The Different Types of Brake Linings Material

Is it time for new brake linings?

With all the options out there, how do you decide which brake linings material to choose from?

Don’t worry. We’ll explain the different types of brake linings materials and help you discover which will best suit your needs.


Once upon a time, brake linings were made out of asbestos. Asbestos is a natural substance made of silicate minerals. It is heat resistant and provides excellent insulation. However, it is very harmful to humans.

Asbestos fibers cannot break down. So, if asbestos is inhaled or consumed, it damages the body over time leading to inflammation, scarring, diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cancer.

Luckily, today we have safe alternatives.

Non-asbestos, also called organic, brake linings on today’s market are made of various safe and natural materials including rubber, resin, Kevlar, and glass. There is little metal in non-asbestos brake linings which makes them less durable but quieter than metallic linings. Plus, they are not harmful to the environment.


Semi-metallic brake linings are made of up to 65% metals. They contain a mixture of metals, usually including brass, copper, iron, or steel. They also contain fillers and graphite lubricant.

Semi-metallic linings are the most durable. They will last longer than non-asbestos and can be more efficient than other types of brake materials. This is because the metallic composition helps remove heat from the rotor.

While they’re highly affordable, the downside to semi-metallic brake linings is they are noisier and create dust.


Ceramic brake linings are just as the name entails. They are made of ceramic, similar to pottery, and added copper fibers. They are the newest type of brake pads and used in most new high-performance vehicles.

Ceramic brake linings are lightweight and prevent metal-to-metal wear. They are the longest lasting, quietest (you can’t hear a thing), and the dust does not stick to the wheels or vehicle. They are easy on the rotor, too.

All of the benefits and novelty of ceramic brake linings make them the most expensive option on the market.

Which Brake Linings Material Should you Choose?

Deciding which type of brake linings materials is best for you will depend on your machinery needs and budget. Each variety of brake linings has its pros and cons. Think about your environment, machine, use, and longevity to help you decide.

Clean and quiet brake linings may not have as much bite in cold temperatures. More powerful brake linings may mean cleaning the brake dust every week.

Do you need brake linings that will hold up under a wide range of temperatures or have a high thermal threshold? If so, then semi-metallic may be the way to go.

Or does heat not matter and you’re looking for the most extended life-span? Then perhaps ceramic linings.

We’ve got you Covered

At Kor-Pak, we have all your industrial brake and clutch accessory needs, including brake linings materials. We also offer equipment installation and repair services.

Check out our brake products and contact us today to get started on your order.

What Are Industrial Brake Pads Made of?

When brake pads slam against high-speed disc rotors, it’s a marvel to think they don’t wear or tear much at all.

Really, it’s not the brake pad itself doing the work, but the brake lining, invented by auto genius Bertha Benz, that converts the kinetic energy to thermal.

This leads to the question: what are brake pads made of? What material can sustain this kind of heat?

The answer isn’t as simple as you might think.

In this article, we break down all the different materials that go into halting your vehicle (no pun intended).

The Early Days

In 1897, Herbert Frood was said to have created a sustainable kind of brake lining. This, of course, came after Bertha’s initial invention.

His innovation, however, was the asbestos brake pad.

The fibrous nature of the material gave it a heat-resistant property.

All following renovations of the brake pad followed suit: heat-resistant, water-resistant, and durable.

What Are Brake Pads Made Of? Purpose Matters

Apparently, for different kinds of jobs, you’re going to need different resources.

Some materials can sustain moisture better and live longer, whereas others don’t live as long, but provide gentle, smooth contact with a rotor.

Most racing brake pads are made out of full metal, being strong frictional material. Pretty much all of it is steel, fresh out the sintering process.

On the other hand, you’ll occasionally see some fully synthetic brake pads. Such linings are made out of high-boiling-point compounds, like:

  • cellulose
  • aramid
  • sintered glass

These aren’t typically the kind you want to buy, but they don’t fade quickly.

The commercial question, then, is between ceramic and semi-metallic brake pads.

Ceramic brake pads are usually made out of clay and porcelain which are attached to metal alloys with a binding agent.

The more aggressive brother, semi-metallic brake pads are usually compiled of flaky metals, interspersed with different alloys here and there.

The Why

Metallic and ceramic are the two kinds of brake pads you’ll most often see on the market.

Metallic brake pads are mostly used because they’re more aggressive, less expensive, and heavier duty.

The drawback to using mostly metal in your brake pads is that they’re often really loud and produce a lot of dust.

Not only that, they tend to wear a lot faster. That’s why it’s essential for racing vehicles to get new brake linings continually.

On the other hand, ceramic brake pads are usually better at taking the heat. They don’t wear down as quickly, and they won’t pack a punch on your rotors.

While ceramic pads do produce quite a bit of dust, it’s not as visible since the material itself is lighter.

Not to mention, they’re quiet as a mouse compared to entirely metallic brake pads.

Coming to a Complete Stop

Being informed about the what and why behind brake pads is extremely important to ensure you get the right tools for your job.

A simple, curious question like, “What are brake pads made of?” can increase your productivity tenfold. A little research can bring you exactly where you need to be.

And in this case, it has.

We have over 30 years of experience repairing and relining brake shoes and pads.

Have questions about what you’ve read here, or what you should be getting? Give us a call or drop us a message today. We’ll be happy to help you!

Signs You Need to Replace Your Industrial Drum Brakes

When’s the last time you checked your industrial drum brakes?

If the brakes on your machinery aren’t working, they can bring your entire production system to a halt, costing you huge amounts of money. That’s why it’s important to keep them in check with regular maintenance.

In this post, we’ll tell you how to do that. Read on to find out how to check drum brakes and what the tell-tale signs of failure are.

How to Check Drum Brakes for Damage

When you’re carrying out brake maintenance, these are the signs you should be looking out for.


Noise is one of the first signs of bad drum brakes.

They may come in the form of squeaks, scraping, grinding or screeching sounds.

These usually occur when brake shoes are worn down. When they’re worn down completely, brake discs and calipers will start to rub together, causing scratching and other damage. An accumulation of dust and dirt may also cause noises.

When your brakes are in use, listen out for any abnormal sounds. If you notice any, you may need to replace some parts. Do this as soon as possible to prevent any further damage.

Otherwise, you’ll have to spend time and money replacing other parts as well as your brake pads.

Less Response than Usual

If your drum brakes are working correctly, you should feel them respond by slowing your machinery as soon as you press down on the pedal, lever or button required.

If they’re beginning to wear down or fail, their responsiveness will start to wane. You’ll notice that their ability to slow things down will be reduced, and you may have to apply more force to get the desired effect.

This is one of the most common signs of brake failure in vehicles and with machinery, the same rule applies.


Do you feel as though certain parts of your machinery are pulling to one side when you operate the brakes?

This is a common sign of uneven wear on drum brakes. However, it could also be caused by problems with your brake fluid. Either way, it’s an easy fix. You’ll have to drain and adjust the brake fluid, replace the brake shoes, or perform a brake adjustment.


If you’re noticing vibration occurring when you apply your brakes, you should check the rotors immediately. This is a sign that they’ve become warped.

This happens when brakes have been used for long periods of time or with great force. During brake use, rotors are subjected to large amounts of friction and heat.

Over time, they’ll begin to warp out of shape. As a result, they won’t sit flush to the brake pads, and that’s what causes those vibrations.

Inspect and Replace Your Drum Brakes

If you’re experiencing any of the above problems, it’s time for some brake maintenance.

You may need to adjust them. However, if things are serious, you may need to replacement altogether.

If you’re not sure how to check drum brakes, maintain them or replace them, we’ve got you covered. Read our guide to installing and replacing drum brakes for all you need to know.

Eddy Current Brakes: How Do They Work and Where Are They Used?

Eddy current brakes are a unique braking system that has revolutionized modern machinery. Unlike regular brakes that use kinetic energy and heat energy to function, eddy current braking relies on electromagnetism.

Read our blog to learn more about the benefits of this electromagnetic brake.

What Are Eddy Current Brakes?

To understand eddy current brakes, you must first understand how regular brakes work. Regular brakes use friction to stop an object from moving. Every moving object has kinetic energy. To stop kinetic energy, brakes convert it into heat energy.

In a car, the hydraulics system is initiated by the brake pedal, which uses multiplied force and heat energy to stop the vehicle.

However, these brakes wear over time and with frequent use, begin to fade.

With electromagnetism, electric conductors pass through magnetic fields. In a magnetic braking system, the electrical current flows around the conductor to create heat energy.

How Does Electromagnetic Braking Stop Objects From Moving?

When the electric conductor starts moving current, two magnetic fields are created. One field works with the current; the other field works against it.

The first part of the magnetic field tries to slow it down, and the second part will absorb the object’s kinetic energy and start to slow it down as well.

There are two types of electromagnetic brakes: linear and circular.

Linear brakes are composed of a stationary element and a moving part. These types of brakes are commonly found on trains and roller coasters.

Both the tracks and the train/rollercoaster have metal built into them to react to each other.

As the objects move across the track, it keeps producing kinetic energy. The metal absorbs the energy and uses it to stop the train or rollercoaster when the brake is engaged.

Circular brakes have an electromagnetic component that is static or moving. The static circular brakes have a metal disc that produces eddy currents.

The moving circular brakes use electromagnetic coils and a wheel to create a magnetic force field for the eddy currents.

Is the Magnetic Braking System Becoming More Popular?

For years, engineers and scientists have experimented with eddy current brakes. Engineers like the fact that these brakes don’t require an intricate hydraulics system.

There are less moving parts in an eddy current braking system which makes them cheaper to make and easier to maintain.

Most engineers use copper, a relatively inexpensive metal, as the metal component.

As inexpensive and simple as the system is, it’s used to power some heavy machinery. As mentioned earlier, the braking system is common for trains and rollercoasters-two high-powered vehicles that weigh multiple tons.

They can also be found in gym equipment, industrial equipment, and recreational equipment.

The eddy current braking system is commonly used in power tools and other industrial equipment.

The emergency function in power tools and heavy machinery is powered by eddy current brakes. Once the shutoff button is engaged, the brakes bring the spinning metal pieces to a halt.

Time to Try A Magnetic Braking System

Are you interested in eddy current brakes? If so, we can help.

Contact us today to learn more about our braking systems.

Do You Need New Industrial Brake Hardware?

According to Joe McIsaac of Carlson Quality Brake Parts, “Most hardware is already removed when your pads and rotors are replaced, so it only takes a few extra minutes to install new hardware instead of replacing the old, worn parts,”

This has been a huge debate in the machine world, replace or keep old parts.

Here are just a few ways to tell when your brake hardware is going bad, and why it’s wiser to replace everything.

What Causes The Brake Hardware To Go Bad

No amount of lubricant or grease can make up for bad hardware. No matter how often you try to delay the inevitable.

You end up saving money in the end by simply replacing the hardware. A fresh set of hardware gains you horsepower and reduces drag.

Constant heating and cooling cause your springs and rattle clips to weaken. What you get as a result is excessive movement, binding, pulling warping uneven wear, and unwanted noise.

How Do You Know If They Need To Be Replaced

There are several factors that you need to take into account when deciding if you need to replace your brakes.

Your Production Has Changed Or Increased

Sometimes your production patterns change. This isn’t an unusual phenomenon, and when this happens, even your best equipment will need to change with it.

You might be required to add on weight and heavier materials that your equipment isn’t strong enough to handle.

Not only may you be adding more weight, but you may be adding to how much you use your machinery per hour.

All of these factors can cause your brakes to wear, and if they entirely give out, it may become very costly to fix the issue.

Replacement Parts May Become Fairly Difficult To Obtain

The older your machinery gets, the harder it becomes to find replacement parts. This is a nature of the beast.

If you keep putting off finding new parts, it may become more difficult and expensive to find them later on down the line.

In this case, it might be best to go ahead and replace all of your parts rather than just the breaks.

This ensures that you have your parts and you won’t have to kill yourself looking for them later.

You’re Having To Make Repairs Frequently

If you find you are continually making repairs, it might be time to replace the brake system.

If you have to keep doing repairs on your machines, it becomes more costly than just replacing the hardware because productivity dies when the machine is always down.

You might think a little grease might do the trick or keep putting it off, but replacing the Hardware is best in the end.

Replace the Parts Vs. Grease

Many think that a little grease rather than replacing the brakes is the best option. However, it is not.

Automotive labs have proven that replacing the parts rather than using grease to prolong the inevitable has increased performance and reduced brake noise by a large margin.

If you just keep trying to fix the old equipment with grease, your system will eventually give out and be more expensive to fix later.

Don’t Put Off Replacing Your Brake Hardware

When you put off replacing your brake hardware, you run the risk of destroying your whole system.

Trying to save money by not doing these replacements will just cost you more in the end. Look for signs and solve the problem before this happens.

For more information on brakes and machines, visit us here!


The Different Industrial Braking System Options

Motors, hoists, cranes, vehicles, and even wind turbines all have industrial braking systems as central components.

It’s key to understand the different types of brake calipers and brakes in your equipment. This way, you can easily identify problems and ensure quality maintenance.

Here is a short guide to the different types of industrial braking systems.

Brake Caliper Purpose

The purpose and function of brake calipers in a disc brake system are to slow the vehicle’s wheels by creating friction against the rotor.

The wheels attach to the rotor. By generating friction to the rotor, you apply friction to the wheels, thus slowing down the vehicle. This is how a brake caliper works.

Types of Brake Calipers

These are the different types of brake calipers that make up most industrial braking systems. They include pneumatic, hydraulic, and pneumatic spring-applied brakes.

They also include hydraulic spring-applied brakes and dual function mechanical/hydraulic brakes.

Industrial Braking Systems

Industrial braking systems come in some basic types listed below. Some vehicles and other equipment may have a combination of these types.

AC Disc Brakes

Electrohydraulic disc brake types FBT and FPT are spring-applied failsafe brakes. They act on a disc. Like AC Drum brakes, AC disc brakes release from the turbel, which is an electrohydraulic device.

The brake shoes on AC disc brakes have asbestos-free linings. The main shafts are stainless steel with self-lubricating bushes. Disc brakes also have a torque scale.

AC disc brakes have a self-adjusting system for arms and brake shoes. The design is symmetrical. Finally, they also have an eccentric transmission system, which makes them lighter, simpler, and require less maintenance.

AC Drum Brakes

Electrohydraulic drum brake types NAT, NDT, and NFT, are spring-applied, failsafe brakes that act on a drum. The brake releases via an electrohydraulic turbel. The turbel is a three-phase, AC electrohydraulic thruster.

In conventional models, the turbel is configured vertically (a linear shaft brake) or horizontally, as in the NDT-A models. The braking torque is adjustable, and the brake has an optional torque scale. With NDT-V models, the torque scale is standard.

The brakes have stainless steel shafts, and brake joints with self-lubricating bushes. The brake shoe linings are asbestos-free.

Some AC drum brakes have additional options, such as automatic lining wear adjustment and an open brake switch indicator. Other options include a lining wear detector, a hand-release lever, and reduced torque.

They may also have a pneumatic or hydraulic release, or progressive braking, made possible by a descent valve in the thruster.

DC Shunt Brakes

Electromagnetic drum brakes are brakes that work on a drum. They release by an electrically-applied spring. The brake releases through a DC-operated magnet.

Some manufacturers also offer mixed brake systems. They are a combination of the DC shunt and a hydraulic override pedal.

Emergency/Failsafe Brakes

NHCD series are the hydraulic emergency or failsafe brakes. They are spring-allied and hydraulically-released. NHCD brakes are for applications like cable drums and conveyors. A hydraulic unit must connect to them to work.

Each emergency brake has two half-calipers symmetrically mounted at each side of the disc’s central line. The springs determine the clamping force of the brake.

NHCD brakes can come with options that include an open brake switch indicator and a lining wear detector. They can also come with various sets of hoses and fittings as well as fixing bolts and brake brackets.

Questions About Industrial Brake Systems

This guide is only a basic overview. If you have more questions about industrial braking systems, please contact us.

Your Guide to the Industrial Disc Brake Caliper

Without the invention of the industrial disc brake caliper, many industries just wouldn’t be what they are today.

Industrial disc brakes are essential to the operation of a number of industrial applications.

Their function governs the operation of many sectors, including the agricultural, mining, energy, oil and marine, and manufacturing industries.

Industrial disc brakes are manufactured in many forms, each suited to their own application and industry.

To learn more about the various industrial disc brake calipers on the market today, this blog highlights it all.

Industrial Disc Brake Caliper Applications

No matter the industry or application, all caliper disc brakes work to achieve the same end goal: to slow, hold, or stop fast moving or heavy loads.

Some caliper disc brakes are designed to achieve this very quickly, while others work in slower motion.

Caliper disc brakes offer the ultimate safety solution and are designed to withstand extreme tension associated with dynamic braking.

Industrial disc calipers are capable of withstanding the most aggressive of conditions, extreme temperatures, locations, and volatile environments.

Some of the most common industrial applications for caliper disc brakes include:

  • Industrial manufacturing
  • Mining
  • Oil and gas extraction
  • Energy production
  • Entertainment
  • Shipping and transportation

As we mentioned, there are various different types of industrial disc brakes, some of the most commonly used include:

Mechanical Disc Brake Caliper

Mechanical disc brake calipers work at the most simple level of the braking system. They are generally operated by a lever, and require no external power source.

Mechanical brakes are most commonly found in common vehicles, such as your car, operated by a handbrake.

They are best-suited as a safe stopping mechanism within most industries.

Pneumatic Disc Brake Caliper

These caliper disc brakes are powered by compressed air, making it a highly popular braking system across many industries.

The source of power is readily available due to the fact that many industries make use of pneumatic compressors throughout their business.

This braking system is used to slow or bring rotating parts to a complete stop, operating at 70-120 PSI.

Hydraulic Disc Brake Caliper

The hydraulic disc braking system is powered by compressed fluid, known as hydraulic oil across many industries.

Hydraulic brakes operate under immense pressure and are best-suited to holding, stopping or tensioning extremely heavy or fast-moving machinery.

This is also known as high torque braking, and is most commonly used in the mining, oil and gas industries.

Spring Applied Disc Brake Caliper

Unlike a hydraulic braking system which uses direct pressure, this system uses a spring to apply direct pressure onto a moving part.

This system is also known as a ”fail-safe” braking and is highly common in industrial settings.

Stopping, slowing and braking is maintained by the braking system, until the spring is released and parts begin moving once again.

Dual Function Disc Brake Caliper

This dual function braking system combines both mechanical and hydraulic braking force onto a moving or rotating object.

Essentially, this system offers double the amount of braking torque.

However, some pieces of equipment will include separate bores for either the mechanical brake system or hydraulic brake system.

Looking For the Best Spare Parts in the Industry?

Whether you’re looking for a mechanical disc brake caliper or clutch and brake accessories, Kor-Pak supplies it all.

At Kor-Pak our goal is to minimize your downtime as a business, helping you repair, replace or refurbish equipment parts as and when needed.

Looking for a specific spare part for your machinery? Contact Kor-Pak for assistance.

A Guide to Custom Brake Shoes and Pads for High-Speed Rail Applications

Newer braking systems are in place to ensure the safety of people and freight with the advent of high-speed rail.

A strict policy of systems maintenance and replacement is necessary. Passenger and freight safety require it at the higher speeds. Regenerative braking is added to the standard automated pneumatic brake. This results in shorter braking distances.

When speeds are high, the energy of pneumatic braking is dissipated as heat. High heat applications require specialized custom brake shoes and parts. Read on for a quick rundown.

High-Speed Train Braking Systems

The high energy values of braking at high traffic speeds wear brake linings and discs far more than conventional rail speeds. High-speed trains use dynamic brakes. They don’t rely on direct friction force in combination with automated pneumatic brakes.

The electric brakes redirect high braking forces into the rail or stored for regenerative use. This includes dynamic and recuperative braking, eddy-current brakes, or hydro-dynamic brakes, etc. The high energy values of braking at high traffic speeds wear brake linings and discs far more than conventional rail speeds.

Remaining energy is absorbed by the conventional friction braking system and dissipated as heat. Technical specifications for different rail cars require brake shoes adjusted to each car. Custom brake shoes appropriate to the type of wear, speed, and conditions of use reduce the need to disassemble and change brakes frequently.

Custom Brake Shoes and Pads

Specifications for passenger cars detail the amount of air gap and brake pad that must remain. The technical documents also detail certain brands or their equivalent. Performance of brake disc pads must be suitable for the speeds,

duty, and performance.

Brake shoes must also be suitable for the speed, duty, and performance expected. Composition brake shoes 2 inches thick and of a size and type in general use are specified. Custom brake shoes of the appropriate thermal resistance will improve wear.

Freight and passenger applications require different types of shoes. Let one of our representatives walk you through low and high friction applications as well as tread conditioning shoes.

Right Products for Your Application

Kor-Pak has a large selection of friction materials to meet the requirements of almost any rail application. Kor-Pak meets the requirements of several major rail companies worldwide. High-performance parts such as equalizer seats, vertical liners, center plates, and various wear pads are part of the portfolio.

Kor-Pak carries Rigid Molded Friction Products and Phenolic Laminate Materials. We can make parts to meet almost all specifications and dimensions, including

  • Stainless steel wear plates
  • Custom brake shoes/pads for both high-speed and light rail applications
  • Snubbers for both new and old locomotives.
  • Wear pads for freight and passenger cars

We have experts on light rail and high-speed rail applications to assist you in choosing the right materials and meeting the right specs for your custom brake shoes and pads. Contact us today for more information.

How To Know When It’s Time To Replace Your Oil Rig Disc Brake Systems

The disc brake systems do the job of controlling the drawworks during operations. Over time, friction to the disc brake systems wears its components, which include the pads & blocks. This wear-and-tear can extend to the caliper, discs, and operating system.

Worn and faulty components aren’t only inefficient, they’re dangerous to personnel and machinery.

Maintenance during the duty cycle will keep the system performing to expected operations. But, there will be a time when it needs replacing. This article shares how to know when the time is right.

Disc Brake Systems: The Tell-Tale Signs They Need Replacing

With on-going maintenance, you will begin to notice signs of issues with your brake system. In fact, many brake systems will last throughout the life/duty cycle of the project; however, this varies. However, the harsh demands in the oil industry typically require regular changes compared to others.

Here are some of the signs the disc brake systems need replacing:

1. Wear Indicators are at Their End

Brake pads and blocks show interval wear from use. Indicators on these items provide signs they’re close to their duty cycle end. Maintenance and regular inspections of these areas will let you know when they are too worn; then the time has come for a replacement.

Brake systems will also need immediate replacing if damage occurs.

2. Modernizing to New Standards and Regulations

Many oil rigs have been in operation for decades. New standards and regulations have passed since their production. Many fleet operators will modernize and retrofit rigs to adapt to these advancements.

Maintenance and installation crews will use this time to replace critical components — including the brakes — with suitable, efficient replacements.

3. Erratic Performance

The braking system should always provide smooth operations with regular contact and usage. Inspections and replacements are essential if sliding speeds and stability become erratic.

Erratic performance may also extend to the torque performance.

4. Savings Positive

Retrofitting, replacing, or upgrading brake systems may provide an operational cost incentive. Large orders and service orders paid in bulk provide steep discounts — an action the company may leverage to cut costs.

A switch from the leg or aux brakes could provide lower maintenance costs efficiently shrinking overall costs. This places operation in a savings positive. The update also drives financial resources to other areas.

5. Reduced Weight and Footprint

Compared to counterparts, disc brake systems are lighter and have a smaller footprint. Space is limited on oil rigs. Swapping the brake system could open space for other components and resources.

6. Indicator Lights are Going Wild

It’s obvious the system needs changing if the indicators light up like the holidays. Maintenance should verify sensor readouts. But, these automatic warnings should provide enough ample evidence to decide.

Save on Costs, Use Kor-Pak Brakes

Oil production doesn’t slow down, nor should your brakes. Kor-Pak provides industry-leading drawworks disc brakes for standard and customized systems.

We are an OEM and distributor for heavy duty industrial braking systems. Our high-quality parts and service will help you meet your business objective. Get in touch to request a quote — or call (888) 256-7725 for all inquiries.


Do You Need New Storm Brakes?

If you were told that replacing the roof on your house would make it safer, would you do it?

If you were told that immediately moving out of your house was the only way to keep your family safe, would you do it?

Yes, you would. You wouldn’t even think twice about it.

Why isn’t it the same for your employees and storm brakes?

Storm brakes are used to lock something into place to prevent it from breaking. This prevents weather from damaging outdoor equipment. Without a storm brake, you could be negatively affecting the safety of your employees and your equipment.

Why Do I Need New Storm Brakes?

Great question. There are many theories on when you should replace your storm brakes, and it all depends on what kind of storm brakes you are talking about.

We can discuss the timeline of how often you should replace them, but here are the two most important reasons why you need new storm brakes in the first place.

1. Storm Brakes Protect Your Employees and Consumers

Being safe in the mining and construction industry is the number one goal. It doesn’t matter if you build a beautiful building if it isn’t safe to live in. Having these brakes as tools against seismic movements, retractable roofs, and weather threats is essential.

The brakes are used during the building process. They allow for bursts of wind to come in and not halt the building or mining. Updating the storm brakes often will ensure safety with the employees.

When you were questioned as to whether or not you were willing to risk your families safety, you immediately said no. These brakes allow for you to ensure your employees are safe while at work as well.

Risking their lives by not being cautious with your equipment is a mistake even if the likelihood of them getting insured is small.

2. To Protect Your Equipment

In 2017, the construction equipment market was estimated at 192 billion dollars. Equipment costs vary between industries, but with the construction industry using a lot of storm brakes, the maintenance of their equipment is crucial. A storm brake is meant not only to keep those using it safely but to keep the equipment from braking as well.

When playing the “What-If” scenario, what if you choose not replace the brakes after several years and a huge storm comes in. Not only are you putting your employees in danger, but you can damage all of your equipment in a matter of seconds.

Halting production each time a storm comes in so that you do not have to replace a storm brake is also not the answer (although it may sound easier). Just a small burst of wind that is unpredictable could break a thousand dollar piece of equipment.

Preventing Future Heartache

These are two fundamental reasons why replacing your storm brakes should be a yearly investment. It may seem like a pain, but you are preventing yourself from a lot of heartache in the future.

To learn more about how to spot a maintenance problem with your equipment, check out this article.