakes may be the right choice.

Get Started With Kor-Pak

Now that you know the differences between drum brakes and disc brakes, it’s time to start. Our experts are dedicated to getting you high-quality industrial equipment that will make your manufacturing facility run more smoothly. Contact us to request a product or service quote or get more information.

How to Effectively Communicate During the Custom Manufacturing Process

There are different categories of products in the manufacturing industry. One is stock-made products, and the other is custom-manufacturing products. Yet to complete a manufacturing project, there is one thing of critical importance.

It’s more than just understanding a company’s project specifications and needs. You must effectively communicate during the manufacturing process.

Proper communication ensures the completion of your custom manufacturing projects. Therefore, it is essential to communicate from the beginning to avoid misunderstandings.

Here’s what you need to know about effective internal communication during the custom design process.

Create Design Goals

The first step in effective communication is to articulate your design goals clearly. What are you trying to achieve with this project? Are your performance requirements defined?

What are the end-use conditions of the finished product? Once you understand your design goals, you can communicate them to the Kor-Pak team. We will use this information to develop a proposal that meets your needs.

Be Clear and Concise

In custom manufacturing, it is easy to get lost in translation, especially when multiple people are involved in a project. This can include having many different specifications or materials for a project.

It’s essential to keep your communication as clear and concise as possible. This way, everyone involved knows precisly what they need to do. You want to provide as much detail as possible so there is no room for misinterpretation.

Avoiding misunderstandings during manufacturing can reduce mistakes, remove delays, and save money.

Provide Drawings and Sketches

In addition to verbal explanations, providing drawings or sketches of your desired outcome can help communicate your vision. For starters, it lets the production team understand your idea for your product.

It also allows them to see how you want your product to look, feel, and function. Drawings and sketches can give you an accurate quote for your custom manufacturing project.

An experienced team has many years of reading engineering drawings. The goal is to use your drawings and sketches to understand your requirements. The reason is that it will help everyone involved to communicate more effectively.

Set Realistic Budget Expectations

When starting a custom manufacturing project, you must be upfront about your budget. You also want to outline your project expectations. Finally, you want to understand how much the work will cost.

When you offer this information up front, you remove any surprises, and you’re more likely to be satisfied with the finished product.

You should also be clear about any changes or modifications you want to be made to the original design. This helps prevent any confusion later on during the manufacturing process.

Custom Manufacturing Projects Need Effective Communication

Ensure custom manufacturing projects are completed successfully by communicating effectively. Following the tips above, you can ensure that you properly convey your design goals.

At Kor-Pak, we pride ourselves on being a team that is easy to work with. We understand that communication is critical in the custom manufacturing process.

Let our team help you complete your manufacturing project the way you envisioned. Then, reach out to our team today to get started!